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Jo started whimpering, blood spurting from her injuries. She was now crying because of the physical pain she's feeling and the emotional pain of her friend dying for trying to save her. Tears started clogging her eyes, not wasting their time on flowing down on her cheeks. Ellen comforted her but she's not quite sure if she's comforting her daughter or herself. Dean called for Sam to bring their first aid kit. He checked her pulse and almost had a heart attack when he can't feel anything, and he had to do what he had to.

He placed his palm on the middle of her chest, pushing down using his upper body weight, 100 compressions a minute. He gently tilt her head and lifted her chin, pinching her nostrils shut, he hurriedly cover her mouth with his, giving a powerful puff of breath and seeing her chest rise, he did it again.

No pulse.

He repeated his actions again but there was still no pulse. On his fourth try, he heard a slow and soft heart beat, you can't hear it unless you dip your head on her chest a bit deeper and lower and even though it is dangerously beating in a very slow pace, he's glad she made it.

Sam went to his brother's side like a lightning. Multiple threads, needles and gauzes on his hand. He set them down and started working on Jo's injuries but Ellen offered to do it herself in order for them to start on working on Mia.

Once the both of them has been bandaged up, Sam handed a bowl to Ellen and she gave him a small smile. Sam walked up to Dean, who is fiddling with something electronic. Dean gave him a glance before looking back down on the thing on his hand. "How're they holding up?"

Sam let out an anxious breath, frowning sadly. "Salt lines are holding up."

"Safe for now."

Sam responds, "Safer. Trapped like rats."

Dean has now given his brother his full attention, "Hey, you heard Meg. Her father's here. This is our one shot, Sammy. We gotta take it, no matter what."

Sam felt numb. They almost got their friends die for dragging them there to help them stop the end of the world. But, on this world, with Lucifer on the rise, you have to be strong in order to survive. Casualties is Apocalypse' last name and he knows that there are more people going to die if they do not grasp the opportunity to kill the devil.

x x x

Bobby immediately wheels over to the CB radio, hearing Dean's faltering voice from within. "KC 5 Fox Delta Oscar, come in."

Bobby picked up the mouthpiece, "KC 5 Fox Delta Oscar, go ahead."

"Bobby, it's Dean. We got problems." Bobby closed his eyes and let his head fall back slightly, the thing he dreaded finally happening. He opened his eyes and looked up before answering, "It's okay Boy, That's why I'm here."

Dean started speaking hastily, his voice unclear and cracked and it made Bobby impossible to understand. He cuts him off, "Dean, slow down. Is everything alright?" Dean's voice started quavering. "No. It's- It's- I-i-It's Jo and Mia, it's pretty bad. Damnnit, Bobby, I watched our only hope to die and if it weren't for my cardiopulmonary resuscitation, we're doomed. And Jo, she-..." Bobby nodded understandingly, "Okay. Copy that. So now we figure out what we do next. How about Jo, how's she?"

"Bobby, I don't think she's-" Dean gripped the device on his hand tightly, his eyes were once again filled with tears. It's hard for him to cope with the recent occurrence. Jo's a family and he blames himself for it. If Jo shouldn't have tried to save him from the hellhound, she would've been in a good shape. Bobby stared in a space for a moment before answering calmly, "I said, what do we do next, Dean?"

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