Chapter 50

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Camila couldn't stop thinking about what her former employee had said about her, that she was an immigrant, she supposed that was fairly true. But to say she didn't belong there..she felt stupid for doubting it, but that's what she thought about all the way she drove home. She was crying by the time she got home and as she stuck the keys in the door, all she wanted was Lauren. She dropped the keys which was pretty much Camila's breaking point, she had had enough. She growled in irritation with all the events of that day and let out a sob. Lauren opened the door at the sound and enveloped Camila in a hug. "Was it bad? The 'situation' thing." Lauren clarified. "Was it bad?" Camila scoffed sarcastically but full of hurt. "It was terrible Lauren." Camila sniffled. "Okay then we'll talk about it. Come on, get in here." Lauren guided her inside, picked up Camila's keys and shut the door behind them. Camila cried her way through the events and Lauren rubbed her back soothingly. Finally she asked the question she meant to after she took care of her wife. "How's Mani doing?" "D-Dinah's looking after her." Camila sniffled. "L-Lauren?" "Hm?" Lauren asked gently. "Do I honestly belong here? Was she right about me?" Lauren pulled her into her side and rubbed her shoulder warmly. "No! Of course you belong here baby. Think of it this way, she's one, closed minded person in this messed up world, who's opinion is invalid, and additionally, completely misguided." Camila took a deep breath and nodded. "I gave Mani the day off, and even though I fired the person who caused this, I really don't wanna go in myself." She admitted. "In that case give yourself a day off too, we can stay in tomorrow too, watch some Netflix, eat some pizza and ice cream, just pig out." Lauren offered. "You have chemo tomorrow morning." Camila reminded her weakly to which Lauren pouted, but bounced back quickly. "I'll go with Ally, she offered earlier, it's at 8 in the morning so you can have a lie in and I'll wake you up when I get back." "You don't mind going without me?" Camila sniffled, Lauren moved the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead affectionately. "No, it's okay. You need to give yourself a break too Camz." "I'm not very good at that, am I?" Camila mumbled. "That's what I'm here for, to remind you that it's okay to slow things down when you forget." Lauren smiled making Camila smile slightly too. "Can we go to bed and watch SpongeBob?" "I mean I kinda wanted watch Law and Order SVU, but I guess I can watch it on catch up." Camila tilted her head. "What's that about?" "It's a show about the police department and the Special Victims Unit. I watched some earlier, it's really good. I think you'd like it too actually." Camila thought about it. "I'm down to watch it with you, I'm kinda interested now." She watched with a smile as Lauren's face lit up and giggled when she excitedly pulled her upstairs. "You're so excited, it's cute." Lauren kissed her and smiled into it. "Says the cutest girl on the planet." After the TV run of about three episodes was over, Camila surprised Lauren by engaging her in a make out session. Camila straddled her wife and started to kiss her jawline. "Camz," Lauren panted as she kissed her neck. "Babe what're you doing?" Camila smirked and pulled on Lauren's t-shirt to bring her closer to her body. "C-Camz I don't.." Camila frowned and pulled away to look at her. "Are you crying?" Lauren licked her lips and moved to sit up. "I just..n-not tonight, okay? I'm sorry." "Did I do something wrong?" Lauren shook her head. "No, not you." Camila but her lip, and then it clicked. "Were you having a bad day, like, thinking of Dinah's boss? What he did to you?" Lauren sniffled and nodded, not meeting Camila's eyes. "Oh. Is that why you left work earlier?" Lauren choked up as she tried to speak and Camila sat down next to her as fast as she could and pulled the girl into her chest. Lauren held Camila's arm as she was holding her head to her chest and cuddling her warmly. "Some days it's just hard." Lauren whispered. "It's okay babygirl, you're safe with me, and it'll get easier." Camila said gently. Lauren breathed in her vanilla scent and closed her eyes. Camila was right, and Lauren knew she was physically safe, but that didn't necessarily account for Lauren's mental state. "I'm sorry I couldn't-" Lauren started but Camila stopped her. "Hey, no. Don't you dare apologise for something that wasn't your fault-" "I-" "And don't you even think about saying it was again because I could carry this on forever, but I don't want you to hurt anymore than you already are." "I don't want to go and have stupid treatment tomorrow." "But you want to get better don't you?" Camila challenged. Lauren sighed, playing with Camila's bracelet on her wrist. "I'm tired of being sick. It sucks." Camila rested her head on her wife's and intertwined their hands at the chance. "I know, and yes it does." "I wish I never got fucking cancer, I just want normality. I want to go back in time, when we were that couple in high school that everyone knew would be together in several years time, to drinking God knows what every Friday night, and Saturday too if you got a lucky break with a hangover. I want to be able to get up in the early hours of the morning with the energy I used to. I want to be the Lauren before she got cancer. I want to be me, I want to go back Camz. I want that more than anything. I want you to fix it." "Fix it?" Camila asked. "You-you're amazing. It's like magic, you filled the void inside me the moment I met you, and you make everything seem okay, you make me smile and laugh and