Chapter 46

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"Camz, babe can we please reschedule my appointment? Dinah's really upset." Lauren said nervously. Camila nodded and got out her phone. "What's wrong? Do you know?" Lauren shook her head. "I don't think she wants to talk about it. Listen I've really gotta go back to her, can you and Mani stay scarce for a bit?" Camila nodded and Normani jumped on her back when she heard her name. "Wassup bitchessss?" "Get off. Dinah's upset and Lauren's taking care of her." Camila said to which Normani quickly got down off her back and tried to get to Dinah but Lauren grabbed her arm to stop her heading to the stairs. "She doesn't need interrogating Mani, I can handle her." "Are you sure Lo?" Lauren nodded reassuringly. "Yes." "Thanks." Normani smiled hesitantly. "Don't fret too much. I'll look after her, I promise." "I hope she's okay." Camila pouted. "I'll take care of it Camz." Lauren said and pecked her lips. "Di?" Lauren mumbled as she opened the door. Dinah looked up sorrowfully and held her arms out. "Lay down, go on." Lauren instructed and Dinah curled up quietly so Lauren could be the bigger spoon. "Normani's worried about you." Lauren mumbled into her ear. Dinah shrugged simply to which Lauren pulled her closer warmly. "I'm worried too." "I'm okay, honestly." Dinah insisted quietly. "Don't lie to me Dinah." Lauren huffed. "I know you said not to interfere but I love her, and I wanna be there." Normani said as she came in the room, sat down next to Dinah and stroked her hair soothingly. "Tell us what's wrong babe, it's okay." "Seth died." Dinah whispered. "Seth what?" Lauren gasped. "He was hit by a car last night." Dinah sniffled. "Baby, Dinah I'm so sorry." Normani said as Dinah laid her head in her lap when she had just started crying. Lauren took a deep breath in and shook her head to herself. No. Not Seth. She and Dinah watched that little boy grow up. They were there with him when he was in the incubator since the boy was so premature at birth. He was so tiny, he was so young. Lauren rubbed her best friend's back in a trance before she signalled for Camila to come in and join them, noticing that she was hovering outside the room. She must have been behind Normani. "Are you okay?" Camila whispered in her wife's ear. Lauren's bottom lip wobbled, which was an obvious no. Camila wrapped her arms around her wife and kissed her temple. "I just can't believe it." She whispered. "Lauren and I watched him grow up." Dinah said as she noticed her best friend in tears too. "L-Lauren? A-Are y-you okay?" Dinah asked in a shaky voice. Lauren shook her head into Camila's chest so Camila shook her head to Dinah since she was unable to see. "Hey I'm gonna take her home and give you two some space. You're probably tired." Dinah watched sadly as tears poured from her brown eyes. "See you later guys." Normani smiled gently. When they heard the front door shut, Dinah flinched at the sound. How could she lose her baby brother so soon into his life? It was all way too surreal. Normani wrapped her arms around her girlfriend from behind and Dinah fully collapsed into her tight hold. "I-I want my baby brother back!" She cried. "Shh shh I know DJ, I know you do." Normani soothed as she squeezed her tightly. The day passed by slowly for both of the couples. "Camzi I don't feel well." Lauren groaned from the bed at 2am. "Well I'm peeing Lauren and I can't do much from here!" Camila called back sleepily. "Come and cuddle!" Lauren whined. "¡Dame un segundo!" Camila shouted back and Lauren heard a flush. When Camila appeared in their room Lauren flashed her wife a cheesy smile to which Camila rolled her brown eyes, but smiled nevertheless. "Come in here, the bed is all warm and cosy." Lauren said. Camila smiled gently and kissed Lauren's forehead before cuddling into the green eyed girl's body. "I love you." She mumbled into her chest. "Thank you for loving me when I haven't loved me." Camila pouted. "I'm always happy to." "You know I love you too, don't you babe?" Lauren checked. "Always Lolo." "Good." "Oh do you still feel sick?" "It's easing off now. I got a bottle of water, it helped." Lauren replied in a sigh. "Get some rest Lo." Camila kissed her nose to which Lauren's scrunched it up and smiled. "Do you think Dinah's okay?" Lauren gulped. "She's probably asleep. Don't worry about Dinah." "I feel like I should, I might call her." "Lauren she's grieving." "Exactly, Camila. She needs me." "She has Normani." Camila said with a yawn. "Leave them be." "Mani's a heavy sleeper though, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Dinah is awake and too scared to wake her up." Camila sighed and tiredly rubbed her eyes. "Well then I guess..if you think it's