Chapter 17

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"I can't stand seeing you this way, you have to talk to me. This is killing me." Lauren sighed as she sat across from Camila, cross legged on the other side of the bed. Camila did something she hadn't done all day, she cast a glance Lauren's way. Lauren's eyes lit up with hope, but that was before she realised she wasn't about to say anything to her. "Camz come on. If you actually talk to me..I'll, I'll buy you a whole pizza with all your favourite toppings on it. And ice cream, with chocolate chip cookies. I'll even get Ally to make them for you." Camila smirked, and Lauren frowned in confusion. "What?" Camila chuckled and shook her head. I lost my voice, but we have a deal. Camila typed out on her phone. "Oh my god! Camila you actually fucking suck!" Lauren yelled but laughed as she shouted in protest. Camila shrugged and gave Lauren her phone, "Call them." She said hoarsely. "How'd you even lose your voice babe?" Lauren asked as she dialled the number for the pizza place. "I was shouting for you all over at the beach yesterday." Camila said in a struggled tone. "I'll get you some juice to soothe your thro-Oh hi! Yeah can I get- Yeah it is Camila's order..the super one. Yup round in 30 I know, thank you." Lauren had to hold back a laugh. "Camz they've memorised our voices and orders, do we really get pizza that much?" Camila giggled in a strained voice. "Right, juice." Lauren got up from the comfy bed and took her phone with her to call Ally, but maybe she could just go round there. She can help, and Camila can open the door for the pizza, she'd lost her voice, not her legs. "Camz I'm gonna go round to see Ally, you can answer the door for the pizza right?" Lauren asked as she gave Camila the cold juice. Camila nodded and puckered her lips for a kiss, which Lauren happily gave her. "See you in a bit, I love you." Lauren smiled, Camila gave Lauren an Eskimo kiss after their proper kiss. "I love you." She said after she had a swig of juice, she sounded a lot better already. Lauren gave a small wave before she made her way out the door and over to Ally's house. Lauren stood at the door patiently waiting for the girl to open the door. "Knock knock Ally!" She shouted rather than knocked on the door. "Hey!" Ally ran over to the door and threw her little arms around her friend. "Hey, how are you?" Lauren laughed once she saw Ally's excitement. "I'm good, what brings you over here?" Lauren smiled. "I wanted to get Camz cookies." Ally tilted her head. "There's a bakery just up the street." Lauren gave a sigh. "She tricked me into promising her your cookies, and I missed my little munchkin so I thought I'd come over to help you make em." Ally widely grinned making Lauren wear a matching smile. "Let's get started then, I'm sure you're much better than Normani and Dinah. They always eat the mixture before it even goes in." Lauren giggled. "Can I lick the spoon though?" She fluttered her eyelashes persuasively. "That's the cooks job Lauren." She teased. "But I'm helping, I'm a co-cook." Ally laughed, "Fine I give you permission to lick the spoon. Now go wash your hands, we have some baking to do." Lauren took her coat off and put it on a chair. Ally pointed to the stairs. "Hands!" Lauren held her hands up in surrender and ran up the stairs to wash her hands first. She had forgotten how bossy Ally was when she was baking. Lauren washed her hands thoroughly before she came down to Ally's inspection. "Okay, let's get started." The process of making the cookies actually went pretty smoothly, until they were put in the oven. As soon as Ally came out the bathroom from washing her hands, she was covered in flour by Lauren. Lauren cackled with laughter and Ally couldn't even be mad at her, this was the happiest she'd seen her friend in a while. "Oh my god Lo! Come here you little-" Ally chased her around the house until they were both on the floor covered in flour together. Lauren and Ally smiled widely at each other as Ally lay on top of Lauren after she sent the pair to the floor tripping over. "I missed this." Ally smiled, "Me too." Lauren smiled and kissed her floury cheek. "Ew." Lauren wiped her lips with the back of her hand. "Hey the cookies should be done in a few, let's go clean up." So Ally extended a hand and helped Lauren up. The time had got the away from them and Lauren realised it was now 4pm. "Oh shit Camila's gonna be worried, I'll see you later babe. I had a lot of fun this afternoon." Lauren said and wrapped her arms tightly around her friend. "Me too, I love you Lauren. You're always welcome here, even if it is to exploit my baking skills." Lauren rolled her eyes but smiled nevertheless. "I'll be back soon don't you worry, I've missed you a lot. And don't forget that you're always welcome at our place too. Don't be shy to come over whenever you want, we don't do a lot nowadays." Ally felt a smile tug at her lips. "I'll bear that in mind. Don't forget these." Ally handed her the box of warm cookies. "Oh right, thanks." Lauren kissed her friend on the cheek, bid her one more goodbye, and headed home. This time she didn't forget to tell Camila she was on her way back. "Hey!" Lauren said cheerily but Camila glanced up at her with a solemn look on her face. "Stop messing with me Camz you've had your fun. Here's the cookies." Lauren held them out and Camila took them from her with a small thanks. Her voice did seem relatively normal now, was she ignoring Lauren? "Did I do something wrong? I texted you, I remembered this time." Camila sighed and opened her arms. "I know, it's just a bad day. I still have them sometimes." Lauren pouted and held onto Camila lovingly. "If you'd have called me babe I would have come home earlier." Camila shook her head. "No you were having fun, I could tell. Plus I think I just needed some alone time, not that I wasn't missing you I-" "Camz chill, it's okay." Lauren almost laughed at her rambling explanation. " do still love me, right Lolo?" Camila mumbled in an insecure voice. Lauren frowned in shock. "Of course I do! Camz don't ever think I don't. You have no reason to feel insecure about my love for you, I know your head likes to mess with you but I swear to God I love you more than anything on this earth Camila Cabello. That's why I'm marrying you." Camila smiled and gave a small nod. "Okay," she whispered. "I love you too." Lauren kissed the top of her head and smiled before Camila was typically failing at being successful in holding back her tears. Yes, obviously Lauren had an idea. "Okay Camz, come with me." Camila wrapped the blanket around her shoulders. It was getting to be dark out, Camila noticed. The two girls didn't even realise it was 7 in the evening by now. Lauren set up a small video camera in the far away side of the garden out of Camila's view. "Sit down. I'm gonna play you something." Lauren smiled and picked up her guitar before sitting cross legged on the floor across from her. Camila was sat away from the camera, which was a good thing since she might need this later. Camila's eyes lit up. Lauren playing guitar for Camila was a rarity. "Ready Camz?" Lauren asked with a nervous smile on her face. Camila nodded eagerly. "Yeah." Lauren started playing the first chords and her fiancé knew what song was coming. "I love this one Lo." Lauren flashed her a quick smile before opening her mouth to sing.

