Chapter 35

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Lauren didn't feel like waking up and getting out or bed this morning, she felt like absolute shit but she knew she had to help Camila interview more people, she'd promised her. "Camila?" Lauren called out around the house, but her missing wife was nowhere to be found no matter how hard she looked for her. However, a note was.

Hey. I've gone to work, don't bother to come in today, I didn't want to wake you. You looked like you barely slept. Normani and I will do the interviews. See you later, love you.
Camila x

Lauren stared at it and sighed. Is it any wonder Lauren she barely slept? Her wife wasn't there, she needed her, they needed each other. Suddenly, Lauren felt a wave of nausea and rushed into the bathroom to be sick. This cycle was continued for the next 15 minutes until she called for help. Lauren called her wife many times but Camila just wasn't picking up. So she called Dinah. "Can you get here?" She croaked. "I'm on my way." The Polynesian said, she didn't ask any questions, she knew better. Dinah knew from the sound of Lauren vomiting to go straight to the bathroom and knelt down beside her best friend, holding her hair up. "What happened? Where's Camila?" Lauren had to throw up again before she answered. "Work." "Why isn't she here?" "Good question." Lauren groaned as she leant her head on the toilet bowl. "Did you text her?" "Yes and I've called more times than I can count." Dinah looked at her best friend sympathetically. "She-She's not coming Dinah." Lauren whimpered, all Dinah could do for Lauren was rub her back and reassure her she was okay. It bothered her Camila wasn't in her place but Dinah wasn't about to turn Lauren down in her hour of need. When keys turned in the door Camila bounded in the bathroom and gasped. "I'm so sorry babe are you okay? My phone was off." Dinah scoffed. "Camila, do you know what time it is? You just got off work. You didn't rush come because you were worried, you just finished for the day." Dinah said bitterly. Lauren looked up at the Cuban miserably. "Was it worth it? Did you find them?" Camila nodded hesitantly as she moved closer. "Don't take another step Camila." Lauren said through gritted teeth. "Go to bed, let's see if you actually want to sleep in our bed tonight, huh." Lauren said bitterly. Camila wanted to say something, but not in front of Dinah. - Then speak of the devil: "Are you gonna be okay Lo?" "Yeah I think so, it's stopped for now." "For the last time I can drive you-" "No please, I don't want to go to hospital. Thank you for today, I owe you." "You really don't, but Camila might." Lauren sighed at her name. This was one of the rare times she dreaded seeing her. "Call me babe." Dinah said tiredly, washing her hands. "I will." Lauren mumbled. "Take care of yourself." "Thanks Di, let yourself out." Dinah did as she was told and prayed to God their couples talk would go well. Lauren pulled herself up from the floor when she heard the front door shut and took a shower. Taking a warm, big t shirt of Camila's from the cupboard underneath the sink for the few times like these and slipping it on over her wet hair. Camila was sat on the bed waiting nervously when Lauren came in. "Oh, what a surprise. You're actually in our room." Lauren started as she grabbed a hair tie. But when she took a better look at Camila, Lauren noticed she had a black eye. "Wh-Jesus what happened Camila?" Camila shook her head and stood up. "No. That's not important right now." "But-" "What's important is that I wasn't here for you." Lauren rolled her eyes. "I feel like you practised this speech while I was in the shower." Camila sighed. "Will you just hear me out?" "You know what? No! You should have heard me out! If you'd have just answered the phone when I called you like 15 times, and sent you only God knows how many texts then you would know I've been throwing up all. day. But you didn't come home to hold my hair back for me, Dinah did. You know she had a really important job interview today? She missed that meeting for me quick as a flash, and I'm flattered and all but I'm also upset, for her to miss that for me." "Lauren-" "No you don't get to talk yet. My best friend dropped everything for me as quick as a flash, but my wife, the person I'm in love with, the person I married, didn't come home to me." "Lauren I honestly would have come home straight away had I gotten your texts and your calls. It doesn't matter what's going on, you matter. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you but my phone was off all day and then I found the person and I had to report them and I got punched in the face and it's been a really long day and I just-I hate fighting Lauren-" "Camz-" "And I'm sorry I slept alone last night and I left you alone when you needed me and but I just-there's so much going on and I felt so overwhelmed with it all so I-" "Baby breathe, breathe with me." Lauren said as she held her shoulders and steadied her shaking body. "Hey, I'm not mad anymore. You just focus on calming down, and we'll talk it out after that." Camila was calmed down in a matter of minutes with Lauren by her side and she hugged her, holding onto her tightly before she would be pushed away. But to Camila's surprise, Lauren held her tighter and stroked her hair. "We've both had pretty rough days, and I forgive you. I'm glad you found who did it, and I'm sorry you got punched in the face." Camila squeezed her wife in the hug. "I'm s-so sorry Lolo." "I know babe." The green eyed girl mumbled. "So who was it?" "Eliza Brooke." The Cuban mumbled. "That bitch, she was always flirting with me but I genuinely thought she was harmless." "That bitch was flirting with you??" Camila huffed. Lauren smirked, jealous Camila was so hot. "If you told me I would have fired her on the spot." "But that wouldn't be fair on her, to be fired just for flirting, I mean, I am pretty irresistible." Lauren teased. "You're also mine." Camila said roughly as she pulled Lauren into her lap. "You're mine and I love you, and I should have acted like it today." "Why did she hit you today?" Lauren asked curiously. "She hates me, cause I have you." Camila smiled bringing Lauren into a kiss. "I love you." Lauren smiled widely into her lips then the doorbell rang. "Who the hell is that?" "I ordered sushi." Camila grinned against her lips. "You hate sushi." "But you love it, and I know it's a small gesture but it's a