Chapter 14

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"Lauren? Would you like to bring in your partner and friend?" Lauren sat in shock before she swallowed dryly, "Uh, yeah-yeah let me just-" Lauren ran out the room faster than Usain Bolt. She ran straight past Camila and Dinah, out of the hospital doors until she came to a car park full of cars, shouting and blaring horns. Gasping for the open air desperately, someone tapped Lauren's shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" Lauren looked up but she didn't have to look up much to see it was Ally. "Lauren?" Lauren gulped and continued to gasp air into her lungs. "Ally." "Why are you here? Did I just see you come out of the cancer ward?" Lauren licked her dry lips. "I, no, uhm..okay this is going to sound insane, but I can explain." Ally helped her friend up and they sat on a bench. "I was just visiting someone in my family..she bet me 20 bucks I couldn't run out here and then back to her in a maximum of only 2 minutes..guess she won." Ally hummed before putting a hand on Lauren's knee. "Lauren I know you're sick." Lauren sighed snd threw her head back. "Ally I'm fine, look it's the truth I'm telling you, just go home. I'm fine." "Lauren are you-" "Whoever told you I'm sick is lying. They're a liar. Go home Ally, and mind your business. Okay?" Ally's eyes averted to the floor before she slowly made her way to her car. "Ally I'm sorry!" Lauren shouted shakily but Ally was out of the parking lot before she had a chance to hear it. Everything was a blur now. Suddenly a strong pair of arms were wrapped around her, Lauren recognised them to be Dinah's arms when she heard her voice. "Why did you run Lauren?" Lauren's eyes began to water "Because I wanted to." "You know what I'm really asking you." Dinah pressed and Lauren sighed. "I don't know." Camila came out of the hospital doors towards the girls. "The doctor just told me. You would have known if you'd stuck around to hear him." "Maybe I didn't want to hear him." Lauren rebutted "But you have to!" "I don't have to do anything!" Camila gave a small smile, "Lauren, you're in remission." Dinah gasped and Lauren stood still, she wasn't even breathing. "Lauren breathe. Stop. Focus, and let it sink in." Lauren took a sharp breath and let her arms fall to her side. "It's gone?" "It's gone baby, really, you did it!" Lauren smiled impossibly wide and hugged Camila as tight as she could. Then Lauren moved on to hug Dinah who was already crying with happiness. "Thank God for that." Dinah whispered and Lauren smiled. "Hey I'll meet you in the car. We can all go out somewhere and celebrate. Come on CheeChee!" Camila pulled her along, Lauren was about to follow before her doctor came charging out. "Lauren! Wait Lauren hold on." Lauren turned around with a smile on her face. "Yeah?" "I'm afraid..I'm afraid that I've mixed up the results. You're not the one in remission." "What..what are you saying?" "I got the wrong patient, and I'm sorry to say..your cancer has spread." Lauren's smile dropped and her eyes widened. "You're lying. You've got to be kidding me. Camz said-" "She only said what I told her, and what I had told her was unfortunately the wrong information. I'm terribly sorry, it was my mistake." "Okay, but that's means I can just get more treatment right?" The doctor's face fell and he took off his glasses. "It wouldn't be of much use." "What do you mean?" "I'm afraid it's terminal." Lauren leant against the wall in shock. "No." "I'd say you have 1..2 years maximum, all I can say is make it count." Lauren took a deep sharp breath and carefully sat on the bench arm. A family had came out and a girl she recognised from the cancer ward waiting room was now hugging her parents. "I'm so proud of you Lena! You did it. You're in remission!" Lauren let out a sob. That was her for about a minute, and Lauren was dying. She stared over at the car where Camila and Dinah were both laughing together with the biggest smiles on their faces. Lauren knew she couldn't tell them. Like the doctor said. Lauren needed to make it count, she didn't want her last year or two to be those of pity and She would live, she would love. Lauren pulled herself together and got up off the floor and made her way over to the car, plastering a smile on her face. "You ready to start the first day of your new life?" Camila grinned and Lauren took a deep breath at her words. "As I'll ever be." Dinah smiled and Lauren breathily sighed, why was it Lauren? She felt bad for even saying it in her head, but why couldn't it have just been that other girl and not her? "Lauren, I said shall we do a sleepover with all of us back at ours?" Lauren turned her attention to Camila as if she wasn't just deep in thought on the edge of tears. "Uh, yeah that sounds like a great idea Camila." Camila smiled slightly and Dinah got out the car while Camila and Lauren held back. "Why are we both sitting here?" Lauren laughed nervously. "I saw you with the doctor and I want to know what he said-" "You kn-" "I want the truth Lauren." Lauren gulped, she made a promise she would never lie to Camila. And even now, she won't break that. "Camz..I don't want to kill the vibe. Can't it wait?" Camila shook her head. "He wouldn't have ran out of the hospital to talk to you if it wasn't important. Tell me." "He mixed up the results..he told you wrong..I'm not in remission, it wasn't me, but mine..its terminal." Camila's face went pale. "Camz." Lauren croaked Camila held a hand up and dashed inside "I'm gonna be sick." Camila shouted and Lauren hurried out the car to follow her girlfriend worriedly. "Camila open the door!!" Lauren banged both of her fists on the door desperately. "Dinah can you go over to see Normani and Ally for a while? We need to talk privately." Lauren asked and Dinah nodded, "Sure. See you later on babe." When the front door shut, Lauren kicked at the bathroom door so it flew open. "I did unlock it you know." Camila mumbled. "I don't care, I was worried." Lauren knelt down. "Do you feel better?" "Better? How can I feel anything but awful knowing that my girlfriend, the most important person in my whole life is dying. Just like she promised she wouldn't." Lauren took Camila's shaking hands. "Camila I just, I didn't know. I-They said they could treat it and I believed them. I shouldn't have made a promise I couldn't keep. I really am sorry for that, oh my god no Camz please don't cry." Lauren pulled the now crying girl into her arms. "We don't have hope anymore, what do we have now?" Camila cried while holding Lauren tightly, as if she would just slip away now. "We have time Camz..we still have time." Camila whimpered "How much?" Lauren bit her lip "He reckoned that I have 1 or maybe 2 years." Camila squeaked as a response. "Camila-" "-What if he's wrong? You were doing so much better Lolo.." Lauren sighed "I don't know, we just have to trust what he says. He's the professional, not us." Camila licked her dry lips and stared into Lauren's hurt green eyes. There was no doubt Lauren felt the same pain, if not more, than her girlfriend felt. "Why aren't you crying yet?" Lauren gave a half smile at her question. "Because I'm the strong one remember? Plus, we have a sleepover later..can't be breaking down for that." She got up from the floor and went to leave the bathroom "Wait Lauren we can cancel-" "No we can't, everything is normal now. We act like its normal. It is normal." Camila could hear Lauren saying as she walked down the hallway and down the stairs. Camila sighed and washed her hands and rinsed out her mouth hurriedly. "Lauren." She tried to grab her attention but Lauren was just on the couch, on her phone. "Lauren-" "Stop it, whatever you want to say, just do me a massive favour and don't." Camila sighed and sat next to her but she only moved further away from her. "Babe." Camila sighed and tried to get closer but Lauren did the same thing as before. "Camila will you just leave me alone for fucks sake!" Lauren stood up, clearly frustrated. "No." Camila stood up as well, "Stop pushing me away." Lauren sighed and opened the front door "Where are you going now?" "To see my Mom and Dad." "Do you want-" "No you stay here. Don't." Lauren shut the door so loudly that it made Camila jump. Camila just sighed and collapsed back onto the couch running a nervous shaking hand through her hair.

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