the right thing for you to do, call her." She mumbled an agreement. Lauren kissed Camila's cheek and reached over for her phone. Dinah picked up on the second ring as Lauren expected her to, and she was most definitely crying her eyes out. "H-Hel-llo?" "Hey okay?" Lauren spoke gently. Camila frowned at the tone of Lauren's voice, of course her wife was right about Dinah, as usual. "I n-need y-you Lo." She crumbled. "Take some deep breaths okay Dinah? I'll be there soon." Dinah hung up but Lauren knew she understood. "Lauren you're too tired to drive." "So are you." "It's not practical babe, why don't you just go over there in the morning?" Camila suggested. "No she needs me now." Lauren protested. "Well what are you gonna do?" Camila huffed. "I'll call for a cab." "They'll take forever to get here, it's the middle of the night." Camila reminded her. "Fuck it I'll drive." "It's dangerous." "Whatever I'm a risk taker, I'll be fine. I'll text you when I get there Camz." Camila nodded reluctantly and kissed her lips. "Please be careful." "Of course I will." "I love you, stay safe." "I will." "And take care of my Cheechee." Camila pouted. "I'll do that too. Don't you worry." Lauren smiled sadly before she hurried downstairs in her pyjamas. The drive was long and boring, but her music woke her up. When she finally got to Dinah and Normani's place she texted Camila she had arrived safely at her destination before knocking on the door. Dinah opened the door with tears running down her cheeks, which to say the least was upsetting for Lauren, as well as unusual, because she wasn't at all used to her best friend crying in all the years she had known her. Lauren went inside and shut the door before wrapping her arms so tightly around Dinah. Dinah fisted her pyjama top and cried into her shoulder. Lauren tried to soothe her but Dinah was inconsolable. "I've got you Di." She whispered. "I-I'm so s-sorry for this." Dinah whimpered. "No, shh don't be." Lauren rubbed her back and mentally groaned when she saw Normani watching them from the top of the stairs. But she could hardly leave her now. "It's fine just go back to bed." Lauren mouthed to her friend, who nodded and trudged back to their room in the comforting knowledge her grieving girlfriend was in more than good hands. "Is Mila mad at me?" "Of course she's not, why would she be?" "I took you from her in the middle of the night." Dinah explained once Lauren sat them both down on the couch and Dinah rested her head in her lap. "She doesn't mind babe, she's worried about you. She wanted me to look after you." "She's really amazing." Dinah sniffled. "Yeah." Lauren smiled at the thought of her wife. "I know." "Uh.." Dinah trailed off hesitantly. "What's up?" Lauren asked gently as she stroke her fingers through her blonde locks. "Would you mind staying like this, here?" "Not at all." Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Dinah sighed and wiped her eyes as she opened the door. "What are you doing here?" "I couldn't sleep knowing that my Cheechee was upset." Camila pouted. Dinah smiled ever so slightly and Camila jumped up to give the girl a koala hug. Lauren smiled at the girls, Dinah was giggling. Camila was exactly what Dinah needed. "Thank you." She mouthed to her wife who winked and kissed Dinah's cheek. "I love you Mila." "I love you more." Camila smiled and nuzzled her head into her neck fondly. Lauren felt a headache coming on and went to the kitchen to find some pain medicine. "Top drawer Lauren." Dinah called out knowingly. "Thanks Dinah!" Lauren called back after she swallowed two tablets. "Aw..My favourite babes." Camila smiled and hugged the two girls on the couch before sitting in Lauren's lap. "Hmm, time to sleep I'd say." "I'm gonna go up to bed with Mani, you two can sleep in the guest room." "Thanks Cheechee." Camila yawned. "Goodnight Di." "Goodnight Lo, goodnight Mila." Camila nodded sleepily and Lauren had to push her up from her lap and drag her upstairs after Dinah. "Pst..Camz?" Lauren whispered softly. "Hm?" Camila
hummed. "I can't sleep." She sighed. "My head hurts." Camila pulled Lauren into her arms and Lauren instinctively laid her head on her chest to listen to her heartbeat while Camila's left hand moved to her head to stroke her hair so she'd fall asleep. "Try to relax babe. Ir a dormir la princesa." Camila whispered. "Mm, I love you." Lauren mumbled, a yawn following. "I love you too, wake me up if it hurts too much." "Okay." Lauren agreed. She hoped it wouldn't wake her up so she wouldn't have to wake Camila up. She was tired of pain.

SO MUCH DEATH -there's been quite a lot of death in my life recently so I guess it's kinda coming out in my writing..sorry

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