Chapter 15

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"I wish there was something I could say or do to make this better." Camila sighed sadly, resting her head on her girlfriends shoulder as she remained silent, until now. "Me too." Lauren mumbled. "Where are we meant to go from here Lauren?" Camila asked her incredulously, "I don't know." Lauren replied softly. "Will you stop being so blunt?! God Lauren I'm trying to help you the least you could do is work with me!" Camila raised her voice, Lauren pushed herself away from her girlfriend in shock, near to tears again. There were a few moments of unrecognisable eye contact between the two before Lauren had just left the room, and the worst part was Camila didn't even follow her. Lauren just stopped outside the bedroom door and sighed, she thought about going back in, staring at the door she just slammed and shook her head to herself. Not now. They needed some time to themselves to figure out what to do next, because neither of them knew. Neither of them anticipated this outcome, they had both thought, hoped, she would get better. Lauren didn't know where to go, she didn't feel like doing anything but going away. It happened so fast, walking, fast pacing, sprinting, running to the kitchen she opened the medicine cupboards and pulled out pill bottles she knew of and capsules she'd never even seen before let alone know the name of. Breathing heavily, Lauren leant back against the counter and just stared. Empty bottles and pills littered the once empty surface, as if taunting Lauren, waiting for her. She stared at them for a while, sliding down to the floor Lauren didn't know what the hell she was doing anymore, or what she was going to do. Camila came down then, her eyes wandered over helplessly to the empty capsules and pills and ran over looking for Lauren. "How many?" She quickly knelt down in front of Lauren frantically shouting with shaking hands as she took Lauren's. "Lauren please!! Tell me how many!" "None!" Lauren shouted back and a heavy silence filled the room. Camila sat next to Lauren, pulling her girlfriend into her body, holding her tightly. Lauren crawled in Camila's lap and rested her head in her neck quietly. "I love you baby.." Camila whispered and stroked her thumb over Lauren's cheek. "I'm sorry Camz.." Lauren gulped. "It's okay Lolo I promise." "It's not okay!" Lauren shouted, "Camila none of this is okay! I'm not okay, and you're not okay!" Camila's breathing sped up and she turned into Lauren as she held her closely. "I know you're not okay baby, and my god, I wish I could make it alright. But I can't, so let me just hold you." Camila wasn't about to object as she heartbrokenly cried into her girlfriends arms. "I love you Camila Cabello, I love you so much that words can't even express it." The green eyed girl said and kissed Camila softly, squeezing her eyes shut as she had to listen to her girlfriend's sobs. "I hate this. I hate this. Lauren please baby I don't want you to die! You can't die!" Camila sobbed, Lauren tried her absolute best to console her but it didn't really work. "Jeez I can hear you howling up the street." Dinah came in and knelt in front of the two crying girls. "Got room for another few?" She mumbled, Dinah sat down and let Lauren lean into her body while Camila was being held by Lauren. "Where's the oth-" "We're here Lo." Ally and Normani came in and sat on the floor with them. "We're all here now, we're in this together." Normani gulped heavily. Lauren sighed and let her head hit the cabinet as she let it fall back, she was tired. Lauren was tired of everything. "Can I ask a question?" Ally asked hesitantly. Camila looked up and wiped her eyes. "Yeah." "Why are there a ton of pills up on the counter?" Dinah and Normani looked up hurriedly and then at Camila. "Oh, Lauren was going to kill herself." Lauren turned her head impossibly fast. "Camila!" She shouted in disbelief. "What? What Lauren? It's true!" Lauren gulped and looked at the horrified faces of her friends. "I wasn't. I mean, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. My head was a mess, it still is." She threw her head back again so it hit the cabinet with more force. It made a ringing in her ears present after and she squeezed her eyes shut to keep the tears in. "Lauren." Ally croaked, Lauren opened her eyes and looked over at her. