Chapter 54

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"No." Camila said firmly. "But-" "No. I am not going to work, not while you're sick. It's just wrong, and I'd feel bad the entire time I wasn't here to look after you. I wouldn't be able to concentrate, I'd be worrying about you all day and it would honestly just be more of a mess than a success." Lauren went to talk but ended up having an unexpected coughing fit. "I rest my case." Camila said as she put a cold flannel on her head. "Camz you have a meeting." "And Mani promised me if anything came up she'll take care of it. It's all under control. I'm staying home to take care of you, and that's my final word on it." Lauren couldn't really complain, so instead she yawned and whined at her sore throat. "I know it hurts baby, do you want anything? I can make you some chicken soup?" "That's so cliche Camz." Lauren croaked out. "Who cares, cliche works." Camila argued simply and kissed Lauren's temple, unwrapping herself from the comforts of their duvet. "Back in a bit, bug." Lauren couldn't help but smile as she closed her eyes, but of course with her luck, her phone would ring. "Hello?" She answered in a raspier voice than usual. "Damn you sound like ass." Ally said on the other line. "Thanks. I'm sick Als." "Awh poor Lauren." "What do you need babe?" Lauren asked with a slight cough. "I need to come over and look after my friend." Ally said determinedly making Lauren pout, Ally was just all around incredibly considerate. "Camz is taking care of me already, and I don't want you to get sick mama." "Two pairs of hands are better than one." Ally was insistent, so Lauren could only thank her and hang up the phone, expecting her company in 30 minutes. "Brought you some chicken soup, sit up." Camila said with a smile, placing it on her lap. "Thank you babe." Lauren croaked and sighed as the soothing hot liquid eased her throat. "It's okay, would you like to watch anything? Listen to any music?" Lauren shrugged. "I don't mind." There was music in the air, ironically it was mainly reggae and rap, not the most relaxing genres but nevertheless they were Lauren's preferences. And then Ally walked in. "How'd you get in?" Camila asked hesitantly. "I left the door on the latch." Lauren said innocently. "It's great to see you Ally, but, why are you here?" Ally handed Lauren a flask containing a smoothie with vitamins and minerals to help her recover. "Lo said she was sick, so I came to take care of her." She said as she sat on the bed, Lauren give her signature and adorable closed smile. "So now Ally's here, you can go to your meeting." Lauren said as she cuddled up to the blonde beauty. "I cannot believe you set me up." Camila laughed. "Better believe it, now go on, you'll be late." Camila looked between the girls, and then Lauren's pleading eyes and she sighed. "Alright, but only because you're insisting. You know I'd rather be with you." Lauren kissed her cheek and nodded. "I'll take good care of her Mila, you can count on me." Ally promised. "I know you will. See you later babe, call me if you need me and I'll come home. I swear it this time." Lauren smiled and nodded. "I believe you." "Thank you Ally, I owe you." "So," Ally turned to Lauren when the door shut. "what do you wanna do?" Lauren looked up. "Can we bake a pie?" Ally hummed. "I don't think I've ever made a pie before.." "There's a first time for everything, come onnn." Lauren said in a persuasive tone. "Okay, but we need to go down to the store and get all of the ingredients to make it." Lauren clapped her hands and nodded her head excitedly, Ally couldn't help but giggle. Sure Lauren was a foul mouthed badass, but she was also an adorable puppy. "Can Dinah come too? She has a half day." Ally nodded. "Yeah sure. I have a feeling we'll need all the help we can get on this pie." Dinah told the two girls she would meet them at the grocery store. As they wandered the aisles, Lauren started to feel worse, she clung to Dinah a little tighter, causing the Polynesian to turn her head in Lauren's direction. "What's wrong?" Lauren looked up at her and Dinah saw her nose bleeding. "Oh crap." She sighed and got out a tissue, dabbing at her nose. Then Lauren brought a hand to her mouth. "Are you gonna throw up?" Lauren nodded quickly. Dinah handed the pie crust mix to Ally and pulled Lauren out of the store. As she looked around them for somewhere Lauren could be sick in, Dinah had no choice but to empty a full flowerpot. Lauren couldn't seem to stop throwing up, after about 4 heaves as well as Dinah rubbing her back, the feeling of nausea began to ease. "Ally, I'm gonna take her home okay?" Ally nodded. "I'll make the pie and bring it