Chapter 61

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Of course it would be in the middle of sex with her heated wife that Lauren would get a call from her mother. "Hi Mami." She panted out. "Oh Lauren, have you been exercising?" Lauren snorted, and Camila gasped before holding back her laughter. "Sort of." Lauren chuckled. "I see. Because you know what the doctor said-" "Why did you call Mom?" "Your father and I need a favour.." "What? Is everything okay?" "Everything is fine mija, it's just that we thought a holiday would be nice, for just the two of us." "Uh huh." "And we were wondering..if you and Camila would mind looking after Taylor while we're gone." "How long are you going for Clara?" Camila asked. "We were thinking for a week." Lauren looked at Camila who shrugged and nodded. "Sure Momma. When do you leave?" "Tonight." "Mom!" Clara-" "A bit short notice!" Lauren said after their voices overlapped. "Oh I know, I know, I'm sorry, the decision was short notice. Can you pick her up?" "When?" "In about an hour? 7:30? After dinner." Lauren sighed and rubbed her forehead tiredly. "We'll be there." Camila said as she looked down at Lauren apologetically. She had missed out. Camila had her orgasm, but the phone rang just as Lauren was about to have hers. This had now evidently ruined the mood. "Bye Mom." Lauren huffed, hanging up and throwing her phone somewhere on the bed. "Well fuck." Lauren groaned, sitting up. "You know what that means don't you?" Camila tilted her head in question. "What?" "No sex for a week." "Not necessarily." "Cami-no, I couldn't live with myself knowing that my little sister heard me having sex!" "I could." Camila smirked, causing Lauren to hit her with a pillow. "Come on, we need to get dressed and leave if we're going to make it for 7:30." Lauren sighed, reluctantly going to the bathroom. "Cold shower?" "Someone's gotta finish me off." Lauren grumbled. Camila just cackled with laughter when she saw the door slam and then got up to join her. "Come here princesa, I owe you." Lauren's pleasure soon emerged and Camila grinned as said girl panted into her neck. "Fuck." She sighed out breathily. "Mm. You want some more babygirl?" Camila asked seductively, nipping at her exposed skin. Lauren gasped and gripped her shoulders, her short nails still digging into her skin, leaving marks. "Y-yes." "Yes what?" She played. "Yes Daddy." Lauren said, Camila re inserted her fingers, wincing when she felt a bite on her shoulder. "Damn. That's gonna leave a mark." Camila laughed breathlessly. "Camz!" Lauren whined, getting close. "Faster!" Camila held Lauren still with one hand as she writhed under her touch. "Baby as much as I love to see you squirm if you don't be careful you'll slip and fall." Lauren huffed and Camila gasped as she felt hand squeeze her ass, hard. "Oh god, do that again." Lauren smiled, that was a satisfactory result before a string of moans escaped out her mouth. "Cum for me princess." Lauren came on her fingers and Camila swiped her tongue over the warm wetness before kissing Lauren so that she could taste herself. Lauren hummed into her mouth and pulled her wife closer. "I love you so much." Camila smiled. "I love you too." Lauren smiled, pecking her lips. "Let's wash properly now, we gotta go." Camila and Lauren got ready as speedily as they could before Lauren drove them over to her family home. "I think it'll be nice for you to spend some time with your sister, I don't think you do that enough really." Camila said thoughtfully. "I know, but now I can." Lauren said, Taylor looked out her bedroom window, waved at the couple and then grabbed her suitcase. "Let me get that for you honey." Mike smiled, picking up the suitcase for his youngest daughter. "Thanks Dad." Lauren saw the door open and got out of the car to greet her sister properly. "Lauren!" "Aw hey Taylor." Lauren caught the excited girl in her arms after she ran towards her. Camila went ahead and helped Mike put the medium sized suitcase in the car while the two siblings had their moment. "I missed you so much Laur." Lauren rubbed her back and kissed her cheek before breaking the hug. "You're cute. I missed you too." "Now come on, hop in and come to your new home for the week." Camila said, opening the car door dramatically and bowing. Lauren smacked her butt making Camila yelp and stand up promptly. "I don't think I've seen your house you know." Taylor said, ignoring her sister's flirty antics. Camila's eyebrows furrowed together  in thought. "You know I don't think you have come to think of it." "I'll give you a grand tour when we get there." Lauren smiled. "Cool." Taylor smiled before she kissed her Dad's cheek and hugged him tightly. "Bye Daddy, have a good time with Mom." "Thank you darling. And you have a good time with Lauren and Camila." Lauren hugged her father next and buried her head in his chest. "Everything okay pumpkin?" He asked when his daughter squeezed unusually tightly. "I just missed you." "Aw, you too mija. I love you." "Love you too. See you soon, have fun." Lauren kissed his cheek and broke the hug to get back in the car and drive the girls home. "Let's go back to the house of fun and good times." Camila cheered making Lauren roll her eyes. "Shut up idiot, or Taylor will run away and hijack our