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say." Lauren mumbled, "God I really don't." Normani stared at her friend in disbelief. "Us neither." Dinah leant her head on Lauren's shoulder reassuringly to ease the tension. "Maybe we just all shouldn't say anything else. Let's just, stay here together, is that okay with you all?" Camila nodded, Normani and Ally nodded, but Lauren pried Camila off of her body and stood up shakily. Dinah noticed Lauren eyeing the pills before she spoke uneasily, her voice trembled heavily. "I need some space." The girls all watched as Lauren made her way into the garden. "Should we go after her?" Normani asked, Ally shook her head. "No, just leave her. But someone should get rid of all of those." She pointed up to the assortment of pills. "I'll do it." Camila stood up and cupped her left hand, guiding them all into a small bag Normani held open. "What are you going to do with them?" Dinah asked. "Throw them in the trash, obviously. I don't know what half of these even are." She admitted. Normani and Ally disposed of the pills in a faraway public bin, just in case. Dinah looked out at Lauren, "What do we do now Dinah? We can't leave her like that." Dinah watched the sight painfully and pulled her into a hug. Ally and Normani appeared right at their sides and Ally sighed. "We have to Mila, it's just not something that even heavy words and long hugs is going to fix." Normani squeezed her eyes shut tight as Lauren screamed in emotional agony. "There must be something we can do." Dinah grabbed her tightly clenched hand and kissed her cheek. "Well which one of us is gonna try?" Ally proposed, everyone looked over at Dinah. "Me?" The Polynesian pointed to herself in confusion. "You're her oldest friend." Camila explained. "Yeah and you're her girlfriend." Camila put her hand on Dinah's shoulder. "Dinah we live together. She doesn't see you as often as me, and maybe this isn't for me to do. You knew about Lauren even before I did, when she told me about having cancer you were there for her first. It's your time now Cheechee." Dinah looked between the girls who all nodded encouragingly. "Yeah, okay." She gulps and padded her way over to the sliding door. Taking a deep breath, Dinah slid the door open and shut it behind her. "Lauren." Dinah said in a tone showing her fear to speak. Lauren turned around and stared at her best friend before tightly wrapping her arms around Dinah and crying into her neck. Dinah held Lauren tightly and looked up at the small group watching with their nods and thumbs up of approval and sad faces. "Why me?!" Lauren could only croak as her throat was so messed up from crying so much. "I know baby." Dinah mumbled and rocked her in her arms, burying her head in Lauren's shoulder. "I'm so sca- I just do-." Lauren tried to find the words but Dinah shook her head into her shoulder. "Don't try and speak, just cry it out." Lauren held onto Dinah with all the strength she currently possessed. "I love you." She croaked. "I know Lo, I love you too." Dinah kissed her cheek and stroked the back of her neck gently, Lauren had always liked the gentle touches. "I'm dying." Lauren whispered in Dinah's ear. Dinah sighed and nodded. " are. I can't tell you everything's going to be okay, but bear in mind that it might be. Nothing is ever over Lauren. Nothing." Lauren pulled back to look at Dinah who gave a weak smile back as her emerald orbs stared into brown ones. "What?" Dinah mumbled. Lauren didn't say anything at first, she just cupped her face, leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "I don't want to leave you behind, because, well you're the best friend I ever had Dinah. It's been us since we were 5 years old." Dinah pressed her lips together, willing herself not to cry. "I know." Lauren took a deep breath. "You know we've always been inseparable, since the day that we met." Dinah nodded, "Remember we had to get flu jabs and even though our moms had both made us different appointments, I made you come to mine so we could have them done together?" Lauren giggled, "Yeah and we wanted the same plasters after." Dinah smiled before it faltered and she bowed her head. "Lauren it'll never be the same without you." Lauren sighed and put her finger under Dinah's chin to make her look up. Her brown eyes were filled with fresh tears and more spilled over her cheeks. "What's all this huh? You don't cry, you're Dinah Jane." Dinah exhaled shakily, "But we've done almost everything together, and there's so much we still have left to do." Dinah squeaked, Lauren pulled her best friend into her arms. "It doesn't matter, okay? Listen. It doesn't whether I'm in this shithole of a planet or not. I'm always gonna be right here. Always Dinah Jane." - Ally, Normani and Camila watched the two girls at the window. "Dinah's really gonna miss her isn't she, because look, she never cries like that." Normani noticed, Ally gave a small nod. "Yeah Mani, we all will." Camila sniffled and wiped at her eyes furiously. "Lauren's just really special. None of this is fair!" Ally rubbed her back. "We know Mila, this world just doesn't know what fair is anymore." Lauren held Dinah tightly and looked up to Camila who gave a soft smile in the window and a shy wave. "Come out here." Lauren mouthed, Camila opened the door and padded out barefoot