Chapter 25

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Two weeks had passed since Lauren had been admitted. She still refused to see anybody. Not even her family was able to get near her. Ally had tried, and Normani too, plus the obvious two girls but every single time was simply to no avail. Lauren was pretty groggy when she woke up, sleepy. But not alone, she discovered. The restraints were off too, thank god. "Hey sleepyhead." Camila smiled at the girl sadly, hopefully this wouldn't be too much of a shock, every other time she had been forced to leave by doctors from Lauren's order. Camila hoped to the Heavens and the Angels above this time would be different to the last. Lauren immediately turned the other way. "What part of 'go away' did you not understand for the last two weeks? You're a damn smart girl Camila, but suddenly you seem to have forgotten." Camila gulped. "I wanted to make sure you were okay Lauren, I love you. What happened to Camz? I've always been Camz to you." Lauren had looked at her for a brief second. "I don't know, why don't you tell me? Because I know that my Camz wouldn't do that to me. She wouldn't do that to her Lolo." Camila gulped. "Camz is really sorry..I know she just wanted to protect you." The Cubans voice quivered, it was such an awkward approach, but then Camila was awkward. It didn't really matter, if it would get through to Lauren, she didn't care in the slightest. "I trusted them." Lauren whispered in a hurt voice that made Camila's head spin. "You still can Lauren. They never wanted to hurt you, only keep you safe because, they didn't know they could do that themselves.." Lauren gulped and looked at Camila, in obvious pain, and Camila noticed her bloodshot eyes were blinking back even more tears. "I want Camz back, I really miss her." Lauren whispered sadly, so sadly Camila choked up. "She's sitting right next to you Lo-Lauren." Camila had to quickly correct herself nearly saying Lolo. "Will you let her help you? Can you put your trust in Camz again?" Lauren looked down, her effortlessly perfect green eyes glistening with tears. "Lolo wants a hug." She croaked. "Can I have Camz back?" Lauren's bottom lip quivered, she was on the edge of tears, looking up at the very hopeful Cuban. "Camz has been waiting for Lolo to say that." Camila whispered softly. Lauren sniffled and opened her arms, tightly hugging Camila, and Camila had never been so glad to see vulnerable Lauren in her life. "I love you Camzi." Lauren cried into her neck. "Shh it's okay, it's okay, I love you too Lolo." Lauren held onto her tightly, as if she was the most important thing in the whole world. To Lauren, she was. Camila kissed the side of Lauren's head and closed her eyes as she rested her head in her fiancé's neck safely. They were okay, they were back. "I wanna go home." Lauren cried. "And I want you to come home, We'll work to get you out of here. I know that Dinah especially will." Lauren stiffened at the sound of her best friend's name, Dinah had been blaming herself. It wasn't her fault at all. "You want to see her, don't you?" Camila smiled, Lauren nodded. "I'll go get her." Lauren held on tighter and sniffled. "Not yet, Lolo wants more cuddles.." She croaked, Camila knew it was more than that. "Lolo needs Camz. She needs her to tell her it's going to be okay." Camila nuzzled her head further into Lauren's neck in the hug. "Lolo, it will be. Everything will be okay, I swear on my life." Lauren took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm sorry I pushed all of you away, it's in my nature, I suppose." Camila hummed. "Sucky trait to have, but yeah it is." Lauren closed her eyes and nodded to herself. Camila was here for her even when she told her to leave, she always was there for her. No matter what, and Dinah was too. That was why they did that they did, the made the call for her. They did it because they loved Lauren so much, and she remembered that now. "Get Dinah, please. I need to see her, you were both doing the right thing." Camila cupped Lauren's face as she pulled out of the hug much to her fiancé's initial reluctance. "Camzi kiss Lolo now?" She pouted making Lauren crack a small smile, very small, but also visible. "Lolo thought she'd never ask." Lauren connected their lips and melted into the kiss. Lauren pulled away and motioned to the door for her to get her best friend. Camila