parents' holiday." "Hey! I wouldn't do that!" Taylor shouted from the back seat. "Yes you would, come on." Lauren scoffed with amusement. "Depends where they're going." Taylor shrugged. "Exactly." Lauren smirked, starting the car. Mike waved his daughters and his daughter in law off before he went back inside to his wife. "Do you hear that Mike?" "Total silence." "No kids!" Clara grinned. "At last! Freedom and relaxation, here we come!" Camila was blaring the radio and she sang along with Taylor so enthusiastically that Lauren didn't have the heart to tell them that she had an excruciating headache. Especially when The 1975, Somebody Else came on. "Yes!! I love this song!" When they had all got back, Lauren told Taylor to take her suitcase to the spare room and make herself at home while her and Camila talked. Camila didn't know what they were talking about, but she was worried. "Is everything okay?" Lauren pecked her lips and wrapped her arms around her waist lightly. Camila slipped hers around her wife and frowned. "Are you alright? I thought you wanted to talk." "Nah, I just wanted to get rid of Taylor for a bit." Camila breathed a sigh of relief and pulled back to smile at her. "You had me worried for a moment, don't do that again." Lauren went to sit on the bed and patted the space next to her. "Sorry." Camila turned her head and just stared at Lauren unashamed. "What?" Lauren asked with a nervous smile on her face. "I love you, you know that right?" Lauren turned her head to kiss her before whispering against her lips. "Yeah, I know." Camila grinned and cupped her face, bringing their lips together for a second, or technically a third kiss. Lauren smiled and pulled her wife closer by the waist, kissing her earlobe and tugging on it playfully, and that was when her sister interrupted by knocking on the door. "God, what is it with my family today?" Lauren huffed. "Yeah Tay?" She called out. "What's for dinner?" Camila giggled, that was why the two girls had got along with each other. Even when her and Lauren had just starting dating. Their love for food. "She's so me." "Isn't she just." Lauren sighed. "You can come in you know! We're decent." Camila called out and Taylor entered the room. "Yeah, decent with lipstick all over your faces." Camila's eyes widened and she tried to wipe around her face where her lipstick had smudged, as did Lauren. "So dinner!" Lauren interrupted. "What do you want to eat?" Camila asked. "We haven't really thought about it. Is there anything you wanted specifically?" Lauren asked with a smile. "Well," "Here it comes." Camila teased. "Some friends invited me out into town to get food with them, can I go?" "Who are these friends?" "They're in the grade above me, a couple another grade up, but they're really cool!" "When did they invite you?" "This morning." "Uh huh." Lauren said suspiciously. "And Mom and Dad know about this?" "Yeah." She said, trying to lie persuasively. "Of course." Taylor said hesitantly. Camila loved this Lauren, it was a real turn on. "So if I call one of them and ask they'll tell me they gave you permission to go out with these older kids?" "We're not exactly kids Lauren. I'm 13." "Will they tell me?" "Uh.." "It's a simple question Taylor, yes or no?" Camila chewed on her lip as she watched the interaction. "Okay fine they don't know! But please Laur they'd never let me go!" "Right, and neither am I." "Lauren! That's not fair!" "I'm sorry Taylor but I'm the one taking care of you and it's my decision." Lauren said matter of factly. "I asked nicely! I told you the truth didn't I?!" "Partly, you said Mom and Dad would know and they didn't." "Camila, can't you do something here?" Taylor whined. "Lauren," Camila tugged on her arm. "What?" Lauren sighed, knowing this couldn't go well. "why don't you let her go?" "I'm responsible for her, what if something happened to her?" "It won't!" Taylor insisted but Camila held up her hand for her to shut up. "She's a good kid." Taylor was about to open her mouth again to say that she wasn't a kid, but Camila sent a pointed look her way that said leave it to me. "She's sensible, as long as we give her a curfew and she stays safe-" "Which I will." Taylor insisted. "She should be fine." Lauren stared at her wife, and then looked at her little sister, who had the cutest puppy dog eyes you could imagine on display. There was an agonising silence for Taylor before her older sister opened her mouth, finally. "You text me when you're there and on your way back-" "I will!" Taylor said excitedly. "Your curfew is 9, maximum! If you're even 1 minute late then you're not going out tomorrow!" Lauren warned her seriously. "Yes!! Thank you thank you thank you!" Taylor grinned, running to her sister and embracing her in a tight and grateful hug. Lauren rolled her eyes and hugged her back. "Please be careful." "I promise." "Call me if there's any sort of problem, or if you need either of us to pick you up." Taylor nodded quickly and turned to Camila. "You're the best sister in law ever!" "Yeah yeah." Camila chuckled, patting her back as she hugged her. "Have fun with your friends, like your sister says, be safe." "I will. Thank you! Bye guys!" "Taylor!" Lauren called and her sister poked her head around the door. "Yeah?" "I love you bug." Taylor smiled and "Love you too, laters!" "Bye!" Camila called out and the front door shut a minute later. "You're an asshole persuading me like that with your charm." "And you're extremely hot when you're being serious as fuck, I don't remember the last time I saw you like that when it wasn't towards me." Lauren smirked and pressed her lips on Camila's. "Round 3?" Camila raised her eyebrows. "I can't. Sorry, I have a bad headache." "You want some Advil?" "Please." Lauren sighed, laying on the bed spread out. Camila and Lauren watched a movie before the green eyed girl turned to her wife with a worried expression. "What's up?" Camila asked knowingly. "Do you think she's okay?" Lauren asked. "Should I call and check on her?" "No babe just let her have some fun with her friends, a kid's gotta be a kid while they can." Lauren sighed and nodded. "You're right. You're totally right. I'm just being overprotective." "You're her big sister, it's natural. Just don't turn into the parent and smother her, we know what that's like." "Yeah but I also don't wanna be too soft on her that she gets hurt somehow. She's important to me. I'd feel horrible if anything were to happen to her. Not only that but my parents would kill me." Lauren said, fiddling with her hands in her lap. Camila put a hand on her leg and turned Lauren's cheek round to look at her. "Nothing's going to happen to Taylor, she's having fun with her friends, you have nothing to worry about." "I guess." "She's just getting dinner, I mean the worst that could happen is she accidentally stains her shirt with spaghetti sauce." "Like you did on our second date?" Lauren teased. "Don't remind me that was my favourite shirt!" Camila whined, hitting her with a pillow. "Sorry." "Thank you." "It's just I'm amazed how you spilt the entire plate down yourself-" "THAT'S IT I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Camila shouted out playfully as she tickled her wife making Lauren cackle uncontrollably. This was just them, their relationship was amazing through and through. Lauren wouldn't have married anyone else but Camila Cabello/Jauregui.
"She's late." "I'm sure she's fine babe, it's only an hour past her curfew." Camila said. "And I said 1 minute late and she's grounded tomorrow!" The door opened and Taylor's wide smile fell when she saw the stern look on her older sister's face. "Hi?" Taylor said uncertainly. "Hi? Taylor Jauregui what did I say to you?" "I'm sure she had a good explanation.." Camila said hesitantly. "Be quiet Camz. What's your excuse young lady?" "The bus was late." "Why didn't you call to be picked up?" "My phone died." "And you didn't use a pay phone?" "No change." "What about using one of your friend's phones?" "We left separately." Lauren scoffed. "Okay let me get this straight, you left mine and Camila's house with low or half charge on your phone, no back up emergency change, you didn't make sure to come back even before your curfew and came home by yourself in the dark?!" Taylor pressed her lips together awkwardly before saying, "Yeah that's about the gist of it." "Go to your room!" "Wait but I haven't even-" "Don't make me say it again Taylor." Lauren said in a low voice that told Taylor not to argue. Taylor looked at Camila who had her arms crossed, looking unimpressed too. "I'm sorry." "Go, Taylor." Taylor sighed and followed the stairs to the spare room. "Lauren-" "No leave me alone Camila." "I didn't think this would happen-" "I fucking trusted your judgement! And for what?! I know my little sister and because of you, I made the wrong choice." "I really thought she would be okay with friends-" "Yeah. Some friends they are. Any real friend would have made sure she would get home safe. Dinah would have done the same, so would Normani with you." Camila looked down at her feet, knowing her wife was right. "Face it Camila, she barely knew these people. I was right from the start, and you made the wrong call." "I'm sorry-" "I don't wanna hear it." "Are you coming to bed?" "Later." "Babe-" "Don't, 'babe' me." "I love you." "Goodnight Camila." Camila gulped and trudged upstairs, coming face to face with Taylor who was clearly listening in on the couple. "I'm so sorry-" "Go to sleep Taylor. Unless you want to add eavesdropping to your list of screw ups tonight." Camila scolded. "Night." Taylor muttered. "Night." Camila sighed before going to her and Lauren's bedroom. An hour and 27 minutes later, yes, Camila had been counting, Lauren entered their bedroom and crawled over Camila, wrapping her arms around her from behind. "Are you still mad at me?" Camila asked timidly. Lauren sighed and rested her chin on Camila's shoulder. "No. My anger was misdirected, I'm mad at Taylor, Camz. Not you." Camila turned over in her arms. "Have you slept? You look tired." Camila shook her head. "Why?" "Cause I couldn't sleep thinking you were mad at me." Lauren sighed and kissed her nose softly before smiling reassuringly at her wife. "Even if I was, I could never stay mad at you. I love you too much." "I love you too." Camila smiled shyly, heat rising to her cheeks. "Goodnight mi amor." Lauren smiled as she snuggled into her body. "Goodnight." Camila whispered, a smile on her face. All the while Taylor was crying in the next room.

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