Chapter 59

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It was Camila who woke up Lauren in the middle of the night, it was simply impossible for her to sleep alone. But sleeping around Dinah was a hard task since she took up a fair amount of room, despite cuddling close to Lauren. "What's up babe?" Lauren mumbled sleepily. She couldn't guess what time it was, but it was still dark out so it must have been the early hours. "I can't sleep without you." Camila sighed, talking in as small a voice as she could manage so as not to wake up Dinah. Little did she know the girls had only gotten to sleep an hour earlier than she had woken up Lauren. "Camz look at us, unless you sleep literally against the wall and me, there's no way that it would work." "I'll try that then." "Babe-Camz, okay stop. You're literally on top of me, what's the matter with you tonight?" Lauren said, her voice strained from Camila's full body weight on top of her tired body, and on top of Dinah's arms, but luckily, Dinah was a heavy sleeper. "I told you, I can't sleep." Camila reiterated. "Babe there's literally nothing I can do, you'll have to sleep in there without me for the night. Unless you can get Dinah up and make her go in the guest room for the rest of the night. I can't do shit." "Pst, Cheechee!" Dinah groaned and opened her eyes sluggishly. "Mila, what the hell?" "Please can I sleep with Lauren?" "Damn, a little early for that don't you think?" Even when she was half asleep she was a smartass. "She can't sleep without me Di. By all means come in here if you need me, don't even hesitate. But she really needs her sleep, we both know it." "Alright, as long as y'all don't do the nasty." Dinah mumbled, getting up from the bed and trudging her way to the guest room. "Thank you Cheech!" "Night Dinah!" "Night losers." She called back tiredly. "Get in here you little asshole." Lauren sighed and lazily opened her arms for her wife to cuddle with her. "Are you okay?" Lauren asked seriously. "Yeah, I just missed you is all." "You're sure that's all it was?" "Yes Lauren," Camila insisted, leaning over to kiss her lips for a second and smiling at the loving look in her wife's eyes. "I promise." "Okay, I love you. Get some rest." "I love you too, goodnight Lolo." "Sweet dreams mí amor." When morning came around Camila was still sleeping while Dinah and Lauren were downstairs. "I think you should tell Mani." "She'd kill him this time." Dinah sighed, taking a sip of her Diet Coke from the fridge. "Maybe, but he'd deserve it, I'll even help her hide the body if necessary." Dinah stopped and looked at her with a straight face. "Dinah I'm joking, but seriously. You can't keep something like this from her. I don't even know how she didn't notice." "Baggy t shirts and sweats mostly." "Secrets are bad in a relationship Di, and you do love her, don't you?" "Of course I do!" "Then tell her." Dinah threw her head back and sighed. "You're right. But can I call her over here? I don't wanna be alone when I tell her, I meet need someone to help me stop her going after him again." "Good call." Lauren nodded. "Call her now. I'll wake Camila up, we need to talk anyway." "Why?" "I think something's bothering her, but I don't know what." Lauren said, rubbing her forehead. Suddenly Dinah was handing her tissues and pinching the bridge of her nose for her. "Nosebleed." Lauren realised and took over, also putting the tissue under her nose. "Headache too?" "Mhm." Lauren sighed. "Alright. I'll get you some Advil and some stuff to clean you up when that red river finally stops 'cause I can't see it stopping just yet." "Thank you." Lauren said, her tone clearly grateful. "No problem. Where's the Advil?" "The cupboard on the left." "Got it." "First aid kit's on the bottom shelf." "Got that too. Come on to the bathroom, if any blood drips it's easier to clean up." "Look at you, all in nurse mode." "Yeah yeah, shut it Jauregui." Lauren chuckled and followed her best friend to the downstairs bathroom. "How many do you need? One or two?" "Two please." "Alright, take these." Dinah said, handing her the two pills and a glass of cold water. Lauren swallowed the dry and had some water to wash them down. "You know you shouldn't do that, it can burn a hole in your throat." "Huh, didn't know that, consider it duly noted." Lauren said as she put the empty glass down in the bath for the mean time. "Has it stopped yet?" Lauren removed the tissue and checked in the mirror. "Still going, but I think it's almost over." "Okay." "Call Mani while we wait. You can't avoid it." Lauren reminded her. Dinah took a deep breath in and nodded, bracing herself for what was to come. "Okay." When Normani arrived, Dinah was a bundle of nerves. Lauren opened the door to a smiling face which she knew wouldn't last terribly long before it was replaced by an angry frown. "Come in." "Hi babe, I missed you so much." The girl pouted and cuddled up to Dinah who was shaking, but happy to see her girlfriend. "I missed you too." "Dinah What happened? Why in God's name are you shaking so bad?" Lauren saw the way Dinah slyly mouthed "Lock the door." and did as she said. "I need to tell you something really important. Okay? And you have to promise me and Lauren not to freak out." Normani swallowed thickly as she assessed the two girl's faces. "And me!" Camila said, coming downstairs. "I don't really know what's going on, but I'm here so promise me too." Lauren opened her arms for Camila and encased her in a hug. "Hey babe." "What's going on?" She yawned, but she had brushed her teeth so she could give Lauren a good morning kiss right away. Lauren smiled and pecked her lips. "You'll find out in a second." "Is it good or bad?" "Just be ready to hold Normani back." "So very bad then." Camila mumbled. "Yeah." Lauren whispered, and a heavy silence filled the room. "Will someone tell me