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"Lucy, do you solemnly pledge not to leave me?" I asks, craning my neck upwards to look at his vessel. He made a temporary vessel for himself so we can stroll around.

"Yes. What gives you the concept of me leaving you?" He replied, giving me a silly look.

I gave him a stern look, showing him that I'm completely serious. "I have noticed your frequent departures and it affects our encounters, may I ask why?"

He lets out a sigh, he raised his shoulders lightly. "It is not your part to worry about my departures, I am a busy man, do not question me." He jokes.

"This is not the time for entertainment, Lucy. We'll have that later on." I say. "It makes me worry, I feel like you're replacing me on being your accomplice."

"Accomplice?" He gasps, "You are not my accomplice, dear. You can hardly even look at a fly Father has created without gasping in awe. You can't even hit a bee. You're innocent and pure. You are my better half."

I laugh loudly, smacking his arm with my hand and rubbing my eyes to wipe off the happy tears that formed. I kept a straight face, "Alright, have you replaced me on being your better half?"

Lucifer raised his brows, jutting his lower lip out to pretend that he's thinking. "Hmm.. I might, you and Michael are inseparable. You love him too much, it makes me envious."

I glared at him sharply, "You should stop yourself from feeling envy, Lucy. It is a poison. A sin."

"You're too self-righteous, dear. Brother has influenced you." I rolled my eyes at his statement.

"You and Michael need to man up and forgive each other. It is not healthy for you to hold so much anger towards each other." Lucifer smiled at me before hesitantly opening his arms wide and stepping forward. I was surprised when he embraced me tightly. It was the first time he showed a human emotion. He despises human. The hug gives me a different feeling.

"Take me with you, Lucifer." I blurted out. Not feeling any regrets. "I don't think Michael would mind, he's been busy for a while now. Take me with you."

Lucifer was shocked at my suggestion, pulling away and walking backwards. "Are you positive about this?"

Without skipping a beat, I answer. "Yes."

x x x

Mia sat up as soon as the dream was finished. She trapped her head between her arms and took a few deep breaths to slow down her pulse. The dream felt so real. Like a memory happening all over again. Or maybe a vision about to happen.

"Nightmares again?" Sam asks, sparing her a quick worried glance before turning back to his laptop and searching cases for their next gigs.

"Y-Yes." She breathed out, letting a powerful blow that sends the hair covering her face to elevate. "Where's Dean?"

Just in time, the door opened and Dean walks in with a three or more plastic bag full of God knows what. He grinned widely at Sam and Mia, "So.. There was this promo at the Wal-Mart nearby and today was the day where the winners will be announced. The girl beside me won and y'know, I, uh, used my charms and told her congratulations and all that crap and man, she totally fell for it so uh, I added a few touches by saying she looks pretty and her shoes are beautiful but inside I was like bleh! you should totally throw that shoes away and she said I can have her prize which is awesome by the way because the prize is a "buy-all-you-want" prize. And so here I am..." He rambled.

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