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I just wanted to say that ever since i came up with the whole plot of the story, I've been imagining this scene for a very long time. I spent night after night imagining it and I hope you'll like it! :)

"There's a little bit of devil in her angel eyes."


Sam watched as Mia ruthlessly jab the angel blade into a demon's throat, not even stressing whether the human vessel will die and go straight to hell. She moved on to the next advancing demon behind her, gracefully crouching down and swinging her leg to trip the demon which she successfully did. Before the demon could even react, she was brutally blasting the gun repeatedly. The last demon standing came running towards her with a rock, aiming for her head. She instinctively doused the demon with holy water to buy herself sometime and when she gets the opportunity, she kicked the demon's head until the vessel's brain is scattered on the grassland. She stabs the demon with the angel blade for good measure.

Mia twisted her neck audibly, her body slowly relaxing to see that they have managed to kill them all. Tiny drops of blood sprayed all over her face from the vessel's body, her clothes stained with blood, her lips slit, blood trickling down her head and gushing out of her nose yet she doesn't look like she's in pain. A lot of punches were thrown at her direction, pinned a couple of times through telekinesis, strangled to death, hair was pulled they were almost torn off but she looked like she enjoyed every single minute of it.

The sun is setting by now and the trees danced along the strong wind, some leaves falling. Sam and Mia glanced at each other then turning their gaze back to the warehouse infront of them whom witnessed their battle with their foes.

"We need to clean up. Dispose their bodies somewhere far and burn them for people might see and call the town's sheriff together with his cronies. We also need to patch up." Mia finalized, stashing her angel blade back to her skirt and carrying the guns.

Sam frowned deeply, his eyes observing her very closely as she stared at the bodies with repugnance, stepping on someone's body halfway though her way back to the car.

This wasn't the Mia he knows.

The Mia before would've felt sorry for the people who were possessed unintentionally, it wasn't their fault. The Mia would've exorcised every single demon she face and keep the innocent people safe. She would've doused the demon with pure holy water until it has no choice but to leave the body they inhabited.

But this one is different.

x x x

Dean complained for the hundredth time. He warily stared up at the ceiling, his hand unconsciously fiddling with the hem of his shirt. Bobby's fast asleep on the couch next to the armchair he's seated while Castiel's flipping through lore books passed from Chuck's ancestors.

They've been lounging at Chuck's living room ever since they receive the parchment. Castiel insisted they teleport to Chuck's place since he's the prophet at the present time and Michael may steal it any moment once he finds out about their scheme and quick trip to Nazareth.

Chuck's eyes were slightly drooping but still, the gleam of anticipation remained on his eyes. His head rested on his hand, his fourth cup of coffee placed beside him. As he flipped the next page, his eyes widened and he cried out, "Guys, you need to see this!"

The three of them were on their feet and at Chuck's side in a flash, creating a commotion through their dizzy state.

Chuck taps his finger at the brown parchment, his eyes darting to the three then back to the piece of paper. He opened his mouth then closed it, repeating it for a good three minutes, trying to come up with something to say. He summoned his voice, his finger gliding to the text.

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