shot her a smile and rounded the corner to where Dinah was sat. "Chancho? Is she okay? What went on in there?" Camila smiled. "I've seen Lauren.." Dinah's eyes dropped to her lap. "She wants to see you Cheechee." Dinah's eyes snapped up excitedly and the girl literally ran straight to Lauren's room. Lauren's eyes lit up at the sight of her best friend and quickly scrambled out of the bed to wrap her arms around her. "Oh my god Lauren." Dinah squeezed her eyes shut as she held her waist breathing heavily. Was this real? "I don't hate you Dinah I could never hate you." Lauren said in a reassuring voice, a voice like home. "I love you Dinah Jane, and I forgive you, I forgive both of you." The green eyed girl whispered into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Lauren, we were looking after you." Lauren nodded. "Yeah and I know that now. So please, don't blame yourself anymore." Dinah let out a sigh of relief. "You really forgive me?" Lauren nodded and pulled back from the hug, holding onto her hands. "Yes, I promise." Dinah smiled and nodded. "I am so glad to hear that." Lauren gave a fake half smile and sat on the bed. "Are you okay?" Dinah frowned, concern in her voice. Lauren hummed, "Sure." But the younger girl decided she didn't like that response at all. "Wow, convincing, Jauregui." She teased but Lauren didn't look up. "Can you go?" She whispered. Dinah frowned. "But you do forgive us, right?" Lauren nodded firmly. "Yes, of course. But I want to be alone now Di." "I can go." Dinah agreed and took one last look before she left. "How'd it go?" Camila looked up from her book when Dinah sat next to her. "I mean it went well, but then she then said she wanted to be alone, so, here I am." Camila chuckled. "Good to know that my company is so appreciated China, thank you." Dinah shot her a glare. "I didn't mean it like that and you know it." Camila giggled and closed her book. "I know, isn't it about time you left for work?" Camila noticed the time. "Yeah Mila, I was just thinking that. Stay here with her, won't you?" Camila nodded. "You say that as if I'd prefer to be anywhere else." Dinah gave her a look. "Shut up Chancho, you know you would rather be in bed." She smirked. "I'd always rather be in bed, I think sleep is incredibly valuable, don't you?" Dinah rubbed her eyes. "Yeah, and I wish I could actually get some. Anyway, I have my shift soon, see ya later Walz." Camila waved her friend off and returned to her book. She somehow had dozed off in the chair until she felt someone shake her awake. "Yo Camila, wake up." They shook her. "Hi, is that you there Manibear?" Camila mumbled as she blinked, adjusting to the light. "Wow. I am impressed Camila, you got it right." Camila giggled and rubbed at her eyes. "What are you doing up here?" Camila questioned. Normani looked so sweaty, "Ew, Mani where the hell were you at just now?" Normani hit her arm. "I was teaching a class for the last 5 hours, so you can shut your mouth kid." Camila had to suppress a laugh. "How's Lauren? Is she letting anyone see her yet?" Camila nodded gladly. "Yeah, well, I mean yes and no. Dinah and I saw her briefly earlier, but she said she wanted to be alone maybe 3 hours ago and no ones been in since." Normani hummed. "Can I try?" Camila shook her head. "No. I wish you could, but she's sleeping right now, they had to sedate her, again. She flipped out on a nurse, she went in fine, and came out a black eye." Normani's eyes widened. "Damn girl, didn't know she had it in her." Camila shrugged. "Well anyway Mani, Lauren isn't going to be awake till early morning they said." Normani nodded. "I see, in that case, do you wanna get out of here and get some food with the girls and I?" Camila grinned. "Please! I am literally gonna die of starvation in here." Normani laughed and lead her friend out to her car. "Hi Mila, decided to join us I see." Ally smiled. "Of course I mean, we're eating." Normani nudged her pointedly before capturing Ally's attention. "Can we go back to mine so I can change first? I don't wanna go to dinner all sweaty and disgusting." She cringed. "Sure thing." Ally laughed as she drove off. When they all got to Normani and Dinah's place, Dinah had just got home from work and to say that Dinah looked tired was an understatement. "Did you have a long day today babe?" Normani asked while changing, Dinah practically drooling at