round for you guys, okay?" Ally offered and Lauren nodded regretfully. "Sorry Ally." She croaked. "It's okay Lauren, feel better soon. I'll see you later." Ally kissed her cheek. "I gotta go in and tell the staff about the, you know." Dinah nodded. "Later Smalls, I'll look after her." "Oh I know you will." "Come on Lauren, let's get you back to bed." Lauren sighed as she got into the passenger seat of the car while Dinah drove them back to her and Camila's house. "And I thought my shift was over." Dinah chuckled. When she looked over, Lauren was asleep in her seat, her knees against her chest. The journey was pretty short, and since Lauren hadn't woken up, Dinah came to the conclusion that she would have to open the front door and then carry Lauren inside. She didn't want to wake her, she needed to sleep. "Mm Dinah?" Lauren mumbled as the girl put her on the bed. "Yeah?" Dinah asked as she pulled the duvet up to her chin. "Stay." Lauren pleaded in a tired, sad voice. Dinah smiled softly and crawled into the bed. "You changed these sheets right? I'm not laying in your bodily fluids." Lauren hit her arm and rolled her eyes. "You're fine Dinah. These are fresh, clean sheets." "Okay...if you're lying-" "I swear." Dinah settled beneath the covers and kissed Lauren's cheek, draping an arm over her stomach. "How are you feeling Laur, any better?" Lauren turned so her face was against her best friend's chest. "Mm mm." She huffed. "How can I help?" Dinah asked. Lauren grabbed her hand and started rubbing circles on her stomach with Dinah's hand. "Rub my tummy." Dinah smiled and closed her eyes, continuing the small circular motions Lauren showed her. "Thank you Di." Lauren mumbled against her skin. "No problem boo, you just get some sleep." When Lauren woke up, Camila was next to her. "Hey baby, how you feeling?" Lauren groaned and cuddled up to her wife. "When did you get here?" "Dinah called me when you fell asleep, I've been back a little while so she went home." Lauren yawned and nodded. "What have you been doing?" Camila stroked the hair out of her face gently. "Just watching you, making sure you were okay." Lauren smiled. "I feel better now you're here." "Can I get you anything babe?" Camila asked as she wrapped her arms around the girl protectively. Lauren nuzzled her head against her chest and smiled up at her. "No thanks." "Are you sure? I can get you some water or make some food if you're hungry-" "Camz. This is perfect." Lauren said cutting her off. Camila kissed the top of her head and hummed contently. "I love you." Lauren blushed at Camila's words. "I love you too." "Oh I almost forgot. Ally brought a pie over, it looks good." "We should have dinner first." "Yeah but-" "I know you love your desserts, but slow your roll." Lauren warned. "I'm just excited about the pie." Camila mumbled defensively, which Lauren giggled at. "What do you want for dinner?" Camila asked. "Can we make something together?" "Mhm, like what?" "Spaghetti." Lauren smiled. "Sure babe." Camila agreed, kissing her cheek sweetly. "Aw, cute. What was that for?" The green eyed girl asked, a blush on her cheeks. "I just love you." Camila smiled. "I love you too Camzi." "I know." "Good, now let's make some pasta." Cooking with Camila, well, it could be a challenge. Making dinner was not going to plan so far, well not to Lauren's at least. "Camz not too much salt!" Camila jumped in surprise and dropped the salt into the pasta. "Oh my god Camila! Look what you did, you freaking idiot!" Lauren fished out the salt with two table spoons, with great difficulty may she add. Camila's face scrunched up and she couldn't help the tears that came to her eyes. Lauren heard her wife sniffle and turned off the stove before turning around. "Don't cry mama." Camila backed away from Lauren and hid her face from her view. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that." "Stop. Leave me alone Lauren." Camila whimpered as she backed into the counter. "You're right, I am an idiot." Lauren shook her head and grabbed Camila's hands, rubbing her thumbs over the back of them. "No you're not, you just made a mistake. It happens." Camila looked up with the same vulnerable puppy dog eyes she saw when they first met. "Come here." Lauren pulled the girl into her arms, and despite initial resistance, Camila eventually complied. "I'm sorry I ruined dinner." Camila mumbled into her chest. "It's okay, we have backup." Camila looked up at her wife curiously. "We do?" "Mhm, get the phone." "Pizza?" "Pizza." When their delivery came, so did their three friends. "How have we managed to lose our dinner twice?" Camila huffed. Lauren kinked her eyebrow but refrained from actually saying the first time