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"Cass, you okay?" Dean immediately asked as soon as Gabriel snapped Castiel back. There is a small slit on the bridge of his nose, him panting.

"I'm fine... Hello Gabriel." Castiel greeted boldly.

Gabriel flashed him a mocking smile, "Hey bro, how's the search for Daddy going? Let me guess... awful."

Cass clenched his jaw and inhaled deeply, his eyes never leaving Gabriel's. The air thick with years and years of animosity towards each other.

Dean shot Gabriel one last glare and walked to the exit. "Okay we're outta here..Come on, Sam."

"Uh.. guys?" Gabriel frantically asked as he watched the three of them walk away, he sighed internally before yelling. "Okay, okay! You got me!" Gabriel sighed, raising both of his hands on the air before dropping with on his sides.

"What? What do you mean?" Sam frowned, walking back to where he stood awhile ago. Gabriel rolled his eyes, his shoulders sagging as he snapped his fingers and a black folder were placed on his hands, some papers sticking out.

"Find this girl and bring her to me." Gabriel handed the binder to Sam and Dean raised his eyebrows, scoffing. "Yeah and why would we do that?"

"Because she may help you clean up your mess." Gabriel raised his voice slightly but remained calm, Dean and Castiel approached Sam and looked over his shoulder, peeking at the folder's contents.

"Why should we bring her to you? The last thing we need is a not-a-trickster-after-all-but-an-archangel rapist on the loose." Dean says sarcastically.

Gabriel ignored his statement, he gestured at the folder. "I took the polaroid pic from a café in Nebraska a year ago, then the crumpled picture is from a newspaper seven months ago, spotted at Missouri from a concert, I think. Then I found two photos again from two different cafés: one at Idaho and Oklahoma five months ag--"

"Have you figured out what her name is? Where on Earth did she came from or how she can actually help?" Dean rudely cut in, curiously staring at the pictures.

"That's the point, Dean-O. I don't know. I've been tracking her for two years, the first lead I've got was a year ago. Not even angels, tricksters, demons, pagans, gods and every monster and creatures Daddy created can't find her. My guess is that every bone in her body, including the tissues and skin though humans may not be able to see it, are covered with Enochian sigils. Also, a witch may be involved, a powerful one I presume, to achieve that kind of magic."

Dean rolled his eyes and sighed. "Well, isn't that freaking fantastic?" He says sarcastically. "Wait, a powerful witch?" 

"Yes, Dean." Gabriel drawled, acting as if he was talking to a child. "A witch. With all those voodoo hoodoo and their hex bags and bones. As I was saying, it sure seems likely that this girl likes to put her pictures with her friend every time she goes to a café. People say that she had been a regular costumer, coming all the way from her hometown until she never came back a month ago."

Castiel inspected the photo closely, one by one, "She looks quite familiar."

"Look, I don't care if she looks familiar or not, what I'm saying is; find the girl, then bring her to me.. Oh and one last thing, don't get her killed." Gabriel smirked.

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