the sight of her nearly naked girlfriend, but she asked her a question so she had to stay focused. "Yeah, sort of." Dinah mumbled. "Are you okay? You look pretty out of it." Normani crouched in front of her girlfriend worriedly once she was fully dressed. "I had a pretty rough shift, they happen." Dinah shrugged. "I still can't believe they make you work so late, it should be like, illegal." Dinah hummed and rested her head in her the palms of her hands on her lap. "What's wrong?" The older girl questioned. "I don't want to talk about it, can we go to dinner now Mani?" Normani frowned with obvious concern, "Yes, we can, but we're talking about this later Dinah." Dinah nodded, linking their hands. "Sure, I don't mind but just not now, I'm more hungry than I am tired at the moment, but I'm fairly sure that'll catch up with me too later." Normani giggled and kissed her cheek. "C'mon, Mila and Ally are waiting in the car for us." Ally sighed with relief when the pair got in the car. "Finally. Gosh, Camila was annoying me for the past 20 minutes with her constant 'I'm hungry's. Can we go?" Dinah laughed while Camila let a gasp escape. "Ally! That's so mean!" The Cuban pouted. "That's also the truth!" Ally retorted playfully. "Okay, well let's go already, Mila isn't the only hungry one here Smalls." Ally held her hands up in defence and sped off to their nearest Diner. Through the meal, both Camila and Dinah seemed quiet, everyone had pretty much guessed Camila wanted to get back to Lauren soon. But Dinah, no one could really pinpoint why she was so reserved, it was unlike her to say the least. Normani rested a hand on her thigh warmly and Dinah looked at her, her eyes doing the talking. "Maybe we should head back, Camila wants to get back to Lauren and Dinah's had a long day, not to mention the fact I'm beat from dance class." Normani spoke up. "Yeah I'll ask for the bill, excuse me." Ally smiled shyly and got up to retrieve it. "I'm going to the bathroom, back in a second." Camila smiled, pulling her chair out and leaving the couple alone at the table. "How typical of those two." Normani chuckled, Dinah hummed in response, she wasn't really listening. "I can meet you back home if you want? I think Camila could use a lift back to the hospital and I kinda wanted to try and see Lauren too." Dinah nodded and got out some money to pay her part. "Sure. I'll see you later Mans." She mumbled, pecking her girlfriends lips. "Say hey to Lauren from me if you do see her." The older girl watched with a worried frown as Dinah practically ran out. "Is Dinah okay? She's acting weird." Ally frowned as she brought the bill back to the table for them to pay. Normani averted her eyes from the door and looked at Ally instead. "I don't know, I don't think so. I'll see what's up when I get home, she needs some time, I think." Camila got back from the bathroom and noticed the tension. "What'd I miss?" Normani shook her head. "Nothing, do you need a lift back to the hospital?" Camila gave a small nod, "If you don't mind, thanks Mani." Normani nodded and smiled at Ally reassuringly. "Don't worry I'll drop you home first, I know you got around by my car today." Ally nodded and gave a waiter their money for the meal. "Where's your car Ally?" Camila questioned. "Oh, Troy just took it to his parents, he'll be back tomorrow." Camila smiled, "You guys are cute, you know. It's 5 years soon, right?" Ally grinned at just the mention of it. "Yeah, that's right." Normani opened the door for them both before she got into the car. "So are you guys doing anything special for the occasion?" Ally huffed. "Troy says that he has something planned, but he won't tell me what it is." Camila laughed. "Aw, so he's surprising you?" Ally nodded. "Yeah, I mean it's nice, but he knows I hate surprises, they don't like me as much as I don't like them." Normani shrugged. "Not all surprises are bad, and Troy totally adores you Al, I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be something great." Ally nodded and her phone rung as if on cue, it was her boyfriend. "Hi Troy." She greeted him cheerily. "Hi babe, did you have a good day?" Ally giggled. "I did, the bakery was packed today, how was your day?" "Oh it was good, Mom and Dad say they miss you by the way. But they don't miss you more than I do of course." Ally laughed. "Tell them I miss them too, and I miss you too