"Hey there, Camila.
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away.
But girl, tonight you look so pretty.
Yes you do." Camila blushed

"Times Square can't shine as bright as you. I swear it's true.
Hey there, Camila.
Don't you worry about the distance.
I'm right there if you get lonely.
Give this song another listen,
Close your eyes." Lauren nodded to her and Camila closed her eyes with a smile on her face.

"Listen to my voice, it's my disguise.
I'm by your side.
Oh, it's what you do to me.
Oh, it's what you do to me.
Oh, it's what you do to me.
Oh, it's what you do to me.
What you do to me." Camila licked her lips and opened her eyes to look at her play effortlessly.

"Hey there, Camila.
I know times are getting hard.
But just believe me, girl.
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar. We'll have it good.
We'll have the life we knew we would.
My word is good." Camila blinked back tears at the second line.

"Hey there, Camila.
I've got so much left to say.
If every simple song I wrote to you,
would take your breath away,
I'd write it all.
Even more in love with me you'd fall.
We'd have it all." Lauren reached out to wipe a stray tear that had fallen down Camila's cheek.

"Oh, it's what you do to me.
Oh, it's what you do to me.
Oh, it's what you do to me.
Oh, it's what you do to me."

"A thousand miles seems pretty far.
But they've got planes and trains and cars - I'd walk to you if I had no other way." Camila wiped at her eyes with shaky hands as she listened, careful not to interrupt Lauren.

"Our friends would all make fun of us
and we'll just laugh along because, we know that none of them have felt this way." Camila smiled remembering the amount of times their friends nitpicked on 'Camren'.

"Camila, I can promise you,
that by the time that we get through,
the world will never ever be the same,
And you're to blame." Camila pouted and hit the girls knee playfully making Lauren giggle.

"Hey there, Camila.
You be good, and don't you miss me.
Two more years and-" Camila shook her head. "Don't." So Lauren skipped it knowingly.

"-And I'll be making history, like I do.
You'll know it's all because of you..
We can do whatever we want to..
Hey there, Camila, here's to you.
This one's for you." Lauren gave her a reassuring smile.

"Oh, it's what you do to me.
Oh, it's what you do to me.
Oh, it's what you do to me.
Oh, it's what you do to me.
What you do to me."

Camila watched as Lauren put the guitar to one side and pulled Camila into her lap. "Did you like it?" Camila smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I loved it, and I love you. Thank you babe." Lauren smiled and pecked her lips softly. "I love you too." Camila smiled and rested her head in Lauren's neck. "Oh yeah, say hi to the camera." Lauren smiled and Camila's head jolted up. "What?" Lauren held back a laugh and pointed to the red dot showing it was recording them. "You know what, I don't even care that was recording us. Because that was so incredible." Camila stood up and padded over the camera. "Future Camila, you'll be thankful for this when it happens." She whispered before shutting it off and staring at it for a moment. "Camz? Are you coming to bed?" Lauren asked as she put her guitar back. Camila smiled. "Yeah, I'm just coming." She said tearing her eyes away from the object and sighing, she looked up at the sky. "If anything could happen, anything in the world, please don't take her away from me." Camila croaked. Lauren listened and she could feel her heart breaking. Lauren walked over there and snaked her arms around Camila's waist, resting her head on her shoulder. Lauren didn't say anything to her though, she just closed her emerald eyes and held Camila in her arms. This felt right, and she hoped that Camila's prayer would be answered somehow, because Lauren wasn't ready to leave Camila behind. Although, she didn't suppose she ever would be ready for what was to come. Camila sniffled and leant her head against Lauren's as she took in the comfort she provided. The pair looked up at the stars, they didn't speak. They didn't need to, what they really needed was each other, and as for now, they had each other.

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