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By the time Dean got back in his car after he talked to Lisa, he received a message from Bobby that demons showed up and attempted to take Axel but Mia and Gabriel showed up just in time to kill and exorcise them. Bobby told them Mia started packing their belongings and apparently, she had hot-wired a car for their trip back to their Missouri. That got him to break the speed limit and summon Castiel to get Sammy and zap the two of them immediately to Bobby's with the Impala in one piece. 

Mia and Dean are fighting in a room they're in, their shouts muffled but can still be heard. Sam took Axel outside with Bobby in order for the kid to not overhear the whole argument. 

"Gabriel told you I wasn't going to say yes to Michael, he told you about me going somewhere else that involves my privacy but you still came! That was out of line." Dean shouts, veins bulging on his neck. 

"The problem with you is that you push the ones who genuinely cares about you away! Don't worry, you won't be dealing with me anymore. Isn't that what you want?!" Mia screams, zipping up the duffel bags and checking the cupboards just in case she doesn't leave anything behind. "Don't you dare try to stop me on leaving because you were the one who recommended the idea in the first place! I don't even know what my role is in this whole 'save the world' squad. It's best for me to go!" 

"Yes! I know I'm the one who ordered you to leave but you've gotta think of Axel. You and him are safer here than in Missouri!" Dean roared, panting. His hair is sticking into different directions caused by him running his fingers on his hair from time to time. "Will you please stop for a second and listen to me, damnnit!" 

"I don't care." Mia fires back, dragging the duffel bags out of the room. She pulled the door open with so much force, enough to make Sam jump in surprise and spit his coffee. She ignored him and proceeded outside where a stolen car is waiting for them.  

Bobby gave her a look. "I'm not exactly a big fan of your decision, kid. But once you figure everything out, call me and I'll drive to Missouri and pick you up myself. Put me on speed dial so when something happens, hit the call button, ya hear? Take care of yourself out there, kid." 

Mia softened. She dropped the bags on the ground and gave Bobby a tight hug, "Thanks a lot. Don't worry, I will. Take of yourself too, alright? When I come back, we'll have a mini barbeque. The traps and sigils done?" 

Bobby gave her a nod and she smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks, Bobs. Where's Axel?"

Sam and Dean showed up on the doorway. Axel is carried by Sam, his eyes darting back and forth to the two tree-sized guys arguing heatedly. Dean walked away from Sam with an ugly scowl, striding angrily towards Bobby.  

"Bobby, you can't be serious. You're letting her go? It's not safe for them out there." Dean uttered exasperatedly. Bobby sighed, shaking his head which means there's nothing he can do it about.  Sam joined them with an unpleasant frown, the kid gripping his shoulder for dear life, repeating the words 'come with us, papa sammy' over and over again. Sam doesn't want to be far away from Axel. It's a battlefield out there and he wants to protect him. He treated Axel as if he's his own kid. And maybe, after this whole mess, he and his brother will retire on the hunter lifestyle and he'll look after Axel.  

Mia and Dean's argument kept going and Bobby wheeled himself away from the two of them in annoyance. Sam sets Axel down and fixed the collar of his polo shirt. It took him awhile to realize the tears silently flowing down his face. "It's okay, little guy, it's okay. Sammy will call you every night."

That made him cry harder. "You're coming home. You're coming back to your Daddy, don't you want that?" 

"He's not my daddy anymore. You and Dean are my daddy. Bobby is my gramps and Ellen is my gran. Jo and Cassy is my aunt and uncle. You are my family." Axel sobbed. 

Sam and Bobby shared a look of awe. Sammy kneeled down to be eye level with Axel, he gave him a tight-lipped smile. "We'll see each other again, Axel." 

At that moment, Mia walked past Dean and gave Sammy a kiss on the cheek and a hug before taking Axel and placing him on the passenger's seat. Sam put the bags in the backseat with a frown, "Call me every night, 'kay?"

Mia nodded, driving off straightaway. 

She doesn't know if she's ever coming back. Part of her wants to swerve the car and go back but the other part of her is relieved to be away from all of them. 

"Mommy, why do we have to leave?" Axel cried.

Mia looked at Axel with a melancholy expression. She took his hand and gave it a squeeze. She didn't answer his question because how will he understand when she doesn't understand either?

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