love. But you're back tomorrow." "Right. I can't wait to see you sweetheart." Ally blushed and looked down at her lap. "I know, me too." Troy laughed into the phone. "You paused, are you blushing Angel?" Ally pouted. "Nu uh!" "Oh, I can hear your smile through the phone little one, you are." Ally rolled her eyes at his teasing. "Shut up babe." "I wish I could stay and chat all night babe but I promised my little sister I would read her a story." Ally giggled. "That's nice of you, you're such a softy Troy." "Hey! Come on, there is nothing wrong with being a softy. Now I gotta go, I love you." "Love you too." "Sweet dreams." Ally smiled and said the same back. "Goodnight Troy, see you tomorrow!" Ally hung up and saw Normani in the mirror looking at her sweetly, Camila doing the same to the side of her. "You guys just love creeping." Camila shook her head fondly. "He's a keeper for sure Ally, don't let him go." Normani smiled before pulling up outside her house. "Thanks for the lift Manibear, see you soon!" Ally said as she got out the car. "Bye Mila, tell Lauren I said goodnight and I hope she's okay." Camila nodded to Ally and they both waited until Ally was inside before Normani drove away. "We're still in visiting hours right?" The older girl asked. "Yeah but I don't think they care anymore, Dinah and I were so insistent on staying they all gave up on Lauren's visitors." Camila laughed. "Back again, Miss Cabello?" Lauren's familiar doctor smiled at her fondly. "Yeah, and I have a friend with me. Can we see Lauren?" The doctor nodded. "Of course, Lauren isn't in the best of moods, the restraints are off though so she's glad about that." Camila and Normani gave him a polite before going to Lauren's room. "Lolo, hi, Normani's here too." Camila called chirpily. "The one and only." Normani flipped her hair as Lauren looked at the pair and smiled weakly. "You look pale mama, you okay?" Camila frowned as she felt her fiancé's forehead. "I just got back from chemo, they had to squeeze my session in tonight." Lauren replied sleepily. "I see, well that explains the sick buckets on the table." Normani noticed, Lauren gave a one syllable laugh, more being to humour her friend than the fact that it was barely funny. "Do you want us to go?" Camila asked sadly, Lauren shook her head. "I don't mind. How are Ally and Dinah?" Normani sat on the bed. "They both say hi, Ally is good, but.." Lauren frowned worriedly. "But? But what? Is Dinah alright?" Normani shrugged. "I don't think so, I don't know." Camila jumped in then. "She's been acting off all evening with us." Lauren hummed in thought. "Well, can I use one of your phones to call her now? The pricks took mine away." Normani laughed at use of language while Camila scolded her with the fake angry eyes. Lauren patted her head playfully and then rang Dinah's number. She waited but frowned with concern when it went to voicemail. "It went straight to voicemail, Dinah never has voicemail. She always answers, to me especially." Normani shrugged. "It's my phone, she said she had a long day, maybe she just went to bed." Normani reasoned. Lauren shook her head. "No, I don't like this." Lauren waved a nurse over. "Can I please go for a cigarette? I need some air." The nurse nodded and went back to her desk. "Lauren Michelle! Since when do you smoke?" Camila asked horrified as they sped down the corridor. "I don't, we're going to see Dinah." Camila's eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets. "What? Can you do that??" Lauren had to suppress a laugh. "Nope, but I'm still doing it anyway." Normani patted her on the back. "Atta girl." Camila crossed her arms. "This is technically an escape, maybe even kidnap." Lauren rolled her eyes, put an arm around Camila's shoulder and kissed her cheek. "Shut up Camz, this is for Dinah, not me. But I do miss the outside world, so this is kind of a bonus." Normani gave Lauren her coat and put the hood up to make it look like the pair weren't sneaking a 'mental' patient out of the hospital. "Are we all in and ready to go?" Normani asked, the two girls nodded. "Good, now just keep your head down until I say Lo." Camila huffed as she looked out the window on guard. "I still don't approve of this." "I still don't care." Lauren retorted, and Camila wanted to be mad, but Lauren sounded so happy to be out of there, so she just couldn't. "You're not feeling ill