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Tessa whistled a tune she heard from the radio this morning, her heels clacking loudly and echoing throughout the short corridor, the keys dangling in her fingers. All the way through her trip, her mind can't help but to wander back to the conversation she had with Dean yesterday.

"Tessa, if you frigging let Death harm her, I swear I will come back and slaughter you." Dean weakly threatened, the muscle in his jaw twitching ever now and then. His eyes were glossed with fearful tears, his lips close to trembling. He reminded Tessa a kid in the playground the other day who was completely neglected by a group of another kids he wanted to play with when she was looking for the kid she was going to reap.

Tessa gave him a weak smile, "You know Death's my boss. I don't have the ability to stop anything he says that involves harming her but for you, I will try." She gave his back a gentle pat, "You.. You take care of yourself, Dean. I want you back in one piece and safe. Maybe Death will give you the opportunity to visit her, it's not much but it's the best thing we've got."

From the distance, Sam was frowning deeply, tears dribbling down his cheeks and Dean and Bobby would've find it funny but with the situation they're in, they couldn't. It's the day Sam will be giving his consent to being Lucifer's vessel. They're 6 hours from Detroit where Lucifer might've been located.

Dean nodded, his crestfallen face making Tessa's legs wobble with pity. He always looked so courageous and very confusing, and cocky. This sensitive side of him was new to her. Before she could say anything, Sam approached her and said, "Please take care of her and if she wakes up soon, tell her we're sorry. Tell her I'm sorry if I won't be there to continue our therapeutic talks every night. Tell her that Bobby, Dean and Castiel will take care of Axel. He'll be in good hands and he'll grow up with a normal life, just like what she wanted. Tell her that it's okay, it's okay to be angry, especially at me for not trying hard to protect her. I deserve the loathsome strategies she has to kill me. I.. Tell her I love her, please." He immediately walked away, going back to sulking at the Impala's backseat.

Death materializes beside them with an impatient stare, he gave Dean a brief nod. "We need to leave now, Dean. You're going to be late," He shot him a knowing look before going on, "You do understand that what just happened last night back in that warehouse is a sign that she's quite dangerous to be near anyone. Why do you think that happened, Dean? Don't tell me you're not skeptical with the whole thing."

"Don't you worry, Dean, as Tessa have mentioned you just now, maybe I could give you an opportunity to visit her and maybe to talk. I'll see you when I get the chance. I wish you the best of luck. Goodbye, Dean."

"Huh, I never thought I'd see the day Dean helplessly inlove with someone." Tessa mused, smirking to herself. She stopped infront of the wooden door, mustering her courage to face her and when she finally did, she inserted the weird looking key with sigils on the doorknob. The door creaked lowly, the dim light from the lamp they provided her was still on and the gigantic bed they placed on the middle was empty. The room looked like it belongs to a normal teenager and it gives you good vibes just by looking at it. The walls were elegantly painted with soft, light purple. The bedspread were also the color of the walls, the pillows fluffy and big and also comforting. A small, cream colored closet full of dresses that costs thousands and shoes that will surely give you blisters after you strut around wearing it is perched by the wall. A simple white table with a mirror and cosmetics lined up on them was placed opposite to the closet. Different kinds of books were shoved to the bookshelves at the wall– from Shakespeare to John Green, from 1970s to 2010. Death had it planned out for her. He had the room organized where she would spend the rest of her life all alone with her bottled up anger threatening to wreck her insides.

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