Flashback: First Kiss

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"Okay, it's been an entire week since your date, and you're telling me, you guys haven't kissed." Normani said in shock to Camila. "We did kiss! I told you, at the end of the date!" Camila insisted. "No! I mean like a proper kiss. That was just a soft little peck on the lips, it's like courtesy on a first date. It doesn't count." Normani replied, folding her arms for good measure. "What even is a proper kiss." "Come here, I'll show you." Camila's eyes widened. "No!" Normani raised her eyebrows. "Like no offence, but I want my first kiss to be with Lauren." "You want it to go right though?" "Well, yes, but-" "Camila," Normani laughed out. "I wasn't suggesting we kiss, I was going to show you a short video." Camila gave Normani a puzzled look. "You mean a kissing tutorial?" "Kind of." Normani shrugged. "Why are we friends when this is the kind of shit you show me for advice?" Camila huffed. "Why are we friends when you trip over everything and embarrass me, we'll never know, it's the way of the world. Now," Normani was cut off with a groan from Camila and licked her lips proudly. "I mean fine, if you don't want my help, I can take my services elsewhere-" "No! Mani I need your help I just, surely there's another way than a dumb video." "Unless you want to kiss these gorgeous lips I don't really see an alternative." Normani said simply. Camila sighed and went along with it. "Well, I guess it can't hurt to have a look." "Great!" Normani clapped and lifted the lid of her laptop, typing in a web search. Camila bit her bottom lip as she watched the video carefully. Normani had looked over at her once and had to stop herself from laughing at how concentrated she seemed. "So did you learn anything?" Camila shrugged to her best friend's question. "Okay, whatever, this failed, so just do what you did on your date and just let this Lauren take the lead." Camila nodded with a small sigh. "I'm scared, what if I screw it up?" "Mila," Normani sighed and put an arm around her shoulder. "you won't mess it up, I'm sure everything will be fine. Anyway, how do you know you're going to have your first kiss today?" "I just want to have it, it's been a while now and I want to take that step with Lauren." "You say that like you're about to be losing your virginities." Normani chuckled. "Mani! Take this seriously!" Camila frowned. "Alright, I am. I am taking it seriously. So how are you going to do it?" "What do you mean how?" "Like, how are you gonna get it to the point where you kiss? Have you planned anything?" "Um, not exactly." Camila mumbled, playing with her fingers. "Oh god." Normani laughed. "You need some help planning something?" "Yes please." Camila jumped at the chance. "What does she like that you like? What do you have in common?" "Tumblr..can we use that?" "Uh, maybe. Why don't you ask her to come to your house and you can just chill on tumblr or whatever, then I assume you'll end up talking and then bam, there's your moment." Normani smiled. Camila pulled her friend's face towards her, kissing her forehead dramatically. "You're a genius!" "I have my moments." Normani said nonchalantly, flipping her hair. "Yeah, yeah. Pass my phone so I can text her." Normani scanned her bed for Camila's phone while she mumbled, "So rude.." to herself. "Here you go." She handed it to Camila who immediately went onto Lauren's contact.

To Lauren:
Are you busy today?

From Lauren:
No, why?

To Lauren:
Come over to my house in half an hour and chill with me?

From Lauren:
Sounds good :)

"She's coming to my house in half an hour." Camila said, as if it was completely unexpected, even though she had just arranged it herself. "Okay..so do you need a lift home?" Normani smirked. "Yes, if you don't mind?" "Not at all, come on." Normani grabbed her car keys and started the car once Camila had gotten in. "Don't forget to answer the door yourself this time, don't torture the poor girl again like last week." Normani chuckled while Camila glared at her. "It was an accident!" "Uh huh, sure it was." Normani smirked. "I was doing some last minute touch ups on my makeup, I didn't know she was already there!" "Okay. Well anyway, I'd say it's time to scram now. Lauren will be here soon." Normani said as she pulled in to where Camila's house was. "Right, thanks for the lift, and the advice." Camila smiled and kissed her cheek. "You're the best Mani." "I know." Normani said proudly. "Bye." Camila laughed as she rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her. Normani waved before driving away. "Were you just out?" Camila screamed loudly at the sudden voice behind her. Lauren. Of course. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" "Yeah..yeah you're just early." "Yeah sorry 'bout that. I didn't think the traffic would be as light as it was." "No worries, come inside. As far as I know I'm the only one home, that's why I went out. I got lonely." She pouted at Lauren as she inserted the key into the door. Lauren ruffled the girl's hair teasingly. "Poor baby." "Shut up." Camila laughed, swatting her hand away and opening the door, stepping to the side so Lauren could follow her in. "Can I get you anything?" Camila asked. "No thanks, I ate before I came." "Okay, well then shall we go upstairs?" "Bit fast don't you think?" Lauren teased with a wink making Camila's face heat up while Lauren went ahead of her. The things you do to me Jauregui. "Camz! Come on, I'm alone up here!" Camila shook herself out of her thoughts and climbed the stairs. "Coming!" She called back, admittedly rushing. Camila opened her door and saw Lauren face planting her bed. "You good?" Camila smirked. "Your bed is really comfy." Lauren said, her words muffled into the pillow. Camila piled on top of Lauren and giggled. Lauren smiled and turned over underneath to girl so they were face to face. "Hi." Camila bit her lip. Lauren smiled, flicked her eyes down to her lips and back up to her eyes. "Hi." She whispered back. Camila thought this was the perfect time and connected their lips. Lauren kissed back gently and caressed her cheek. Camila sucked on Lauren's bottom lip and the girl sharply inhaled and pulled Camila closer, squeezing her ass as she did so. Camila didn't mind, in fact, she was loving it. Lauren asked for entrance with her tongue and Camila gladly gave it to her, when Camila ran out of breath she pulled away and let her face bury into Lauren's neck. "You okay Camz?" Camila nodded in response. "What was that for?" Lauren chuckled. "I just like you, and I wanted my first kiss to be with you." Camila confessed. "Aww.." Lauren cooed and kissed her temple. "I like you too."

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