Chapter 23

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"Where are you going?" Camila asked Lauren in a sleepy voice. "Shh, go back to sleep." Lauren whispered, stroking Camila's hair to lull her into slumber. "Mm, okay.." Camila closed her eyes again, once Lauren was sure she was asleep, she crept downstairs. "Are you sure about this Lauren? " Dinah asked hesitantly. "Please don't question it Di. Just take me to your house, I wouldn't ask if I didn't need to do this.." The girl was hesitant but lead her out anyway. "I think you should text Camila you're with me. You'd want the same if it were the other way around." Dinah said, and Lauren could see her point, so she did. Hey Camz, I'm over at Dinah's for the night. I didn't want to wake you. I love you. See you soon. "Texted her?" Dinah asked before she started the car, clearly she wasn't leaving if she hadn't. "Yes, I have. Now can we go?" Lauren pleaded. "Yeah, sure." Dinah said in a low voice. She hadn't planned this at all, picking Lauren up in the middle of the night. It wasn't exactly normal to be called while she slept and asked to be picked up. "I will be asking for an explanation when we get back." Lauren nodded but stared out the window without a word. Dinah concluded at this point that something was definitely off with her best friend. When Dinah pulled up at her place, she let Lauren out herself, it didn't appear she was going to move. "Mani's left to see her family for a few days. So it's just us." Dinah said as she switched on the lights, shutting the door behind Lauren as the girl sat on her couch in a daze. "I think it's about time you told me what's going on." Dinah hinted, Lauren buried her head in her hands and combed her hair back stressfully. "Lauren, look just tell me what's the matter. You've never asked me to pick you up in the middle of the night like this. I drove for over an hour because of the annoying late night traffic, you have to give me something." Lauren rubbed her eyes tiredly, at least that was what Dinah had assumed she did, until she looked up with red eyes. "Lauren talk to me." Dinah pressed for an answer. "I would, if I knew what the hell was wrong me." Lauren whispered. "What do you mean Lo?" Dinah asked. "I just, I feel like shit Dinah," Lauren's voice cracked, "I didn't know what else to do.." Dinah pulled her into her body. "You haven't done anything, right? Like that one night we all came over and-" Lauren looked up at her sorrowfully. "I nearly did, I was so close, then I called you." Dinah rubbed Lauren's shoulder and rested her head against hers. "I'm glad you did, but what about Camila?" Lauren shook her head. "I didn't want Camz, she barely handled it last time. I needed you. You meant it, right? When you said you'd always be there?" Dinah nodded as if it was a reflex. "Of course I did. I wouldn't have come to get you at two in the morning otherwise. I meant what I said." Lauren situated herself in Dinah's lap, her legs around her back, wrapping her arms tightly around her neck, burying her head in the crook of it and closing her eyes. "Are you okay?" Dinah mumbled softly into Lauren's neck, wrapping her own arms around her back just as tight. "No, not at all." Dinah nuzzled her head into Lauren's neck and sighed. "I've got you." Lauren let out a muffled cry into her neck so Dinah squeezed her frame, taking in a deep breath. They were definitely in for a long night. "Shh, shh breathe Laur, in and out baby." Dinah said gently, and Lauren tried to, she really did. But her continuous sobs seemed unstoppable. "Lauren, babe, you're okay, I need you to calm down." Dinah rubbed her back and Lauren fisted her pyjama top desperately. Lauren tried to speak but it wasn't understandable to Dinah. "No I want to die!" Lauren's voice cracked horribly and Dinah choked up. Lauren struggled in her hold but Dinah quickly tightened her grip. "Lauren you know I can't let you go." Lauren whimpered as she kept struggling to break free from Dinah's grip. The Polynesian tried hard to get a better look at Lauren to capture her attention, but the task was proving to be difficult. "Lauren look at me. Stop and look straight at me." Dinah begged her best friend practically. Lauren was breathing pretty heavily in her anxious state when she turned to look at Dinah; her overwhelming fear, contradicting determination, and utter seriousness was evident in her green eyes. "Lauren you have to calm down." Dinah's voice shook. Lauren sniffled and pressed her forehead against Dinah's, Dinah stared into her eyes curiously. "What do I do now Dinah? Tell me what I'm supposed to do now." Dinah half smiled, stroking a few strands of hair behind Lauren's ear. "Take some deep breaths, call Mila to come over, and relax." Lauren did as she as told, but Dinah was left with the job to call Camila. Lauren wasn't in the best state to do it, but it was so obvious she wanted