Chapter 53

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"You're finally home." Camila grinned and Lauren sat down on the couch, she wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with Camila after the very long journey. "Yup, now come and cuddle." Camila only had to look at Lauren's pouty face and outstretched arms to crack. Camila sat next to her and Lauren whined. "Camzi come cuddle!" Camila shook her head and patted her lap for her to sit down. Lauren immediately brightened up, she loved dominant cuddly Camila. Lauren hummed contentedly as Camila pulled off her shirt and bra and stroked her back. "I'm proud of you." Camila said after a short and contented silence. "Why? What did I do?" Lauren asked against her neck making Camila shiver. "You're being so brave and fighting the cancer and your other internal battles, just sticking with it. I'm so proud of you Lauren, I hope you know that." Lauren smiled against her neck. "I don't think I remember the last time someone told me that they were proud of me..thanks Camz." Camila kissed her shoulder and smiled. "I love you babygirl." Lauren grinned. "Aw. You're so cute." Lauren kissed her neck innocently. "I love you too mama." Camila felt Lauren's eyes close against her skin. "Are you getting sleepy my pretty girl?" "Mhm." Lauren smiled against her neck. "Shall we go upstairs to bed and have a nap then?" "Nooo, I'm too comfy." Camila giggled. "I know but I want to not have a bad back when I take you out to dinner." Lauren looked up curiously. "You're taking me out to dinner?" Camila bit her lip. "Maybe, depends if you're going to nap in bed or not." Lauren started to consider their position. "Where?" She asked simply. "I was thinking the sushi bar downtown." Lauren grinned. "Sold, nap time!" "Where?" "In bed!" Lauren shouted quickly. She pulled her wife up excitedly and Camila couldn't help but laugh. All this excitement for sushi. Her wife was such a dork. "Baby, wake up." Camila whispered. "5 more minutes." Lauren muttered into her shoulder. Camila rolled her eyes, Lauren was so stubborn sometimes. "Sushi." Lauren sat up and yawned. "Okay I'm awake." Dinner went fairly smoothly except for the new English waiter who was quite clearly checking Lauren out all night and Camila had just had enough of it. "Why are we leaving so soon?" Lauren asked as Camila stomped out the bar. "That bastard has been ogling you all this time we've been sat there." Lauren looked back for a second curiously. "He was?" "Yes. How didn't you notice?" Lauren chuckled simply and pulled her wife to face her. "Camila, I only notice you, you're the only one I see, the only one I love, and the only one I ever will, forever, okay?" Camila couldn't prevent the blush on her cheeks. "Okay, thank you." The journey home was silent and Lauren knew something was troubling her wife, she just had to wait for her to open up. Camila was a waiting game on most occasions. "I'm sorry." She spoke finally as they were cuddled up on the couch. "For what babe?" "I don't know, for being really jealous, and..for being, well, stupid." Lauren frowned and took her hands. "You're not stupid, and you have absolutely no reason to be jealous, for real. I'm all yours mama, every day of my life and after." Camila leaned in and kissed the green eyed girl with so much passion Lauren could practically feel it coursing through her body. "God I love you Lo." Camila breathed heavily against her swollen lips, causing a hot and bothered Lauren a familiar warm feeling in between her legs. "You do?" She breathed the question and Camila nodded, panting against her lips from their heated kiss. "Yes." Lauren leaned up to her wife's ear and then whispered seductively, biting Camila's earlobe as she spoke. "Show me." Camila squealed as Lauren pinned her straight down on the couch. Camila stared up at her wife who had a fire in her eyes she couldn't describe if she wanted to, it was unique and it was special, it was just, Lauren. Her Lauren, who loved her to the ends of the earth and back, to infinity and beyond to quote Toy Story, to the moon and back even to quote probably every mother. Lauren licked her lips slowly, and Camila lost all of her self control. Despite Lauren's desire, she was always careful and gentle with her. Despite the many times they made love, Lauren was always asking for silent permission from her, if you excuse their first time which was a string of the constant words "Is this okay? Are you sure babe? Do you want to stop? Are you comfortable? Are you 100% ready for this?" With Lauren, it was always okay, it was way better than okay, it was even better than great, if Camila was honest, there wasn't even a word for how Lauren made Camila feel. "Camz?" Camila noticed Lauren had a concerned look on her face. "You zoned out, are you okay?" Camila smiled and brought their mouths together gladly. "I'm better than okay baby, I'm yours." Lauren kissed Camila back hungrily at her words. Those words tended to be a weakness for Lauren. They got pretty far and pretty heated, but then Camila's phone rang and Lauren groaned. "I'm so sorry Lo." "Camila!" Lauren whined. Camila looked at her with her infamous puppy dog eyes and Lauren cracked, it was inevitable. "...Get it." She sighed. "Hello?" Camila said into the phone, keeping apologetic eye contact with her wife. "Mhm." She hummed. "I'm busy." Camila was fidgeting by now, and it was then Lauren knew Camila had to go somewhere. "Fine, but not too long." Camila said determinedly. "Yeah yeah, you owe me Mani." Lauren pouted, was she really being taken away from her well deserved sex? Camila hung up and bit her lip. "Lauren.." "What?" Lauren grumbled. "I have to go." Camila said slowly. "Why? What does she want?" "She's stacked up on paperwork for orders due in tomorrow, I have to help her, it's my business for God's sake." Lauren reluctantly crawled off her and sighed. "Okay." "Are you mad?" "No." Lauren said simply, but she wouldn't look her in the eye, and her new tone of voice begged to differ. "You are mad, don't be mad baby." Camila pleased. "I'm not, just go." Camila sighed and pressed her full lips onto Lauren's for a