start to me making it up to you. If you can handle it with your stomach?" "I feel a lot better now, thanks Camz." Lauren nuzzled her head into her neck. "Babe I need to get the sushi, wait here." "But I wanna cuddle." Lauren whined. "I'll be back." Camila laughed. "Fine." Lauren pouted childishly. "You're so adorable." Camila gushed. "Just get me my sushi." When Camila returned with the food, Lauren was leant against the wall on her phone. "What's up?" Camila asked as she set the bag down. "What do you mean?" Lauren asked. "You're never on your phone unless you have to be." "Oh I guess you know more about that than I do." Lauren laughed nervously. "No, it's nothing. Don't worry." Camila eyed her suspiciously but decided she didn't want to pick another fight. Lauren took the bag from the bottom of the bed and started to eat. "You wanna try just a bit of it?" Lauren asked as she put a roll in front of her nose. "No, gross." Camila cringed, laughing. "Your loss." Lauren smirked. "I want to call your doctor." Camila blurted out. "What?" "Laur it's not normal to just throw up all day, and with the cancer I don't want to take any chances. Do you mind?" "Uhm, yeah! I am not going back to inpatient. It sucks in there Camila, it's not happening, end of story." "Lauren-" "Camila. It's not up for discussion. It's my body, and it's my decision." "But I'm affected by this too Laur." Camila said as her voice broke. "I know, I know I'm sorry. I just don't want to be stuck in there again. I'll tell my doctor at my next appointment, is that good?" Camila was hesitant to say yes. "Camz please, I promise. I-I don't need the extra stress r-right now." The Latina crumbled. Camila was quick to bring her into her arms. "Give me your phone." Camila instructed. Lauren did so reluctantly and Camila unlocked it. "What's this number? Oh my god, how could someone say this stuff-" "It's my ex girlfriend, I don't know how she even got my number." Lauren croaked. "Block her number, delete the texts and ignore everything she said. It's all wrong." Camila said firmly. Lauren buried her head in her shaking hands and sighed breathlessly. "You don't feel well?" Camila mumbled. "No but I feel sick of life right now." Lauren mumbled. "You know? I don't even want to speak I just, I don't know what I want." Camila just smoothly stroked the raven hair out of her face and pulled her into her lap. "I can sing to you instead? How does that sound?" Lauren nodded and clung onto Camila's arms, closing her eyes. "What song?" Camila asked gently. "Yellow?" Lauren asked timidly. "Perfect." Camila agreed, they had both loved that song as soon as they heard it. "Look at the stars...look how they shine for, you. And everything you do. Yeah they were all yellow. I came along, I wrote a song for, you. And all the things you, do. And it was called "Yellow" Lauren sighed contently and nuzzled her head into Camila's arm. "Don't stop singing till the end, even if I fall asleep." Camila smiled. "So then I took my, turn. Oh what a thing to have done. And it was all yellow. Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful. Do you know, You know I love you so. You know I love you so." Lauren could only smile softly, she was getting tired. "I swam across, I jumped across for you. Oh what a thing to do. Cause you were all yellow. I drew a line, I drew a line for you. Oh what a thing to do, and it was all yellow. Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful. Do you know, for you I'd bleed myself dry. For you I'd bleed myself dry." Lauren tensed in her arms but Camila stroked her hair as she sang to sooth her. "It's true. Look how they shine, for you. Look how they shine for you. Look how they shine for, Look how they shine for you. Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine. Look at the stars, look how they shine for you.." Camila looked down and Lauren was fast asleep. "Goodnight babygirl." She whispered as she lay her wife down in the bed carefully and she kissed her forehead before she went to throw away her leftover food. As soon as Camila had turned around to head back upstairs Lauren was at the bottom of the stairs, she had left her sleeping only moments ago and now she was in front of her, crying, with their blanket wrapped around her. "What happened? You were fine just a second ago baby." Lauren rushed over to her and Camila quickly wrapped her arms around her. "I thought you left me." She sniffled. "I would never do that mama, I was just throwing away our leftovers." "I heard the door." Lauren whimpered. "I just took the garbage outside of the house so we wouldn't have to smell gone off fish tomorrow." Camila explained. "I'm sorry Lolo." "Can you do me a favour?" Lauren mumbled, seeming afraid to say whatever it was. "Of course Lo." "Take me to the doctors tomorrow." Camila sighed with relief. "Sure babe." Lauren and Camila were now sat in the doctors office in the morning. Because after her constant vomiting, Lauren decided she had to know what was wrong before the possibilities drove her insane. "Lauren threw up all this morning, and she had a sore throat too." "And a headache." Lauren added miserably. "Is she gonna be okay?" Camila asked as she tapped her fingers nervously on her knee. "Yes, Lauren is showing very good progress cancer wise. I'm deeming this to be the infamous Norovirus. In which case, do not come back to my clinic until it has gone ladies, not that it isn't a pleasure." Camila smiled and nodded. "Sorry sir." "No that's quite alright, I understand. I would do the exact same thing in your position. Take care of her, remember to keep up your fluids Lauren, as it's very important with the nausea." The doctor said as he scrubbed his hands. "Thank you Doctor, I will do." Camila smiled as she helped her sick, tired wife up. "Do you need anything?" Camila asked her in a gentle voice. "Cuddles and Netflix." Lauren mumbled. "Can do, and don't forget you need plenty of water. So I'll buy a few litre bottles so you don't get me down with it." Camila reminded her. "Yeah yeah." Lauren smiled stiffly. "Oh shoot, do you think I gave it to Dinah?" "You better hope not or your ass gettin' beat when she gets better." Camila giggled. "I know Camz don't remind me." Lauren groaned. "Let's get you home." Lauren felt her phone vibrate and picked it up. "Hello?" "YOU OWE ME JAUREGUI!" Lauren held back a laugh as she looked over at Camila. "Sorry Dinah."

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