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The Impala drives in followed by another car; Sam and Dean both have their hands out the window with their phones in their hands. Sam looked over at Dean, "You getting a signal?"

Dean looked around the surroundings, "No, nothing. Nice and spooky." He waves his hand outside and motioned for Ellen to occupy the space beside his car.

"Place seem a little empty to you?" Ellen bobbed her head at Dean.

"We're gonna check out the PD. You guys stay here, see if you can find anybody. Sweetheart, you're coming with us." Dean says, looking over at the girl suffering with hang-over, sat next to an angel curiously asking her how it feels like on Ellen's backseat. Ellen agreed, giving Mia a small smile.

Mia wobbled out of the car, grumbling profanities under her breath and accidentally opening Dean's door, thinking it was the backseat's. "Dude.." Dean widening his eyes at her and giving her a "what-the-hell" look. Mia cussed, slamming it shut and proceeding in the backseat, Sam immediately gave her the huge bottle of water and three aspirins to cure her hangover. Dean drives off and Ellen parked her vehicle, Jo and Ellen gets out but Castiel remained seated on the backseat. Jo knocked on the window, "Ever heard of a door handle?" She smiled amusedly on the angel then jumped slightly when she saw Castiel stood before her. He looked to be absorbed in thought, craning his neck from left to right.

"What is it, Cas?" Ellen alerted, following the angel's pointed look.

"This town's not empty." The town is filled with old white men wearing suits and coat, completely still. Castiel stepped forward, "Reapers."

"Reapers? As in more than
one?" Ellen's voice were shrill in confusion and anxiety.

"They only gather like this at times of great catastrophe. Chicago Fire, San Francisco Quake, Pompeii. Excuse me, I need to find out why they're here." Castiel departed, stopping occasionally to look at the motionless reapers. Jo and Ellen shared a look. Something caught his attention, a old white-eyed reaper was looking down at him who turns away from the window. The board attached to the building reads, "JESUS SAVES."

Castiel appears inside the building on the place when he saw the reaper, walking down the hall. His strol was cut short when he enters a dark room until he heard someone say.

"Hello, brother..."

A white light shone infront of him, feeling the presence of the devil.

x x x

Ellen and Jo -who have returned into their car- met up with Sam, Dean and Mia on the street.

"Station's empty."

Jo answered, "So's everything else."

"Have you seen Cas?" Mia looked like her face is not planning to go back to its normal expression because of frowning all day, "What do you mean? He was with you?" Ellen lifted her left shoulder slightly, "Nope. He went after the reapers."

"Reapers?" Dean sputtered. Mia gave all of them a confused look, soft lines increasing on her forehead. Unfortunately, she is still new to the "monsters are real" thing so she has no idea that reapers do exist. She felt her gut flipping but she decided to stay quiet. She tuned them out, being engrossed on her own world. To say that she is exhilirated is an understatement. She's scared. She woke up early just to talk to her son and have some alone-time with him, Axel didn't mind. He liked talking to his mother and sharing things with her. They talked about solar system, cartoons, tv shows, nightmares, ambitions and their experiences with the Winchesters, Bobby, Ellen and Jo.

Sam leaned down to whisper on her ear, "You okay? You look kinda lost." She resisted the urge to shudder at the feeling of Sam's lips be in contact with her earlobe.

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