to the two girls. "Camila can you uhm, can you take Dinah to bed please?" Camila looked at Lauren worriedly before she took a tired looking Dinah inside. "Hey, Dinah." Lauren said, making the girl look up. "I love you." Lauren smiled at her gently. "Love you too." Dinah said and followed Camila. Ally and Normani also went to bed with Dinah in their guest rooms, they all stayed too late to get home anyway, not that Lauren or Camila were throwing them out. "Lolo can we talk?" Camila stood hesitantly watching Lauren, the green eyed girl turned around and sighed. "Come upstairs Camz." She slipped past the girl and traced her hand to find Camila's on the way, giving it a quick squeeze before she followed the stairs up to their room alone. Camila stood there for a moment before shaking her head and shutting the door and following the stairs up to their room and getting into bed. "Come over here." Camila heard Lauren say in a raspy voice. Camila shuffled closer to her girlfriend and Lauren leaned in to kiss her. Camila kissed her gently, tasting the saltiness of her tears. "I love you so fucking much Camila." Lauren whispered as she brought her hands up to tangle in Camila's hair. "I love you too La-ah!" Camila gasped as Lauren attacked her neck with an open mouthed kiss. "Lauren what are you doing the girls are in the other room!" Lauren kissed her to keep her mouth shut, "Shh, don't make it obvious." The brown eyed girl pulled Lauren down on her body and cupped her ass making Lauren moan into her mouth. "Camila oh my.." Lauren's words got lost as she trailed soft kisses down her jawline and neck, the Cuban skilfully in one move sat them up, pulled Lauren's top over her head and lay her down beneath her. The brown eyed girl gazed down at the green eyed girl below her and stroked her cheek ever so gently and whispered "You're so beautiful, you know that?" Lauren smiled and nodded. "Make love to me." Lauren demanded with a smile. "Anything for you." Camila smiled and unclasped Lauren's bra easily. Lauren pulled Camila's top off and slid her hand into her underwear. Camila let out a throaty moan as she felt Lauren massage her clit. "God." Lauren smiled widely showing her teeth, Camila bit her girlfriends bottom lip and giggled. "You're eager, Miss Jauregui." Lauren smiled and guided her neck towards her to kiss her again while using her other hand to finger Camila. "Mm, you know I love you right babe?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded and gasped as Lauren found her G Spot. "You'll do anything for me?" She smirked and Camila nodded briskly. Lauren leaned up to her ear and whispered sending shivers down Camila's spine. "Cum for me." Camila and Lauren collapsed their sweaty bodies onto each other when they had finished and Lauren kissed her girlfriends neck affectionately. "I love you." She smiled against Camila's neck, Camila brought a hand up to stroke through Lauren's hair, which had grown back by now. "I love you too baby." They lay in silence for a while before Camila took a deep breath and spoke. "Ask me again." Lauren turned her head and looked over at Camila curiously. "Ask you what?" Camila slid her hand up Lauren's bare arm. "You know what, ask me again." Lauren's eyes widened in realisation and she smiled. "Camila Cabello, will you marry me?" Camila smiled widely showing her teeth. "Yes." Lauren leaned in to kiss Camila but then suddenly three screams became louder and Normani, Dinah and Ally burst in the room making Camila and Lauren scream. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Lauren cursed and covered up her and Camila's naked bodies. "She said yes!!" Ally squealed. Camila suddenly cackled with laughter and Lauren started laughing too. "Oh my god you're finally getting married!" Dinah grinned and Ally was the first to dog pile Lauren and Camila before Dinah and Normani joined. "We're both naked!" Camila pointed out, "And we're all sweaty cause-" "Lauren." "We know y'all just had sex, we could hear you." Normani laughed making Camila cringe. "Ew, guys why were you even listening to us have-" "You're missing the point Camz, we're getting married." Lauren laughed and Camila grinned. "Now you kiss." Dinah smirked. "Well we were about to before you interrupt-" Lauren started "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" "Like that." Camila smirked "Come on! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Ally, Normani and Dinah chanted and Camila leaned in to kiss Lauren who grabbed her face eagerly and kissed her, but their wide smiles made it hard for them to kiss properly. "Awww.." The trio clapped as they watched their favourite couple kiss. "Now put some clothes on, y'all are nasty." Ally threw nightshirts at Lauren and Camila making them pull apart. "Rude." Camila huffed.

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