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"It is sin that wins for the devil spreading evil."


Castiel straightened the cloth lend by the angels to blend in whole finding Lucinda Royston's base.

Dean scowled, adjusting the old, ragged scarf given to him to wrap around his neck. The brown garments he's wearing making him uncomfortable and itchy everywhere. He had to remove his pants leaving him in his boxers. He shook his head, turning his head away from Castiel who looked comfy with the clothing, "I can't believe we have to wear this."

Castiel rolled his eyes in annoyance, "If we're going to find the firstborn big bad witch, we must be unnoticeable. She may have eyes everywhere and if she finds out that we're looking for her, she'll flee or worse, she'll kill us both."

"Alright, uh, what did your Jeremiah say about Lucinda's site?" Dean changes the subject, composing himself.

Castiel shrugs, "Jeremiah said that Lucinda's place would be at the heart of the town. It has angel and demon warding sigils so you will be the one to sneak in and explore and perhaps, seek for the thing the Wiccan is protecting. I will keep the place under surveillance while you take your time. Then, we go back to Jeremiah and ask for her current location, they're working on it."

"Sounds like a plan, where are we?" Dean turns his head and inspect the surrounding closely.

Castiel stated, "We're at the Eastern part of Nazareth, near the heart of the town. Lucinda's site would be illuminated with angel and demon warding sigils with the eyes of an angel so I would be able to tell which one–– There it is."

The two of them walk towards a tall man-made structure that seemed a little spooky. Castiel roamed his eyes all over it and nodded in satisfaction, confirming, "It is warded. I'll be staying right here and wait for your return. Beware of traps and make sure no one feels your presence. Kill them if you have to."

Dean raised his eyebrows at Castiel with an impressed smile, "Wow. Where did you become so ruthless? I mean– I know I have that effect on people and––"

Castiel slapped the back of his head that shocked Dean. "This is not the right time for your arrogance. Look for an entrance and make yourself undetectable. Witches are clever but I hope you're cleverer than them. Go."

Dean rounded the building and found an opening at the back, he crouched down and hid behind a wooden wheelbarrow when a lady stepped out with a basket in hand. She yelled with a Scottish accent, "Dorothy, I will be at the market for a while. Make sure no theft will come near our house. Alert the watchers if something goes wrong."

Heels click-clacked at the ground and he peeked through the wheelbarrow to see her standing a few feet away from the establishment, her hands held up.

"Ter in virtute, Et super custodiam meam ego, Per vim ad tres, Te invoco, ut me protegat.."  She chanted and the house illuminated, the overlapping sigils exposed for a second until they faded. She repeated it thrice until she walked away.

Dean waited until he can no longer hear her footsteps before entering the building, the smell of herbs filling his nostrils. Someone was humming by the west and he steered clear from it, going straight up to the spiral staircase. The place was eerily quiet, Dorothy's hums echoing throughout the house.  Rows and rows of doors greeted him by the second floor and he took a sharp intake of breath, overwhelmed. He quietly opened the door closest to him, peeking his head only to see a simple bedroom, nothing to spark his interest and suspicions.

He, however, found a magazine identical to his.

'Asian Beauties', it reads. Dean chuckled quietly, shaking his head. "Lucinda and I have something in common." He found a few erotic magazines and he took his time in flipping the pages to see if there are clues.

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