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"It is not yet too late to withdraw the war, Michael." I whispered, staring at his back.

The muscles on his back twitched and he turned his head to the side, looking at me at the corner of his eyes. His trouble hooded eyes making him look more intimidating.

His voice was low. "This is not some kind of assembly and easy for me to cancel, Han. Lucifer needs to be banished to Hell–"

"What, because Father said so?! That makes no sense and absolutely absurd! Just-Just for once in your life, will you please stop obeying to whatever Father cast in your direction and think about the things that may happen! You are hurting yourself, Mickey. No matter how many times you try to hide it." I raised my voice in frustration, feeling myself getting furious to everything else.

Michael is now facing me. Looking at me in a way as if he doesn't recognize me anymore.

"We have had this talk before and it did not end very well. I thought we were through this." He reminded, walking over to his flaming sword. "Go back to the Headquarters and get ready. They're coming."

I scowled. "No."

Michael stopped abruptly, slowly dropping his hand gripping his sword in his side and menacingly turning around that was meant to shoo me away and do as he say. I stayed.

"This is a direct order, Han. I suggest you let the subject go and do as I say." He says in a high and mighty voice that made me see red.

I stride over to him and gave him a shove, "We already lost one of us, Michael! Isn't that enough? Gabriel left Heaven because this is all too much! Does it really have to be this way?"

Michael's eyes bore into mine, not missing a beat as he return, "It does not matter if Gabriel left our Home, it was his decision to make. I am aware that it is hard to decipher but you must. One of us are expected to seize Lucifer and banish him to the deepest part Of Hell where his Cage is located and covered with seals Father created. This is a command from god, our Father, we do not have the right to question Him. Do not provoke me on doing the same thing to you."

My hand came up to his cheek, and the sound of skin-to-skin contact echoed through the room. Michael's head was turned to the side with a form of a human hand welted on his cheek, the bone on his jaw twitching and his eyes filled with anger and shock.

Despite the possibility that angels cannot cry, I still felt myself close to shedding tears. I stayed.

My own blood and flesh––

Wait, that's not possible.

At this point, I condemn my own Father when I know I shouldn't.

I yell at him. "Now, you are being insufferable! You, of all people, should be the one to keep us safe from harm! You, of all people, should be the first one to defy Father's command that involves us being in danger! But no!" I let out a bitter laugh, I go on. "As a matter of fact, you, of all people, is the first one to dismantle our bond."

He is now avoiding my livid gaze.

Good for him.

"The moment this war ends and you get all the recognition from everyone, don't you ever ask for my forgiveness because you and I both know you won't be getting one." I prompt coldly. I turn my back to him and started making my way to the door when his voice stopped me.

"I don't get why it affects you so much but I hope once the war is over, you will reflect and change your mind about me. I know you're reacting like this because you're guilty that you get to be here while Lucifer rots in Hell. I know it's eating you alive but– I told you this but I'm telling you again– it isn't your fault." He convinced, almost sounds like he's pleading.

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