was her fault, she couldn't handle Camila crying again. "Ah chill out Mila, we'll order another pizza for you guys." Normani smiled as she delved into her second slice, Ally swallowed her mouthful before adding in, "Right, and we'll pay for it." "But are you for real? Ally, of all people, would eat the most of our pizzas?" Lauren scoffed. "I HAVE FLAWS LEAVE ME ALONE!" Ally defended as she took a big bite. All four girls looked at Ally and raised their eyebrows. "Sorry, it's that time of the month." "Yeah. We can tell." Dinah chuckled. "Hold on; we have ice cream." Camila got up and went to the freezer. "Lauren had a sore throat so I bought her some, but needs must." Camila said, handing Ally the tub of cookie dough ice cream and a spoon. Ally smiled and took it. "You're sweet Mila, thanks." Lauren ruffled her wife's hair. "Although that was my ice cream, you did a nice thing, I'm proud of you." Camila smiled and laid her head in Lauren's lap, rubbing her head up against her hand for her to stroke her hair. Lauren smiled and did as she silently requested. "You're so whipped Jauregui." Normani shook her head. "Which one?" Dinah laughed. Camila giggled and looked up at Lauren. "If you ask me, there's nothing wrong with being whipped." Lauren nodded in agreement with Camila. "Right, and Mani, we all know how whipped you are for Dinah, so don't start with us." "Oh, am I? Go on then, give me one example." Normani challenged. "Okay, one time Dinah had a project due in at med school and she didn't get to finish it because she was sick so you stayed up all night to do it for her." Normani's cheeks flushed and she looked over at Dinah. "You told Lauren that??" "Duh Mani. She's my best friend, and plus it was cute." Dinah pouted and reached out to squeeze her cheek. "Oh! And the time you went over to her house at 2am because she couldn't get her siblings to sleep." Camila added. "Oh! And when she got really drunk at that party and you stopped her from-" Dinah's eyes widened and Normani clapped a hand over Ally's mouth. "Okay that's enough! I get the point, I'm hella whipped for Dinah. Can we move on now?" "Are you guys still hungry? Shall we order a new pizza?" "Lauren?" Camila turned to her wife, questioning if she wanted to order another one. "Uh no, I'm good. I might go up to bed actually." Dinah frowned. "Are you alright?" Lauren stood up and nodded. "Mhm. You can stay over any of you if you want to, I'm sure Camz doesn't mind either." Camila nodded hesitantly, she didn't know why Lauren was acting strange. Maybe her mood has just dropped. "Okay, I'll be up in a second to check on you." "Don't worry about it Camz, I'm fine." Lauren declined as she ascended the stairs. "I don't buy it." Normani spoke up when she was out of view. "Me neither. Who's going up?" Ally asked. "I'll go." Dinah got up. "If that's okay with you, Walz?" "Yeah, go for it, good luck Cheechee." "Good luck babe." Normani smiled up at her from the floor. "Thanks." "Take her up something to eat, she can't have nothing all night." Ally reminded Dinah as motherly instincts kicked in. "It's in hand Mom. Don't worry, Ally." Dinah chuckled. Dinah brought up some toast because it was quick to make, and she wasn't feeling very imaginative on that night. "Lauren? Can I come in?" Dinah took her initiative and opened the door when she got no reply. She knew her best friend was awake. Lauren was laid on the bed, her back to Dinah, facing the wall. "I brought you some toast in case you fancy it." Dinah said when she put it on the table right next to the bed before she sat down by Lauren's feet. "I know you're awake Lauren." Dinah said gently when she peered over. Lauren let out a small sigh and looked up at the Polynesian. "What's up Laur?" Lauren reached out and grabbed Dinah's hand, and started playing with her fingers. Dinah watched, amused and curious. "Can I lay down with you?" She asked, Lauren gave a small nod and Dinah laid next to the smaller girl, still allowing her to play with her fingers. "We don't have to talk, don't worry. I know this mood all too well." Lauren smiled softly and nodded with relief. Her best friend understood her better than most other people did. In some cases, better than Camila. "We can cuddle if you want? Or I can go, it's completely up to you Lo." "Stay." Lauren mumbled, adjusting her head so it lay on Dinah's chest. "Okay." Dinah smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you." Lauren whispered, closing her eyes. "Anytime." "You're the best friend a girl could ever ask for Di." Dinah smiled widely and began light strokes on her back where she could reach. "Love you Lo." "Love you more."

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