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"Are you certain that you won't get caught? This is excessively risky. Do you have any idea how Michael will give you and I penalty for breaking his order?" I scolded, looking down at Earth. There are only a few green areas dotting the planet with blue seas and oceans surrounding each land. Michael once told us about a few trusted angels guarding Eden. I was finally permitted to guard it after a lot of hardwork and tests.

Now, Lucifer found out and wanted to come with me.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm certain, yes. I've arranged a few distractions for Michael to give us some time to stroll." He clarifies. "And how come they acceded you to patrol Eden? I am older than you. You are nothing but a child."

"Maybe because you think highly of yourself? Come on, Lucy, you're letting your jealousy get in the way again." I groaned, giving him my deadliest look.He huffed before speaking, "That doesn't matter at the moment. Let's go. We have a garden to guard."

I sighed. I hook my arm with his firmly, slowly letting go from Heaven. The feeling made my stomach flip thousand times as we dodge stars after stars. I used my powers to part the asteroids on our way. We looked like a spacecraft crashing back to Earth. I get a glimpse of Venus, the plane I nourished and protected. Fire engulfed our bodies just as we close the distance on the world of humans. The air blew my hair on my back wildly, Lucifer howling in delight. Eden is not that hard to recognize.

We land in the farm planted with Sunflowers outside Eden

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We land in the farm planted with Sunflowers outside Eden. The humungous golden gates stood there, high stone walls cover the garden. It is a mile away from the actual garden for Adam and Eve to distinguish it.

"Ah, delighted to see both of you here." The angel at the other side of the gate hailed. "But, I am not informed that you will be here, Lucifer. Michael claimed that I must be looking forward to only her."

Lucifer nodded his head, keeping an assuring smile. "No need to fret, Gadreel. I am in charge on looking after her."

Gadreel stared at him for a long time, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. I impatiently waited as they both have a staring contest. The delay was immensely disturbing. I cannot help but lecture them, "Both of you are acting like complete doo-doo brains. I am delayed on my duty and if Michael reprimand me on this, i will not stop myself in apprising him who to blame. Now, will you please let us in, Gadreel?"

"You heard her." Lucifer says sharply.

"Another word coming out from your mouth, Lucifer Morning Star , and I swear i will send you back to Heaven myself." I warned.

Gadreel bows his head respectfully at me, giving Lucifer one last suspicious look before pulling out a key as big as my face and inserted it on the lock. The loud clinking sound filled my ears and slowly, the gates of Eden opened widely.

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