Chapter 67

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"I'm just saying I don't think it was fair. Like, I was really looking forward to it. That's all." "Camila," "What?" "It's a fucking cookie." Lauren laughed lightly at her wife. "But it was my cookie." "Oh really? Well, I didn't see your name on it." Lauren smirked. "It was also the last "fucking cookie" Lauren." Camila huffed. "Alright chill out. I'll go buy us some more. You can have the first one." "No, the first two. To make up for my lost last cookie." Lauren chuckled and bopped her nose. "If that's what you want, my dear." "Ew don't say that, it makes us sound like an old couple." Camila cringed. "We're married, it's traditional, right?" "Well unspoken I suppose so, but we make our own rules right? We always have." Lauren nodded in agreement. "Fair enough, are you coming shopping babe?" Lauren asked as she slipped on her coat. "No thanks, I'm meeting Shawn today. I've got to be there in an hour." "Oh? What're your plans?" Lauren asked. "They're secret." "Camz!" Lauren whined and pouted to try and make her crack. "Nope, I don't have to tell you anything." "But, but we share everything." "Except surprises." Camila smiled gently. "C'mon Laur, lighten up. You'll know in due time." "It's a good surprise right?" "I hope so." Lauren frowned in curiosity and shrugged. "Alright, I trust you." "After nearly 4 years I expect no less!" Camila shouted down as she climbed the stairs. "Wait! I want a goodbye kiss! I might not see you all day!" Lauren shouted up to her wife. Lauren heard fast footsteps heading down the stairs and her lips were pecked before she could even register it. "Bye!" Camila yelled over her shoulder. "Thanks! Love you too!" Lauren remarked sarcastically. "That too!" Camila's words were muffled now since she was above her in their room. Lauren sighed and left the house to go shopping. Shopping alone wasn't very fun, not as fun as with Camila. Camila made it eventful and cute, she would always find something unscheduled and always convince Lauren to buy it. Be it apple pie, chips, a new cereal or some damn cookies - Lauren picked up two packets just to be on the safe side as she passed the aisle to get more milk for them - Lauren would always give in because Camila was too damn cute to resist. She was as whipped as canned cream. Which Lauren only made the comparison to since she passed it in the store. "Oh! Sorry." Lauren hadn't even clocked her bumping trolleys with a girl a little older than her. "Oh, me too. I was kinda zoned out. My bad." Lauren apologised and watched the girl carry on with her shopping. Lauren shook herself out of her daze and carried on shopping. But it didn't last very long. Lauren began to wonder what Camila's surprise was, and who Shawn was, and why she hadn't met him yet. Camila was always completely honest with Lauren, and she was probably the most loyal person she had ever met. So she would never be worried about the girl cheating on her. That could and would never happen. The fact Shawn was a guy also strengthened that belief, her wife was extremely gay, and married. To her. To Lauren. To her wife. Why was she even thinking about her wife cheating? This whole train of thought stemmed from a small surprise, she had nothing to be worried about. The cashier brought her out of her thoughts and she quickly took her card back. She looked at the unimpressed face of the man at the till and the impatient and angry customers in line. "Crap. I'm really sorry." Lauren apologised as she hurriedly picked up her bags and left the store in a hurry. She wished she knew what this damn surprise was before her head exploded. When she got home and put the groceries away, she realised how tired she was and fell asleep shortly after. It was into the late afternoon when Camila came home and called out for her wife excitedly. "Lauren!" Nothing. "Babe!" She tried again. "I'm home?" She called out but it was more of a question, was Lauren home? She decided to check the bedroom, and sure enough the girl was sleeping soundly. Lauren's short length hair was sprawled out over the pillow, her moth slightly parted and she had one arm dangling down the side of the bed, her head resting on her stuffed Nala. "Aw.." Camila cooed. She bent down at the edge of the bed and tickled under her chin to ease her out of her slumber. "Baaaaabe.." Lauren squinted her eyes a little in her sleep. "Lauren." She tried again. Nothing. "Loloooo.." Lauren hummed in her sleep. "Baby wake up." "Tired." Lauren mumbled. "I have news." Camila said hopefully. "Camz I'm sleepy, just come cuddle." Lauren lazily held out the arm draped down the side of the bed since she was currently laying on the other one. "It's about the surprise." Camila gave away. Lauren's eyes opened properly and she looked at Camila both curiously and excitedly. "Really?" "Yeah." "What is it? Can I know now?" Lauren asked, but she was too tired to bounce around with excitement. "Okay, so Shawn is a friend of mine starting out in the music industry, right?" "Uh huh.." Lauren trailed, waiting for the next part. "So he invited me yesterday to come to the studio with him and help him write some songs since he knows I write." "Go on." Lauren nodded, though her head hadn't moved from Nala's fluffy beige stomach. "I wrote and recorded a song!" "You did??" Lauren exclaimed with a grin. "Yeah!" Camila grinned. "Do you have it downloaded? Can I hear it??" "I do, but are you too sleepy? I can play it when you're awake enough to-" "Camz I'm awake as fuck now just play the song!" Lauren said excitedly, she sat up and patted the space beside her with the arm that wasn't dead and Camila sat down. "Tell me if it sucks won't you?" "It won't suck." Lauren reassured her. "Your voice is beautiful and your writing is incredible. I believe in you babe." Camila blushed and got out her phone in preparation. "Ready?" "Yep!" Lauren smiled. "It's called 1000 hands." Camila informed her before she pressed play. Lauren listened with her mouth wide open. As Lauren listened she heard we friend's singing in it too, and when she heard her own voice something in her head clicked. "That was why you asked me to sing the lines in your notebook last week." "Uh huh, I know it was weird at the time, but worth it, right?.." Camila blushed. "Fuck yeah, wow, the song sounds amazing. So does this mean the other girls knew about this?" "Yes. Everyone knew." Camila smiled. "Except me." Lauren frowned. "We just all wanted it to be a surprise." Camila defended. "I guess." Lauren half smiled for a second. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way.." Camila mumbled. "You didn't, I mean, no, you didn't. It was a really nice surprise, I would just have loved the be able to go to a studio with my friends and wife to record such an awesome song." "Sorry, I'll arrange something with Shawn and we can do it again altogether soon." Camila smiled. "Sounds good." Lauren smiled.

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