second but huffed when she didn't kiss her back. "Lauren please, I probably won't be home tonight considering the amount of paperwork Normani told me about. I want a kiss goodnight." Lauren crossed her arms and frowned. "Hmm. Get me off first." "Lauren!" Camila shouted in horror. "I'm kidding." Lauren laughed. "Oh my god! Your face! Goodnight Camz." "So you're not mad?" Camila asked cautiously. "Well, a little. But you have a good reason, and as much as I love making love to you, I can wait." Camila smiled and kissed her nose sweetly. "That's my girl." Lauren smiled and kissed her lips lovingly. "Night babe." "I love you." Camila said as she pulled her shirt over her head, that being the last item of clothing she had to put on. "I love you too, and hey, good luck with the paper work." "Thanks. Oh, invite Dinah over for the night, yeah? Mani and I will probably end up doing an all nighter so you guys can keep each other company, or be lonely together, whatever works for you." Lauren nodded and let out a puppy like yawn. "Okay." Camila blew her wife one last kiss and then she was gone, so then Lauren called Dinah. "Lauser!" "Hey! Wanna stay over, since our girls are both working?" "Uh huh. I'll be there soon. We can go get food when I'm there?" "Sounds good, later DJ." Dinah smiled and Lauren sighed contently. Dinah wasn't Camila, but she would do. Not in a bad way, but she couldn't fuck Dinah, it'd be weird and wrong. Lauren actually fell asleep but was woken up about half an hour into her nap when the doorbell rang, and of course stood there was her best friend. "You look like shit." "Thanks. No I know, I just woke up." "Ah, well are we going?" Dinah nodded over to where her car was. "Yeah." Lauren yawned and grabbed her phone and keys. "Let's go." "So I'm thinking chips, chocolate, candy, soda?" Dinah suggested as they wandered through the various aisles. "Whatever you want." Lauren agreed as she cuddled into her side comfortably as they walked. "Are you okay?" Dinah asked, stopping to look down at the girl worriedly. "It's stupid." "I've probably heard worse." Dinah smiled gently. "It's not a big deal, I just miss Camz, plus I was about to get some when your damn girlfriend called her." Dinah laughed at the statement and patted her head. "Aw poor sexless Lauren." Lauren laughed and slapped her arm. "Shut up!" "I'm sorry, but if it helps, I miss Mani too." Lauren suddenly had an idea. "Let's get em some food and take it over to them before we go back." Dinah nodded. "I like that idea." Soon enough the girls were on their way to headquarters and in the elevator going up to the top floor where Camila and Normani would be, in Camila's main office. "Knock knock!" Dinah called. Lauren groaned and hit her best friend's arm. "They can't hear us, idiot." "They can see us." "They're busy doing paperwork, they're focused, just go in." Dinah opened the door and both girls looked up. "Hi babe, what's up? It's late." "Hi. Is Lauren with you?" Camila asked hopefully. Lauren hugged Camila from behind, covering her eyes. "Guess who?" "My beautiful wife?" "Correct." Lauren smiled and kissed her cheek. Camila giggled and pulled her wife into her lap. "So how's it going guys? Good?" "Eh, it's going." Camila huffed. "Slowly." Normani agreed as she took the soda Dinah gave her. "Nice chair." Lauren complimented making Camila roll her eyes. "Well you broke the last one. What are you both doing here?" "We missed you, when we were at the store Lauren and I thought you guys could use some snacks and stuff to keep you going." "Aw. That's so sweet of you." Normani smiled and kissed Dinah's lips for a second, Dinah could taste the Mountain Dew. Lauren rolls her eyes. "Actually it was just my idea, Dinah just went along with it." Dinah poked her tongue out at Lauren and crossed both her arms stubbornly. "Humph. Tattletale." "Credit stealer." Lauren retorted. "Okay, calm down." Camila laughed. "Thank you babe, it was a lovely thought." Lauren blushed and rested her head against Camila's chest as she looked down at the work she had in her hands. "What the fuck, that looks so long." Normani nodded. "It is long. And it's all gotta be done by tomorrow morning." "Then let us help you." Dinah smiled brightly. "Babe, no offence, but this isn't your thing." Her girlfriend declined the offer politely. "Yeah Di, don't get us wrong you're a really great nurse, but let's just cast our minds back to high school, you barely passed math." Lauren said and Dinah shrugged. "You can't say I didn't try." Camila smiled and shook her head. "As much as we love seeing you both, we're never gonna get all this shit done if you two stick around." Lauren whined and wrapped her arms around her neck like a child. "Lauren.." Camila trailed off in a warning tone, but she had to admit she was still reluctant to send her and Dinah home. "Please just a little longer. Half an hour we'll be outta your hair." Lauren pouted, Camila tried with all her willpower to look away, no, not the pout. Normani turned to look at Dinah who was now pouting at her too. Camila and Normani looked at each other and sighed, they knew they were defeated. "Fine, half an hour. This has to be done by 9 maximum and it's going on 2am." Camila agreed and Lauren snuggled up to her girlfriend happily. "We promise, we'll go in exactly half an hour." Dinah said as she kissed Normani's cheek and they swapped places so Normani could sit on her lap and cuddle. "You're tense baby." Dinah said as she massaged her shoulders, Normani let out a moan at her touch. "Please keep doing that." Lauren looked up at Camila who was biting her lip, seemingly reading her mind. "Supply closet, let's finish what we started." Camila whispered. Without another second going to waste Lauren was hoisted up, a squeal let out from her lips as Camila carried her to the end of the corridor. "I'm gonna make you feel so good." Camila husked into her ear as she pushed Lauren up against the wall. Lauren immediately responded by trailing her tongue along her neck and bit down making Camila gasp and grip her waist tighter. "It's about fucking time."

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