forget there are bad things in the world. Camz I want, I need you to fix this." Lauren cried at the last part. Camila blinked back her own tears sadly before kissing the top of her head. "I really can't fix that Lolo, I promise I would if I could baby." She felt Lauren take a deep breath and nod. "I know." She mumbled. "Lo?" "Mm?" "You know you said you wanted to go back?" Lauren looked up at her with adoration in her eyes. "Yeah." "Let's do some of the things we used to do, like back in high school and everything." Lauren smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'd like that." Camila smiled and just when Lauren thought they were going to sleep, Camila spoke up. "D'you ever think about.." "About..?" Lauren trailed awkwardly when Camila didn't finish her question. Lauren turned her head to get a better look at her wide when she got no reply. "Camz?" Camila's eyes were closed, of course she fell asleep. "I love you." Lauren mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek and then laying her head on Camila's chest. Since she tended to wake up first, Lauren was up before Camila. "Baby, I'm going out." Lauren whispered. Camila mumbled a sleepy "Okay Laur." and pecked her lips when her wife leant down. "See you in a bit Camzi." "Mhm." Camila hummed, burying her face in the pillow while Lauren went to the store. "Camila!" Camila groaned. "Five more minutes." "Camila!" "No shut up." She huffed. "Wake up Camila!!" Dinah shouted urgently, Camila opened her brown eyes. "Dinah?" Dinah looked like she'd been crying. "Dinah what is it? What's wrong?" Camila asked worriedly. Why was her friend in such a state? This was weird, even for Dinah. "S-Something's happened to Lauren." Camila shot up immediately. "What the fuck do you mean by that Dinah? What happened to her??" Dinah winced at her tone. "I-I don't know she just, I was there by chance at the store and I saw her and she just fainted right in front of me." "Well where is she now?" Camila asked hurriedly, grabbing a towel and some clothes. "M-Mani's gone with her to the hospital, I said I'd come and tell you and take you there." "Okay thanks! Wait downstairs. Give me 15 minutes!" Camila shouted as she ran full speed to the bathroom. Dinah bit her nails with worry and nearly jumped up when her girlfriend called her. "Mani?? Is Lauren alright??" "Listen to me babe it's gonna be fine, please calm down. She's just in an MRI, where are you and Mila?" "I'm waiting for her now, she's just taking a quick shower, then we'll be up there." "Don't rush so much you're in danger, she's not awake yet." Normani said in an ever warm but worried voice. Dinah could tell she was scared too. "What the fuck happened to her?" "I don't know, only Lauren can tell us when she wakes up." Dinah sighed and then Camila came downstairs with her wet hair in a bun and a hoodie and some sweatpants on. "Dinah quit standing around here, let's go!" "We're on our way Mani, keep us updated!" Dinah shouted as Camila opened the door. "Will do babe, drive safe!" Dinah hung up and hurried out to the car. Camila was bouncing her leg endlessly on the journey, and if Dinah wasn't so worried herself, she would have snapped at her to stop it. "What did Normani say?" "She said Lauren was having an MRI scan." Dinah said, without taking her eyes off the road ahead. "Is she awake yet?" "No." Dinah bit her lip. Camila whined and Dinah lay a hand on her knee. "Don't worry so much Walz, Lauren's strong." Camila took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "Are we nearly there?" Dinah turned a left and saw the hospital up ahead. "Uh huh." When Camila caught sight of her best friend she ran straight towards her hurriedly. "Hey guys." Normani said as she caught Camila in her arms. "How is she?" Dinah asked, out of breath and stroking her fingers through Camila's hair to calm her down. "Lauren hit her head, the MRI scan was clear, hopefully she'll wake up soon." Camila breathed a sigh of relief into Normani's chest. "Are you okay Mila?" Normani asked the girl warmly, pulling back from their hug and cupping Camila's cheeks in worry. Camila held Normani's hands, smiling slightly. "When she wakes up I will be, does anyone even know what happened to her?" Dinah pecked Normani's cheek affectionately as a greeting, Normani smiled before she shrugged. "We only saw her go down, maybe she felt dizzy. She gets that sometimes, doesn't she?" Camila nodded. "That's probably what it was." "Excuse me girls, your friend is awake." "Thank god." Dinah breathed. "I'll go in first, if that's okay?" Camila asked. "You're her wife, duh." Normani nudged her. "Duh-shut up." Camila mimicked. "Just go see your girl loser." Dinah pushed her into the room. "Mm, Cami?" Camila pouted in adoration, she hadn't heard Lauren call her that in a long time. Like, not since high school. "Hey baby, are you okay?" "My head hurts." Lauren groaned as she held her arms out for a hug. "What happened?" "I just wanted some Captain Crunch." Lauren huffed and Camila couldn't stop herself from laughing. "It's not funny!" Lauren whined. "It's a little funny, all this drama, and you wake up and say you just wanted some cereal." Camila giggled. "Well I did!" "I'll buy you some later babe." "Where's Dinah and Mani? I saw them." "Outside, you wanna see them?" Lauren nodded. "Norminah get your butts in here!" Camila called out. "Okay, never do that again." Dinah and Normani simultaneously smacked her shoulders. "Ow!" Lauren said matter of factly. "You scared us!" Dinah defended herself and her girlfriend. "Well sorry!" There was a short period of silence until Lauren sat up. "Did you get any Captain Crunch?"

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