from the chemo, are you babe?" Camila asked and Lauren shook her head. "No, I feel fine." Normani was halfway into the main road when she gave Lauren the okay to sit up properly. "Open the window someone, I want to breathe in fresh air as opposed to chemicals and bleach for a change." Lauren made a distasteful face. "Dork." Camila giggled. "Yeah? You try staying inpatient with restraints so you literally can't move, it ain't fun Camila!" Normani picked up on the harshness in Lauren's voice and put on Lana Del Rey to ease her built up emotions. Lauren smiled softly and relaxed in her seat while Camila shifted uncomfortably in hers. "We're nearly at ours." Normani informed them, Lauren was practically bouncing in her seat in anticipation. Lauren was rather eager, nervous and restless, she hoped Dinah was okay. "You go up first, she's more likely to open up to you." Normani said in a very quiet voice as they entered the house. Lauren nodded and went up the stairs as quietly as she could and then opened the door. Sure enough, Dinah was awake and staring at the ceiling. "You didn't answer your phone." Was all Lauren had to say for Dinah to sit up in shock. "What the hell, how are you here right now?" Dinah questioned in a worried voice. "Never mind. It doesn't matter, I know something's wrong Dinah, please tell me." Lauren reached for her hand when she saw the girls eyes flit to her lap. "Did something happen at work?" Dinah only shrugged, which obviously meant yes. "Can you tell me what happened?" Dinah shook her head wildly. "Why not?" The Latina frowned. "I just can't." Dinah mumbled nervously, but Lauren wasn't having it, she did not escape a hospital to be shut out from her best friend who was quite possibly in trouble, maybe with herself. "Dinah that is not an answer, you know it." Dinah looked up at Lauren, gulping in fear. "Whatever it is you can tell me. Anything in the world." Lauren said in such a gentle, loving voice that Dinah's resolve broke and Lauren pulled her in for a hug knowingly. "What happened at work? Why are you acting like this?" Dinah took a deep breath and exhaled shakily. "My boss..he took advantage of me." Lauren pulled apart to look at her and nearly screamed. "What?!" Dinah flinched back and Normani came up the stairs hurriedly. "Is everything okay in here?" Lauren snapped her head to Normani. "No! Dinah's creep of a boss laid his fucking hands on her!" Lauren seethed as Normani pulled Dinah into her lap to comfort her shaking frame. "Shit, did you report him? I'll kill him!" Dinah shook her head fiercely. "No do not do that. It's okay, really." Normani scoffed. "I wouldn't call that okay Dinah Jane! He took advantage of my girlfriend. He forcefully laid his hands all over-" "Normani." Lauren warned her through gritted teeth. Normani's eyes flitted between Lauren and Dinah. "Ugh. Sorry, I'm just so goddamn mad at him." She raged, "I could probably beat him up and then plead insanity." Lauren tilted her head as she considered the idea. "You'd better not." Camila frowned as she entered the room and sat on Lauren's lap. "Well we have to do something." Lauren growled and Camila had to try and ignore how turned on she was. "I did report him, but I can't afford to quit. It's my only source of income and I need money." Dinah sighed. "We'll find you a new job as soon as we can Cheechee, but in the mean time are you really positive you can work with him?" Dinah nodded. "I don't see him too often, I'll be fine, I'll be absolutely fine." She whispered the last two parts to herself. "Oh Dinah." Lauren sighed and held her hand, giving it a light squeeze. "We should get you back to the hospital before they notice you're missing." Normani said in a concerned voice. "I want to sleep in a comfy bed for once. I'll go back in the morning, it's late." Lauren shrugged and lay down, cuddling up with Camila. "Oh sure! Y'all can stay the night!" Dinah laughed at them, making Normani smile at the sound. "Whatever, the bed is big enough for us." Dinah nodded and lay down, the four girls were all cuddling with each other. Dinah rested her head on Lauren's shoulder happily. "Thanks for breaking out to see me." Dinah whispered, Lauren smiled to herself. "Thanks for being honest with us about it." Dinah sighed contentedly and closed her eyes. "Night Lauren." "Goodnight Dinah."

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