Chapter 65

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Camila didn't like sleeping alone, it was strange and uncomfortable not to have someone to hold or to hold her. It was different than last time, before, Lauren was just downstairs and she could just go downstairs and sleep with her. But this time, she was with Dinah, and she couldn't just drive over, unreasonably barge over there in the middle of the night and demand Lauren go to sleep with her. It would be wrong. It was their weekend celebrating their best friendship. Camila had come into the picture after Lauren and Dinah were best friends. No, she had absolutely no right to interfere. No matter how much she would have liked one. Camila didn't want to be selfish. Her hand hurt from writing so she couldn't even do that anymore. She just cuddled up to a large teddy bear and breathed in Lauren's lingering scent. It was at times like this Camila wished they had a pet; a dog or a cat. But the reality was they didn't have the time for one. With Camila owning a business, and Lauren having cancer, needing help at unpredictable times, it just wasn't practical, or fair. Camila decided to text Lauren, that wasn't too unreasonable, right? She was her wife after all. She could always cover it up to say it was a goodnight text or that she missed her. But then she may as well be honest, it was an important factor in any friendly or romantic relationship, but especially in theirs.
"I miss you Lolo:("
Lauren didn't reply, she waited a long time. At first she thought something had happened to her, or she was having too much fun with Dinah to care about her, maybe she'd forgotten her, or the likely option, she was already asleep. Camila decided staring at her phone was a useless exercise and threw it to one side of the bed, Lauren's side. "This is ridiculous." She grumbled to herself, she picked up the phone and stared at it thoughtfully before finally clicking on a contact and calling it. "Hello?" Her best friend replied, clearly distracted by something. "Mani?" "Hey Mila! What's up?" "This is a weird question I know, but can you come over and sleep with me tonight?" "Girl, you know I love you, but I don't do booty calls." "No!" Camila whined. Not that Normani wasn't a beautiful girl, but she was her best friend, it would be way too weird. Not to mention they were both incredibly loyal people, to their partners especially. "I miss Lauren, she's with Dinah this weekend for their best friend anniversary and it's weird not having someone here..ugh, forget it, I'm being stupid-" "No, no you're not, it's okay. I'll come by from work." "It's really late Mani, what the hell are you still doing over there?" Camila asked in surprise. "Just dealing with some bits and pieces of stuff I held off on doing yesterday. Anyway, I'm just finishing it up now, so I'll see you soon." "Alright, just please be careful on your way out and over here." "You know I will. I can take care of myself Mila, have you seen these muscles?" "Fair point. Well, see you soon." "Okay." Normani hung up and Camila fell back on her bed with relief. Thank God for best friends. If Lauren had her best friend, Camila could have hers. It was like a housemate swap, sort of, temporarily. There was a knock on the door not long after the call and the dark skinned girl was stood outside with a smile on her face. "Hey hey." She beamed. "Hi, honestly this means a lot, thank you for coming over." Normani waved a hand and took off her coat. "No worries. You got any sweats or pj's I can sleep in? I didn't really anticipate on this happening." "Right!" Camila smacked her forehead in remembrance. "Of course. Uh, go ahead and make yourself comfortable in mine and Lauren's room, I'll go grab you something to wear." "Okay." Normani smiled, putting her bag to one side and taking her phone and charger upstairs with her. Camila rummaged through a draw of spare clothes and victoriously pulled out a nightshirt. "Here you go!" Camila called as she entered the room, throwing the shirt to her. "Awesome, thanks." Normani changed in front of the girl unashamedly, they'd seen it all before. No, not like that. Normani crawled over Camila and cuddled up to the girl, spooning her from behind affectionately. Camila sighed in relief at the comfort of a warm body next to her. "Thank you."  Normani replied simply by kissing Camila's cheek and burying her face in the Cuban's neck. "Night Mila." "Night Mani." When Camila woke up, she half expected Normani not to be there. But to her surprise, she actually was. She was laid by her side, sleeping peacefully. Camila smiled and reached over to cuddle up to the girl. Normani huffed in her deep sleep and turned over on her side, subconsciously facing Camila. "Mani?" "Shh, sleeping." Normani mumbled, her words barely audible. Camila chuckled and rested her head in her neck, closing her eyes and going back to sleep. "Sorry, I'll just go back to sleep too." Normani didn't answer her because she'd already fallen asleep again. Camila loved Normani to death. She really did. But she wished she was cuddling her wife instead. In the morning, Camila woke up to a text from her wife and smiled from instinct.
"Miss you too babygirl❤️"
"I had Normani over last night, but she fell asleep early and your cuddles are way better."
"I'll be home soon, promise. I'll come home tonight and you can have alllll the cuddles you want." Camila giggled, imagining Lauren saying those words.
"Yay! Can't wait."
"Dinah's up, I'll see you soon princesa. Te amo❤️"
Dinah pulled her up unexpectedly, she yelped in surprise and groaned. "Dinah what the hell?!" "Thank God." "What d'you mean?" "You were unconscious Lauren." "I was?" Lauren tilted her head in confusion, and when she did she realised how dizzy she felt. "Yeah, you were getting out of bed and then you fell, you were out for like ten minutes. Plus you ain't bleedin' on my bed." Lauren frowned and lifted her hand up to her nose to find blood pouring from it. "Oh for fucks sake. I'm sorry-" "Don't be sorry, honestly it's not your fault, it's just Mani would kill me 'cause these are white sheets." Lauren sighed and went to the bathroom to get some tissues with her head leant back. "I'll drive you home, I'll bet Mila misses you and you'll wanna rest up." "Thanks. We can do a swap, since Mani's over there." "Alright cool, let's just change out these pyjamas and we'll be on our way." Not long later Lauren opened the door and was immediately pounced on by Camila excitedly making her nearly fall over. "You're home already!" "She fainted and had a nose bleed, go easy Mila." "What?" Camila pulled away quickly and looked her over hurriedly. "I'm fine Camz." Lauren told her reassuringly. "Lauren c'mon, be real, you're pretty unsteady on your feet." "Hi baby." Normani greeted Dinah with a peck on the lips. "Hey, we should get going and leave 'cause I want some breakfast." "I swear Dinah-your best friend with cancer fainted and you're thinking about breakfast." "I'm hungry!" Dinah said and Normani rolled her eyes. "Are you okay Lauren?" "I'm fine Mani. Just get her out of here and get some breakfast or she won't shut up." "See? She's fine." "Shut up, get out of here." "I'm a nurse Mani honestly she's okay-" "Come on!" Normani and Dinah argued lightly as they walked up the path. "They're cute aren't they?" Lauren smiled. "Mhm. So are we." Camila smiled, slipping her arms around her waist from behind, and Lauren let out a gasp when a hand found it's way down her leggings. "And hot too." Lauren whined when Camila pressed teasingly against her covered core. "But now's not the time." Camila withdrew her hand and Lauren's jaw dropped. "You're such an asshole." "I know. And you're on bedrest, Jauregui. So get moving up those stairs." Lauren groaned and stomped upstairs, making sure Camila knew she was grumpy with her. Camila simply chuckled and rolled her eyes. Lauren had a right to be mad, well not mad, grumpy. She was a tease, she knew it, and she enjoyed it. "I hate you." Lauren pouted as she put one of Camila's long t shirt's on, making the girl smile adoringly. "You love me, why else would you be wearing my clothes?" "Shut up." Lauren grumbled, knowing she was completely and unfortunately right. Camila hummed contently as she wrapped her slim arms around Lauren, snuggling up to her wife from behind. "I love you so much." She said into her neck, kissing it softly. "I love you too." "Knew it." "But you're still an asshole." "Knew that too."

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