Chapter 68

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"Today's the day babe." Camila smiled and squeezed Lauren's hand. They were both sat in the hospital waiting room. Lauren's knee was bouncing, she was anxious and sweaty and clenching both her fists tightly. One of which was practically crushing Camila's right hand. "I'm so scared." Lauren whispered, her words barely audible. "Hey, everything's gonna be just fine. Okay?" Lauren meekly nodded and went along with Camila having to apply slight pressure to guide her head onto her shoulder. "Lauren Jauregui?" Lauren froze completely. This is it. This is the day that truly determines her fate. Lauren was literally petrified. Camila was the only one who stood up, she looked back at Lauren confused and frowned. She crouched in front of her terrified wife while the doctor waited for them patiently and understandingly. "Lauren," Lauren's eyes shifted to meet Camila's brown ones. "You need to get up and come in." Lauren's eyes filled with tears. Did she even want to know? This was honestly the scariest moment of her life. After last time's results, how could she trust this time's? "Babe I can't get the news for you, and you can't sit in this waiting room terrified your whole life." Camila was right, as per. Lauren just needed to suck it up and walk in there. She took a deep shaky breath and slowly stood up, following her doctor into the room, tightly clutching her wife's hand. "Before we go in," Camila started, and Lauren felt her breath catch in her throat. Oh no. "Whatever happens, I love you Lauren, and I'm always gonna stick by you regardless." Lauren's eyes filled with happy tears. "My vows stand from our beautiful wedding day. Don't you ever worry about losing me, got it? I'm with you, whatever we're told in that room." Lauren nodded numbly and as if on autopilot she opened the door. The silver handle felt unsettlingly cold, and the room smelled a mix of bleach, happiness and despair. "Take a seat, Mrs Jauregui." The doctor directed at Lauren. Lauren did so and Camila sat next to her on the uncomfortable grey plastic chair. "I'm sure you've both been waiting for this day, it's scary I know.." Just get to the fucking point, why we're here! "I'm very happy to tell you.." happy... "that you're cancer free Lauren." Camila screamed and jumped from her seat. Lauren was handed her file and the results, she read her name at the top of the file and on the results page. She flicked through all the papers and scoffed in disbelief. It was real, it was right. She was finally cancer free. Lauren stood up, cupped her shaking hand over her mouth and let out a sob, hugging her excited and overjoyed wife tightly. "Fucking shit." She squeaked. Camila grinned and leaned back to cup her face. "You did it babygirl!" Lauren exhaled shakily and pulled Camila into the most passionate kiss in a little while until her cries of relief and happiness broke it. "I'm so proud of you." Camila rocked her wife in her arms. "I'll give you two a minute to process things. Take your time." The doctor said before leaving the room. "I love you so much." Lauren cried into Camila's chest. "I love you too, don't cry baby." "I'm just so happy." "Me too." Camila smiled widely. "Am I dreaming? Is it real?" "It's totally real Laur, you beat it." "I really did?" "Yes. You kicked it's ass." Camila chuckled. Lauren leaned back and wiped her eyes. Her green eyes had a gleam in them, a fresh sparkle Camila hadn't seen in nearly a whole year. Her wife was back in all her glory, and they couldn't be happier. Suddenly Camila was rushed out of the room, Lauren's hand gripping her own as they sped through the hospital doors. That's right, Camila forgot. Dinah drove them there, but she didn't want to come in, rather just wait outside. She watched as Lauren eagerly jumped into her best friend's arms, screaming happily and crying into her shoulder with relief. Dinah grinned and kissed Lauren's cheek hard letting it linger. "I'm so proud of you Lauren, I'm really happy for you." Lauren laughed in shock and tightened her hold on her best friend. "Didn't think I'd leave you alone did you?" She teased Dinah. "Who knows what you'd get up to without me to keep you in check." Dinah giggled and spun Lauren around, Lauren's legs moved to be wrapped around Dinah's waist as she sighed happily into her neck. Dinah winked at Camila and that made Camila's jaw drop. She totally knew. "Come on! We need to tell Mani and Ally! They're waiting at home for us now!" Camila said excitedly making Lauren shake her head and nuzzle her face in Dinah's neck contently. "Just give me a minute." Dinah smiled and closed her eyes, taking in the feeling and reminding herself there would be many more of these times to come. "I love you Di." Lauren mumbled into Dinah's skin. "I love you too Lauser." After a couple of minutes Camila smiled and wrapped her arms around them both, wanting to feel included after giving the two their moment. "We love you too Chancho." Dinah rolled her eyes. Lauren climbed down as Dinah got in to start the car and looked at Camila with so much happiness in her eyes Camila could cry at that alone. They stood still for a second, just taking the time to look at each other before they both leaned in to kiss properly, but they were smiling too wide for it to work. But that was the best kind of kiss anyway. "Come on lovebirds! We gotta go spread the news!" Dinah beeped the horn and yelled to them. "Coming!" Lauren and Camila replied together and linked their hands as they got in and sat in the back seat of Dinah's car to drive them home. Normani and Ally sat at the table anxiously watching the clock and holding each other's hand. They jumped at the sound of car doors shutting, locked eyes and rushed to the door just as it opened. "Well?" Normani asked hurriedly. "What did they say?" Ally added. Lauren's neutral face broke into a wide smile making both girls scream and engulf her in a huge bear hug. Camila and Dinah stood in the background smiling at each other before they made it a five way group hug. "I love you guys so much, thank you for everything." Lauren said, her words honest and heartfelt. "We're so happy for you." Normani said wiping at her eyes. "It's a miracle." Ally smiled. Of course she would say that. Camila chuckled at her thought. "I say we all stay and celebrate it with drinks and a movie night!" Dinah cheered. Lauren and Camila set up a large fort and they all settled comfortably in it with posh glasses each filled with champagne. "I'd like to propose a toast!" Camila grinned as she eyed her blushing wife. "To Lauren." Everyone smiled and directed their eyes to their friend. "The amazing, strongest, and most beautiful girl I've ever known." "To Lauren!" Everyone choruses while Lauren sat with her face in her hands blushing. "You guyssssss." She groaned with a laugh. "You kicked cancer's ass Lo, that's something to be incredibly proud of and something worth celebrating." Normani nudged her with a smile and laid her head on her shoulder. Lauren pulled the girl closer and giggled. "Seriously though, I couldn't have done it without all of your support and love, so thank you. This isn't just my victory. It's yours." Everyone cooed at the girl and pouted. "Okay I have another toast." Ally said out of the blue. "What is it?" Dinah asked. "To life, all of our long and happy lives." Everyone raised their glasses and Lauren did the same this time. "To us." She smiled. "To us!" Everyone cheered and Lauren downed the glass. "Before we watch the film I have something to say." All eyes turned to Lauren nervously.

Aaaaaaaaand, that's the end.
There will be flashback chapters that I'll upload after this so stay tuned :)

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