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"How did it feel to have my grace ripped away from me? I'll tell you. It burned and it left me breathless, shredding away at my insides, tearing my wings from my shoulders engulfing my essence.."


Mia and Sam stayed outside the warehouse after they got rid of the bodies by the river a few minutes away from there. The pair finished their cigarettes simultaneously, staring up at the towering warehouse. The air was thick with tension and there's no doubt that they're nervous in what will happen after they inspect the place.

Will they find the deepest and darkest secrets about Lucifer and defeating him once and for all?

"We should go inside," Mia was the first one to break the ice and drop the butt of her cigarette on the ground and step on it. Sam copied her actions and nodded, still feeling a bit uncomfortable with her barbaric ways of killing. He turned on his flashlight and directed the light towards the door.

Their surroundings were now engulfed with the darkness of the night, provided with the dim light of the full moon up in the sky. Stars in various shapes and brightness were thrown into different places, the crows cried loudly from the distance.

"Here we go." Mia whispered shakily, and then, slowly pushed the doors open until they hit the wall. The interior of the warehouse was dark and absolutely unbelievable to see. She had a difficult time searching for the light switch but only to find out the bulbs were shattered into pieces. "Great. Alright, Sammy, I go check the East while you go check the West."

Sam gave her a silly look, "Did you really think I would let us split up? No. We don't know what's in this place so it's better if we stick together."

Mia scoffed, patting his back politely. "I'll be okay, Sam. And besides, I can kill a demon. I learned from the best remember?"

Sam sighed, not really in the mood to banter back and forth with Mia in the middle of their mission so he nodded to indicate he lets her of the hook. He walked to the dark and small hallway by the West and see if there are anything special inside this rusty place whereas, Mia went to the North Wing instead of the East.

Sam's wristwatch ticked loudly, he checked and saw it's already 8 in the evening. He let out a breath and rounded into another corridor, his rigid muscles relaxing since no demon seemed to be making an appearance.

The silence was so deafening that he jumped when his phone started ringing on his jean pocket. He gave his surroundings one last scrutinizing look before putting his gun down and answering the call. His brother's harsh tone surprised him, "Get out of there now. Don't even think of giving the place a look."

"What's the problem, Dean?"

"Trust me––"

A terrifying thunder crashed outside the warehouse and immediately cut off the call from his brother, his phone shut down followed by a blood-curling scream far away.

"Mia!" Sam shouted, breaking into a sprint into the direction where the scream came from. Thunder bolts continuously outside, the screams growing louder and louder each time. Through the window, he could see the dark sky stirring and forming into a huge tornado, the tip slowly descending and going straight to the warehouse. The trees collapsed around the field, the plantation of daisies surrounding them was knocked over and withered. An icy blue beam of light coming out from the hole of the tornado.

Mia screamed for Sam's help once again and he found her lying on the floor in a deformed position. The roof was withdrawn from the structure of the warehouse, the shape was cut into a perfect circle which was weird. Sam immediately made his way to her frail body when the beam of light plummet down and enter Mia's mouth accompanied with a loud sound of explosion. The ground beneath them shook violently that Sam had to grip the nearby pole to avoid getting himself hurt. Sam watched as the light completely disappear inside her. He felt a sense of déjà vu from when Lucifer almost killed her when the Colt didn't work. Just like before, her eyes were illuminated with cobalt blue, blue light illuminating her mouth, her back arched.

Sam wanted to reach out for her so bad and stop the beam of light from hurting her in every impossible way. But he knows he can't.

One thing he didn't know for sure was that another seal was broken.

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