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That was what she felt when she entered the eerily intriguing room by the northern part of the warehouse. The room was almost impossible to be found at the end of the dirty, abandoned hall judging from the lack of brightness and the gloomy scenery outside. At first, there was a sound of metal to metal contact and her guess was a wind knocked over something somewhere. She neglected it and proceeded to the awaiting room up front. Just as she was taking the next step to enter the room, an unknown feeling coursed through her veins and she heard a familiar whisper that was so incoherent they pretty much sounded like a low gust of wind. But it's no gust of wind. They were calling her name. The voice sounded comforting and she felt serene. She walked to the opposite direction from the room in front of her and set foot in the room at the strange room. Her veins pulsated with adrenaline rush and was now vigilant, seeing that she's walking around the room, the luminescence coming from her flashlight unable to vanquish the darkness.

{pls play the song above}

She felt her shoes hit something and she stumbled forward which resulted into her lower stomach hitting a furniture which must be a table. She accidentally let go of the flashlight and it rolled away from her, dust was flying everywhere guessed from the tiny particles of powder traveling through the air and tickling her nose.

It happened all at once.

Initially, a low and deep hum purred out of nowhere. The ground seemed to be vibrating and it reminds her of her phone vibrating violently awhile ago. A strong outburst of wind roared outside, the cracking noise of the roof being torn off. A loud thunder bolts outside and suddenly a storm was transpiring outside. A hair-rising scream escaped her lips and she fell to the floor in a contorted position, her lips forming Sam's name as she desperately begged her body system to cooperate and get her out of there. She can clearly hear the continuous bolts of lightning and thunder.

A blue beam of light materialized inside the tornado, the incoherent whisper screaming in delight and surprisingly, she felt relieved. The relieved kind of way when you finally reunite with your friends and have them in your arms. The relieved kind of way when you see your baby girl or boy once they were out, their button-like nose and their doe eyes making you burst into tears with joy because they look goddamn perfect and cute and they were yours.

Her eyes remained glued to the light and she wondered if this was God or Death taking her life. She wondered if this is what death feels like. To not be able to move any of your body part, not even your eyes. To not be able to think properly since it's contained with whirlwind of conclusions and unspoken goodbyes and the thought of leaving everything behind and being forgotten. A lot of possibilities were scattered all over her head. The memories flashing back and reminding her what it felt like to live.

Slowly, the light started descending from the tornado and she could see Sam making his way to her body as fast as he can but not faster than the bolt of light. It penetrated her mouth and a familiar burning sensation tattered her internal organs. Her throat felt like it was in fire, she felt like she was on fire. Her nails digging at the ground and she was sure that she almost scraped off her nails. The whole time it happened, she was partially surprised to find herself not screaming in agony.

A blur of memories played right in front of her eyes. It was like watching your whole life play right in front of you but instead, this wasn't her life. At least that's what she thinks. It's like she's inside the owner of the memories and witnessed every single scene of her life.

A blinding light occupied her eyesight and she thought she was in Heaven, back to the garden she was in while Joshua was talking to Sam and Dean when they were brutally killed by a pair of hunters but it was cut short when a teenage boy with blue eyes and thick black hair on top of his head. He grinned at her and leant down to give her a peck on the nose, his large hand held her tiny hand. When she tried to reach for the flaming sword perched on his metallic belt, he adjusted the belt and grasped her other hand gently with a proud smile, he spoke, "Uh-uh-uh, not yet, my love. You'll have your own soon enough so enjoy the few years of your youth until you reach the age of being a warrior and be what you really are. Oh, I can't wait to tell the others about this! The development of our little one is fast-moving."

A lot of them were gathered and huddled next to each other, formed into a big circle with fire on the middle, the fire crackles and some of them stepped forward with skewered meat, lowering it down to cook. Mugs filled with either honey or freshly picked raspberry juice were tightly held in their hands. A long, never-ending, wooden table was resting a few meters from the bonfire, large platter presenting several various dishes and fruits and vegetables. A large crock were lined up, contained with different kinds of drinks they please to guzzle. A resounding voice came from above that caused a lot of heads to turn upwards with a fond smile, "Enjoy thy feast I hath prepared for you, my children." She remember the exhilarated shouts coming from all of them, including her, thanking him. She remember being happy that night.

Gabriel's eyes were wide with satisfaction, the vessel he used in her visions during the golden days in Heaven. They look a bit matured but still young. She's teaching him how to intrude someone's mind without getting noticed. They laugh when they accomplished to delve into a very young looking Nicolai clad into a golden armor. In his hands were a scroll sent by God to let him know about his next mission.

The Blood. The Ring. The screams. The heated argument. The sword in her hands froze, the silver blade turning into a glowing blue ice. Lucifer's eyes dangerously drooping, blood oozing out from his nose and ears, his whole body peppered with cuts. Michael shaking his head, walking away and leaving her to suffer guilt and regret. The reproaching speech God gave her. The pent up anger rising and costs three angel's lives.

Lucifer, his blood smeared with his own blood was cruelly pushed by Nicolai out of the gates of Heaven. His chest were decorated with fresh cuts and slashes, blood oozing out but with his power slowly coming back, they healed on their own. Nicolai's voice boomed, "Lucifer, the second archangel to be created is sentenced to banishment for your countless immoral act. You are banned to entering Heaven and if you attempt to do so, death will be on your way." Lucifer shot him a loathing look, diving to the planet Earth but not before saying, "This treachery of you dishonorable angels will never be forgotten! The day will come where I will rise and make every single one of you beg me to spare you. Just wait for the to come, it may be in years but the wait will be worth it to see every single one of your blood on my hands."

Michael walking up to her, his face grown mature and strong. His eyes gave away nothing as he declared, "The battle with the sinners will betide in the creek by the gate and we will show up with determination to beat them. I have to banish Lucifer and if I fail to do so; one of the Archangels are expected to do the honors and banish him. Father does not promote such violence but for the sake of the humans and ours, we must pulverize them..." She seemed to tune out everything he said after that, her ears were ringing and the thought of having to banish her own brother pained her. But did she really have a choice?

Lucifer's glossed eyes stared back at her as he spoke gentle words, his face slowly becoming blurry. Everything hurt and the familiar ring from an angel dying was the only thing she can hear and she knows it's coming from her. The explosive sound of a breaking seal boomed and her name remained on his lips. A familiar face came up behind Lucifer with a face filled with sorrow and regret, he stepped down on Lucifer and spoke the incantation quickly. Then she was swallowed with black abyss.

At Nazareth, Lucinda stayed still since she's still under the deep sleep the angel casted in her. Jeremiah's fingers drew nearer to her forehead to bring her back but not without hearing her saying it again and allowing himself to shiver slightly in fear, the unshakable feeling in his gut returning. "Fate be changed by the return of the deceased fallen."

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