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Somewhere along the way back to the place where she would take refuge with her son, she felt herself weaken with the excessive amount of zapping everywhere these past few days, teleporting with two other people pushed her strength but the satisfaction of seeing the pure horror on the woman's face was worth it. She put Axel in a deep slumber for him not to keep seeing the blood on her face and on her dress. She didn't want him to get scared of her. She didn't want to taint his purity.

She had to emergency land at Utah to put Axel down and to have the food she ate at Bobby's come rushing back up and to the grass. Her eyesight blurred and spun but still enough to make out her surroundings. Her nails dug into the soil and she let out a wild growl from her throat. She can hear the glass rustling a few feet away and she immediately put on a good act. Whimpers escaped her lip as she desperately call for help.

A minute later, heavy thuds of footsteps was heard and a man approached her, his face horrified as he take in the scene right in front of him. He took a hesitated step forward, "Ma'am, are you okay? Bloody hell, what happened to you?"

She waited for the man to be near enough for her to reach, feigning hurt and innocence. Through her blurred vision, she saw that her victim is a middle aged man. She recognized a pendant hanging from his neck, a form of an archangel with ginger hair and the same all too familiar smirk. A carved name on top of it reads, Archangel Haniel, Protector. She almost laughed at the coincidence. Here he was, standing a few feet away from his death; the same archangel he worshipped, the same archangel he prayed to, the same archangel to take his life away. He looked so kind and ready to help. Too bad he had to die tragically in the hands of the archangel he look up to. At the bottom of her heart, she felt something break, holding back and fighting the urge of using his soul as her very own power bank. That was gone in a flash. That part of her was suddenly numbed and she allowed her eyes to glow blue, the man blocking his eyes with his hands as she reveal her true form, her lips curling into a sardonic smile as she thrust an arm out,  puncturing his chest. An ear-piercing ringing sound resonated around the neighbourhood, with her vacant hand, she gave the houses nearby a flick, locking every single door and window. A scream of agony escaped his mouth, tears flowing down freely on his cheeks and uttered a prayer under his breath.

His feet left the ground just when she lifted him up higher.

If she needed to reach her journey, she needs to have a power up.

The soul was close to shattering into pieces at the time she drove her hand deeper inside the man, loving the feeling of the powerful energy coursing through her veins, her weakened power transforming into ten times stronger. She muffled all his desperate call for help, taking every single power and strength he had left in his soul before retracting her hand away and allowed the man to loll unto the ground with a sickening thud.

His eyes were vacant and stared up at the sky, his skin ghastly pale and cold. Dead.

A horrified shriek came from a woman who suspected the scene, instantly, she fished out her phone and dialed 911. Halfway through pressing the button of the last digit of the number, the phone cried out a piercing crumpling sound as it crushed into a tiny ball of an electronic human contraption. She gasped, her eyes darted to Haniel, gasping once again when she saw her nowhere in sight. She roamed her eyes everywhere in panic, stepping back hastily away from the place up until she bumped into something from behind. Turning around, she let out a scream.

There she was, standing a hairsbreadth away from her with a sardonic smile formed in her lips. Raising a hand, the woman wailed at the moment her skin began to melt. Her hair turned from black to pearly white, her skin melting like wax in a short matter of time, her remains descending unto the asphalt in seconds.

"You should've ran while you still can, darling." Haniel gloated, sneering.

The woman was completely liquefied, she could clearly see her eyeball still moving amidst the mixed liquid skin she created. Even her devices were turned into liquid along with her.

Haniel stretched her muscles, tilting her head with an audible crack. She looked down at her victims, "That's the problem with you humans. You express love and kindness. Y'all are weak and this is what you get for being one." With a deep breath, she said with finality. "Now let's go home, my child."

x x x

The sound of wings flapping and heavy footsteps coming from somewhere in the room disrupted his moments of fun as he immediately went from naked to fully clothed and the naked ladies vanishing into thin air in just a snap of his fingers. The lights were dimmed since he thought it would add up to the romance factor as he do the deed with different girls. He slid down his angel sword, his eyes and ears on full alert. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration, he felt a strong angel presence somewhere inside the room with a human. The angel reeked of murder, fury and blood.


Gabriel immediately knew who it is. He stashed the sword back in his jacket hidden pocket and turned on the lights, the sudden illumination blinding him momentarily which he recovered right after. His face scrunched up in worry and disgust when he saw her appearance. Large pin pricks of dry blood clung to her face all the way to her arms and hair and down to her dress. Black eyeliner smudged on her eyes, her lips tugged upwards, forming into an upside down U. He panicked, "Jesus Christ, what happened to you? Here, have a sit. Do you need water? Are you okay? God, whose blood is that?"

Haniel stared at him for a few moments, walking up to the couch and lying her son down to the couch until she rushed up to her brother and allowed herself to walls to crumble down, wrapping held on tightly to her brother, uncontrollable sobs wracked her whole body, her chest felt like they're on fire. Gabriel rubbed soothing circles on her back, hiking her body up and sitting back on a nearby armchair, cradling him tightly to his chest. He whispered, "What's wrong, dear?"

The crying archangel wept and sniffled before answering, "Everything, Gabe. Everything's wrong. I allowed my dark side to dominate my humanity and I've murdered t-three people. The worst part is, I felt myself enj-enjoy it and I craved for mo-more." Another string of sobs and whines, she continued, "I did the first one infront of Axel, my own son. He saw almost everything and you have no idea how frightened he was in getting near me."

Gabriel shushed her, rocking her back and forth just like what a father would do to his daughter whenever his girl is subdued. He awkwardly assured her, wishing that he says the right thing. He wasn't really used to this thing, seeing that he'd been out, doing God knows what and avoiding getting himself involved. Where in the hell is Michael when you need his sanctimonious vibes and positive advices? , Gabriel thought.

He suggested, "I could erase those five minutes of his life in his brain, would you like that?"

She nodded quietly, her cries slowly quieted down and slowly, her eyes closed, falling into a deep slumber.

Gabriel heaved a sigh, his heart filling with sadness. He stared at her sister, noticing the way the ends of her lips were tugged down and her eyebrows furrowed tightly. Snapping his fingers, thick duvets and fresh, comfortable clothes materialized on his hands. Not wanting to see his sister's body while she's knocked out cold, he decided to use his powers to change her clothes. He caressed her hair, giving her forehead a kiss, "Sleep tight, sweetheart. I'm here to give you protection, don't you worry." With that, he tucked her in.

Gabriel approached Axel, putting two fingers in his forehead, he extracted the horrible memory. Curiosity filled him up and eventually, he watched it. He sighed again, "Oh boy.."

Michael, what have you done to her?, Gabriel thought.

Anger bubbled up inside him, and without second thought, he vanished into thin air.

/ / / /

Hi! Sorry for making you guys wait for soooo long. I had to rewrite this several times because i', not exactly happy with the results. I have lost direction and I forgot what I was planning to do next on the following chapters but I promise it'll be better than this. I'm not exactly happy with what I came up with Chapter 41 because of this horrible headache I have and my eyes hurt so much :)

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