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I look at Dean sprawled on his bed, loud snores escaping his opened mouth. He went back this afternoon, moaning about how good her Blueberry Chessecakes are. He said he swung by and put up an 'FBI Agent' act and asked her questions. She does have a son. What he said about her son earlier made me wonder about the pros and cons of this whole thing. Dean's right. Axel's only 4, he needs his mom by his side as he grow up but...

Let's look at the bigger picture here, Lucifer already found his vessel. He needs to be stopped before he could do further damage in the planet. Since the devil is walking on Earth, demons are now on full force; possessing humans and killing innocents.

My phone rang, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. I run my hand all over my face before picking up, "Hello?"

"You need to leave Missouri, now. Take the girl and remember what I said about keeping her alive." Gabriel commanded.

"What? No! We haven't even---"

"Demons are coming! They managed to track the both of you and if they find out that you were protecting something, they would kill it. Take her NOW. You have 30 minutes, I'll try keep them off." The line went dead and I run all around the room, dumping Dean and I's stuffs inside my duffel bag.

"Dean, wake up!" I threw his duffel bag on his back, causing him to jump and poise his gun to me.

"What the hell, Sammy?" He groggily say.

"We need to get her now, demons are on their way." I explained hurriedly, carrying our stuffs and throwing it to the trunk, before I entered the car. Dean, who seemed to be alarmed and awake, swerved wildly like a madman on the way to Mia's house.

By the time we reached her house, Dean immediately run up to the porch and knocked, not caring if he might wake up the whole neighborhood. Mia answered the door in only a pajama and oversized shirt. I allowed myself to enter the house, Dean pulling Mia inside, locking the front door.

"Agent Hudson? Wh-What's happening? Did something bad happen? Who is he!?" Mia bombarded Dean.

I spread salt on the windows and doorways, Mia shrieking. "What are you doing?!"

I forced an assuring smile.

"Listen, Mia, we need you to come with us--"

"Come with you?  I don't understand." She started panicking.

I gripped her shoulders, "Let me explain! Demons are coming and they are here to get all of us. Yes, Demons are real. You're the girl who will help us stop the apocalypse before Lucifer turn Earth into a battlefield soaked with human blood. I know this is a lot to take in but you need to come with us. Pack your bags, demons aren't that easy to buy off some time. Mia, NOW!"

"I don't believe you-- What? Are you guys on drugs-- wh--" Mia frantically flipped her eyes back and forth between me and my brother.. I shook her shoulders firmly, "NOW!" She nodded a couple of times before running to what I supposed is her bedroom.

Dean was pacing back and forth, guilt evident on his face.

I asked, "You okay?"

Dean shook his head, "It doesn't feel right, man."

"Come out, come out!" A familiar voice sang outside. Dean and I shared an alarmed look, I peeked in the window and sure enough, Meg was there with an army of demons on her back.

"What happened to keeping them off?" Dean complained before making a beeline to the room Mia went to, a bottle of salt on his hand. I took my phone, Castiel's number on speed dial.

He answered on the seventh ring.


I sighed in relief, "Cas... We need you."

i am so sorry if you think it's boring, my eyes were already hurting when i finished this and i wasn't quite sure if you guys would like it

please vote and comment! thanks! x

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