her there. Camila had a key to Dinah and Normani's place as a last resort and Dinah had told her to use it. Dinah didn't think it was a good idea to risk releasing Lauren yet. "Hey baby, is everything okay?" Camila whispered as she sat down. Lauren stared intensely at Camila with sad eyes, as if she was afraid to speak. "Dinah?" Camila asked knowing Lauren wasn't going to speak. "She called me to come pick her up, she wanted to, you know, end shit." Dinah said subtly, Camila gulped and stroked Lauren's cheek. "Is that true?" Lauren hesitantly nodded. "Before you say it, it was nothing personal, I think she just wanted her best friend. Plus, she didn't want to wake you." Dinah added. "You don't need to explain, I know you Lo..I know you're feeling scared, but there's no reason to." Lauren blinked her tears back. "I'm not mad at you." Camila ran her fingers through Lauren's hair. "Can I, can I stay over here tonight?" Lauren asked in a small voice, maybe even so far as to say Lauren was quieter than a mouse. Dinah nodded in confirmation, and Camila agreed to the arrangement. She went to get up, but Lauren grabbed her wrist tightly from instinct. "I don't want you to go Camz, I love you, I need you too." Camila felt her heart melt at her sincere words. "Then I'm not going anywhere." The Cuban sat back down, Dinah gave her a reassuring smile. "Go to sleep." The Polynesian instructed. "I don't think this is a very comfy position for you." Lauren said, Dinah kissed her forehead and gently rested her chin on Lauren's head. "Don't worry, just sleep. You let me worry about that." Lauren felt for Camila's hand as she closed her eyes, when Camila moved it closer she felt Lauren hold it tightly in hers. "I'm sorry." She mumbled, Camila smiled at her fiancé adoringly and she kissed her nose, the sweet gesture making it ever so slightly scrunch up. Dinah laughed quietly and looked at Camila. "Don't be sorry for anything, I love you." Camila said with emphasis on her declaration. "Forever." Lauren whispered, opening her eyes and smiling gently. The couple leaned in and kissed their hands in the signature way they loved. "Goodnight, Lauren." Camila laid a blanket over her and Dinah for warmth. "Thanks guys." Lauren closed her eyes and nuzzled her head in Dinah's chest as she fell asleep. "Thank you for taking care of her when I couldn't.." Camila directed at Dinah, getting in a comfortable position facing the girl. "Don't say that Mila, don't sell yourself short. Sometimes people just, it's like when you need a hug from that one person, right?" Camila nodded. "It was exactly like that, Lauren needed to break down in my arms tonight. Don't take it personally Chancho, Lauren was just being Lauren. Just a little.." Camila nodded as she looked at her fiancé, the pair of them knew Dinah didn't need to finish what she was saying. Camila took a deep breath as she stared at Lauren's sleeping, peaceful figure. "She's so sad Dinah, and I wish I knew..but I really don't know how to stop it. Lauren-I just want her to be happy." Dinah smiled at the girl. "You make her happy Camila, but remember Lauren is going through something much bigger. Everything is messing with her head right now, and she doesn't know how to cope." Camila gulped before she spoke. "Can I tell you something China?" Dinah looked at the girl curiously. "Of course, go ahead." "I was thinking about, and I mean really thinking about, getting her sectioned." Dinah's eyes widened. "Holy shit, is-is she that bad?" Camila sighed. "I don't know Dinah, I'm just scared she's going to really snap one day and she won't be coming to us and we'll all be too late to save her." Camila's voice got softer with every word. "Mila I can't see that being a good idea, she needs the chemo. Look for now she is coming to us, and I think as long as we've got her back, and that Lauren knows we're here for her, she'll be okay, babe. Lauren is stronger than what a lot of people may think." Dinah reassured the girl. "You're right. I don't know why I ever doubted her." Camila laid back into the couch, before Dinah beckoned her over to cuddle with her and Lauren. "Dinah, are you actually comfortable in that position?" Camila questioned. "Yeah surprisingly enough. Now get some shut eye Mila." Camila yawned and nodded. "And you?" Dinah smiled and shrugged. "Whenever I fall asleep, I guess." Camila hummed and leaned up to kiss her cheek. "Goodnight Cheechee, I love you." Dinah squeezed her in the hug warmly. "Yeah yeah, love you too Walz, little sap." Camila giggled before she settled to sleep. "I heard you two, what you said." Lauren whispered a little while since Camila fell asleep. "I know you're awake, Dinah Jane." She persisted, Dinah sighed. "It's not gonna happen, okay? So just go back to sleep." Lauren shifted positions so she could see Dinah, just about, in the darkness. "What'd I just say?" Dinah raised her eyebrows