Chapter 9

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"We're not buying that Camz, it'll look utterly ridiculous." Lauren refused the bright yellow beanie with a duck bill. Camila suggested since Lauren liked her style of beanies so much, they could go out and buy a few more, since her black hair was making its departure, to put it more lightly. "So what Laur? You're in a relationship with probably the most ridiculous human on the entire planet, and you're this worried about a duck beanie?" Lauren nodded vigorously at Camila. "I have a good reputation in this town I'm not about to lose. I may be a dorky ass loser around you, but I am so not going to be changing my cool rocker image in public. I love you, but I'm not loving that beanie so much." Camila huffed and mumbled a fine putting it on her own head. "Oh, and I am not going out with you in public with that on either. Not until I'm so delusional I can't stand." Lauren said dramatically making Camila pout at her. "Although for the record, it does suit you." Camila giggled and put the beanie back with its 'friends' aka the multicoloured duck beanies. "Damn it. You wouldn't even try and go for a different colour?" Lauren shook her head. "You have your style, I have mine. It's why we work, well aside from the fact I love you." Camila smiled adoringly and leaned over to kiss her girlfriend. "I love you too. Now, let's go look at those. They're seeming more of the infamous 'Jauregui style' to me." Lauren followed her gaze over to the casual black beanies and smiled with satisfaction. They ended up buying 5 of them before they both headed off to get themselves some lunch, need Lauren even say Camila's choice was pizza? "This is really good." Camila mumbled with a mouth full of pizza making her girlfriend cringe playfully, she loved the girl in front of her. But she didn't have the best etiquette. "Don't talk with your mouth full." Lauren huffed and rested her chin in her hands, her eyes looked over to scan their surroundings. Their shopping centre was especially busy for a change. Lauren was feeling pretty self conscious since their discovery on their date. "No ones looking at you Lauren." Camila said softly to avoid unnecessary attention, she placed a reassuring hand on Lauren's bringing the girl out of her thoughts. "Hm? Yeah, yeah I know that Camz. Relax, I'm fine." Lauren smiled, but it was anything but the truth. "Finish your beloved pizza, and just leave me to my thoughts okay? Please?" She asked and despite Camila's natural worry, she decided it was best not to fight her on this one. Lauren needed some time to think for herself. "Okay, sure thing.." Camila begrudgingly removed her hand from over Lauren's. She watched painfully as Lauren so obviously was just internally criticising her physical appearance and wishing it wasn't her. Camila wanted to do something to help her, but she knew that no matter what she said, or did, it would be of no particular help. Nor would it be changing her views. Lauren was a very stubborn girl, she always was and she always would be. "Hey, I love you.." Camila trailed off but sadly, Lauren was so tragically lost in her own unfortunate thoughts that she didn't seem to register the gesture. It left Camila hanging and she caught a few nosy stares of disapproval, but it wasn't because they were in a relationship with one another, as far as she knew at least. There were no homophobes in their town that they had ever noticed. But to be fair, they barely noticed those around them, it was nearly just Camila and Lauren when they were together. But no, it was the fact that poor Camila had just declared her love for Lauren, and she had all but ignored her. "Lauren. Earth to Lauren Jauregui." Camila urged and Lauren blinked a few times "Sorry babe, what was that?" Camila relaxed a little when she had absent mindedly called her babe "I said I love you." Camila said loud enough for the people around them to hear, so that they would be proved wrong. She didn't know why she suddenly was seeking their..could it be called approval? But it became important in the moment to let them know their love was mutual at the very least. "I know baby girl, I love you too." She smiled softly and connected their lips briefly before pulling away and standing up. "Wait no, where are you going?" Camila asked clueless as to why she was suddenly standing up. She looked around to see the entire place of people were staring at them, well more specifically at Lauren. "I'm going to the bathroom," Lauren said before leaning closer and whispering in a soft voice. "I don't appreciate you doing that Camz, who cares what they all think. I didn't need all the extra attention, not today." Lauren said getting choked up, Camila felt guilty for essentially making a show of Lauren. "Laur I-" Camila started but a sad Lauren held up her hand and dismissed herself to the bathroom. Camila looked around to quite a few shaking heads and some poorly thought out snickers at the, yes, she quotes; 'conscious cancer kid'. Camila stood up and marched over to the old lady. "Excuse me?" She nearly spat. "I was only saying. No need for the girl to be so overly sensitive." The older woman said, seeming so proud of her response. "Well, I happen to think that my beautiful girlfriend is just so absolutely amazing and remarkable for facing this head on. Can you say you've done the same? So young at the least." Camila said with her jaw clenched "Queers, what can you do with them. But a cancer queer? Isn't she so very unlucky?" Lauren stood outside the bathroom door with tears in her eyes. "You had better apologise to my girlfriend, right fucking now." Camila appeared ready to finish the elderly woman off before Lauren came over and grabbed Camila's shoulders. "Baby look at me, it's not worth your precious time." Camila still looked like she wanted to rip the woman's head off. "Hey, it isn't our problem. It's just one uneducated, disrespectful, thoughtless, nosy, woman. Let it go, please." Lauren begged, Camila's eyes softened when she saw the tears coming from Lauren's emerald orbs. "Don't waste your tears on her spite. It's fine, come on." Camila wiped at Lauren's eyes and walked away, just as Lauren was about to, the elderly woman spat at her. Lauren's face contorted into one of disgust. "You're an abomination." She commented and Lauren stared back in horror before she got dangerously close to the woman. "Well I'll see you in hell, sunshine." She stormed right back over to Camila and wiped at her face. "God, I hate some people." Camila muttered. Lauren shrugged and kissed her cheek. "It was one person, who cares Camz? It's us against the world." Camila gave her a smile as Lauren took out a yellow duck beanie she'd bought without her knowing and proudly placed it on her girlfriend's head. Lauren giggled at her dorky, child like appearance and pulled Camila into her side. "Let's go home Camz." Camila leant her head on Lauren's shoulder and smiled as she felt Lauren press her lips to her head. "I love you Quack-mila." Lauren smirked, Camila giggled "I love you too Lauren." Camila frowned for a short moment, she didn't have an animal comeback for Lauren. "We need to get you some sort of animal beanie, you know, so I can give you a name too." Lauren chuckled "No that won't be necessary." Camila pouted "Bear?" "No babe." "Squirrel?" "Nope." "Mouse?" "Gross." "Moose?" "What?" "With like the little antlers!" "More like noose if you carry on." "What was that Laur?" "Nothing." "Dog?" "No!" "Cat!!" "Shut up Camzi."

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