what's going on already??" Then there was a repeated knocking at the door. So Camila snaked out of Lauren's arms to open it, revealing Ally and a box of brownies. "Hi!!" "Ally!" Camila smiled and picked the girl up in a hug. "Ooh, damn, there's a lotta tension on here. Hey guys." She said when she put her box of brownies down. "Hey Ally." The remaining girls chorused, Lauren looked to Dinah, and Dinah nodded to say she could stay. Everyone was going to know now. Fuck it. It would be very unfair if everyone knew but Ally. "Lock the door Camz." Camila frowned at the request but did as she was told before standing next to Lauren, who put an arm over her shoulder immediately. "What'd I miss?" Ally asked hesitantly, standing alone in the kitchen with her big brownie box sitting on the counter, watching the awkwardness. "I need to hear something important apparently, but so far all I've got is interruptions." Normani huffed. "So come on Dinah! What, are you gonna break up with me or something?" Dinah's eyes widened. "No! Fuck no, oh my god. No way Mani absolutely not." "Well then what is it?" She asked, her voice now being softer. "Okay." Dinah whispered to herself, taking a deep breath to prepare herself. "Do you uhm, d'you remember when my old boss took advantage of me?" "Wait he did what?! When did this happen?!" Ally shouted out. "Shh!" Lauren and Camila hissed together. "Sorry." Ally whispered and carried on listening. "Yeah. I do. Why?" Dinah took a deep breath. "Turns out that he uhm, he'd gotten me pregnant." "You're carrying his kid?" Normani exclaimed. Everyone in the room had all thought she would make an angry dash for the door, but she stayed in her place, fuming nevertheless. "N-no, not anymore." "You got an abortion then?" She asked. "Isn't that a little late in the game?" Camila whispered in Lauren's ear. Lauren nodded and tilted her head towards them to say keep on listening. "Yesterday at work I-" "Oh right! The day I didn't hear from you at all and I only had Lauren to keep me company!" "Hey! I'm not that bad!" Lauren huffed. "No of course not! I'm just-" Normani defended. "I think you're great baby." Camila said sweetly. "Shut up." Lauren blushed, hiding her face in her neck. "Go on-will someone just listen to her for a second!" Ally tried to interrupt everyone. "Hey!!" The small girl tried again, but Dinah just blurted it out before she made an excuse, because Ally wasn't getting anywhere. "I had a miscarriage!!" The room went silent, and Normani slowly turned her head to look at her girlfriend. "What the fuck." "Mani.." "Dinah how could you not tell me about any of this?" "I didn't even know I was pregnant." "How could you not know?!" Normani raised her voice. "It happens sometimes! I didn't know till there was blood pouring out of vagina coming through my trousers!" Camila cringed a little at the bluntness of it but kept it to herself. "How do you know it wasn't a period?" She rebutted. "Because one, I'm not bleeding today, two, it was too much blood for a period, three, I'm a nurse, which means I've seen plenty, and number four, the stupidest of reasons," Dinah said sarcastically. "I had 3 doctors take a look, two of them from the maternity ward. Normani, it was a fucking miscarriage!" Dinah bit back hastily, but there were tears in her eyes from a mixture of emotions. "You didn't tell me a single thing about this. You just ran straight to Lauren!" "I'm her best friend Mani, she got scared." Lauren stuck for her protectively. "But I'm your girlfriend!" "Mani, I've known Lauren since I was five years old, she's right I did get scared. I was crying and I was overwhelmed and I was so scared about how you would react! And now I think quite rightly so!" Normani sighed and rubbed her temples. "I'm so mad right now." "At him?" Camila asked to clarify. "At Dinah!" She shouted. "What part of this situation is Dinah's fault?" Ally stomped in from the kitchen. "If he raped her, got her pregnant, and she had a horrible, traumatising, painful miscarriage 'cause let me tell you Mani they're not a party!" Ally said fiercely, and that was when everyone remembered. "I don't see any part of this being Dinah's fault." Normani didn't seem to take any of her words in though, because the next thing Dinah knew she was being slapped in the face. Lauren and Camila both jumped at the sound and sight, and Ally's hand flew to her mouth. "Unlock the fucking door I need some air." Camila regained herself and opened the door for her while Lauren went over to take care of Dinah who was clearly shocked and upset at Normani's reaction. Out of all the things she thought would happen in her head, this wasn't one of them. Ally had gone after Normani to try and cool her down, she was a good mediator, the best out of the five girls. Mostly due to the fact she was debatably made out of sunshine. Lauren was hugging a now sobbing Dinah on the couch meanwhile Camila, being her ordinary hungry self, went to have a brownie. "Lauren do you want a brownie?" "Camila!" She hissed back disapprovingly before discreetly nodding and mouthing yes. Camila chuckled and picked up another one. Lauren took a bite and smirked. "Dinah I think you could use a brownie." "I'm not hungry." She sniffled. "Oh I think you are." Lauren stifled a laugh before holding it in front of her best friend's mouth. Dinah reluctantly took a bite before choking on her laughter. "Well who knew?" Camila took another big bite, oblivious and looked up. "Who knew what?" Dinah opened her mouth but Lauren shook her head, she wanted to see the outcome of high Camila, she was sure it would be hilarious. Dinah kept back a surfacing laugh and held her tongue. "Nothing." "Oh. Well anyway, these brownies are really good." Lauren and Dinah exchanged a knowing look and smirked at each other. "Yes, they, are."

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