challengingly. "Uhm, I think you know well enough by now Dinah, I don't succumb to that shit." "Worth a shot. Look Lauren, whatever happens I won't let them take you in babe, I'll do whatever it takes." Dinah moved the hair out of Lauren's face smoothly. "I'd never make it in that kinda place, I'd go more insane in one of those places than I ever would out here." Lauren scoffed. "Yeah I can see that happening, but Lo, you have my word. Everything it takes, but if it's in your definite best interests, then I would have to." Dinah mumbled. "You're too good of a best friend not to let me go if I was that sick in the head. I'd understand. But it won't get that far, I won't let myself get worse than I am." Lauren said seriously. "Well, what are you right now?" Dinah questioned, she had picked up on that immediately. "I don't want-" Dinah cut her off. "Lauren seriously, come on. How do you expect me to believe you won't let yourself get 'worse' if you won't even open up to me now." Lauren looked up the ceiling to avoid eye contact with tears in her eyes. "Suicidal." She muttered painfully. "Lo, I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said." Dinah rubbed her arm comfortingly. "I said I was suicidal! I'm really fucking suicidal Dinah, and all I really want to do is die. Are you happy now?!" Lauren shouted, waking Camila up with a jolt. "No no no. Oh shit! Camz I'm so sorry." Lauren rubbed her temples. "Stupid, I can't- I'm so fucking stupid." Lauren repeated to herself. "Lauren, baby no, you're overreacting honey. All you did was wake me up." Camila soothed as she pulled Lauren into her lap. "But I'm sorry." Lauren croaked. "Yeah I know." Camila said with a frown of confusion. Dinah put a warm, gentle hand on top of Lauren's knee, and then she picked up the phone. "Dinah-Dinah what are you doing?" Lauren asked worriedly. Dinah pressed her lips together and shook her head. "Mila..hold her back." Dinah said cautiously. "Dinah?" Lauren said uneasily, starting to feel physically sick. "My best friend isn't well." Dinah started. "Now?" Camila looked back at Dinah who was now moving as far back away from Lauren as she could. "She's unstable." Dinah croaked. "Please Di!" Lauren cried, making eye contact with her. "Please don't do this!" Dinah had to look away from her, she'd be risking her best friend's life if she didn't do it. "I need her to be taken in to hospital." Dinah said and told them the address before she hung up just as Lauren got herself out of Camila's grip. "You swore to me!" Lauren cried. "Lauren look I'm sorry, okay? I couldn't just ignore what you told me!" Dinah cupped her mouth as she cried herself. "Dinah please call them back, send them away, don't do it to me, please." Lauren begged, falling to her knees and holding her legs in a total fit of tears. Dinah crouched down and held Lauren's sad face in her hands with fresh tears running heavily down her own cheeks. "I'm doing this for you Lo, I'm doing it all out of love." Lauren shook her head repeatedly. "Please I'll do anything. I'll do anything Dinah just don't do-" Lauren pleaded before blue lights shone through the cracks of the curtains, and then there were knocks at the door. Lauren looked at Dinah with such scared eyes Dinah pulled her into a tight hug. "Shh it's all okay Lo." She whispered. "Open the door, now Mila." Dinah mouthed. Camila sniffed, it took everything in her to twist the doorknob and let them in. Police and paramedics had to pull Lauren away from her. "No! Camz help me!" Lauren fought against their grip helplessly. "I'm sorry baby, I am mama, I'm so sorry!" Camila cried as Dinah held her close. "Dinah I'll be good! I'll never ask for anything again just-" Lauren kicked and struggled as they pulled her to the doorframe. "Lo I love you so much, okay? We love you so much. Please remember that!" Dinah cried out looking straight into her eyes. Lauren cried as they pushed her into the ambulance and sedated her. "Guys no be careful she's got cancer!" Camila said as one was accidentally a little too heavy handed with Lauren. "I fucking hate you!" Lauren cried as the two girls ran outside to follow her. "Lauren don't say that!" Dinah dropped to the floor at her words. "I will never forgive either of you for this!" Camila shook her head wildly. "Dinah and I only want the best for you!" But then Lauren had slipped out of consciousness and was taken to hospital, leaving Dinah a sobbing mess on the floor and Camila crying kneeling by her side. "Dinah, babe, honestly you did the right thing." Camila tried to get her to look at her but Dinah refused. "I just ruined her life! I didn't save it, all I want is for her to be okay." Dinah cried into her knees against her car. "She will be Dinah." Camila sniffed as she wiped her eyes bravely. "She'll be okay, it'll all be okay, you'll see."

But will it?

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