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"But even in death, secrets find a way to surface and hurt the person the secret was intended to protect.."  


Two weeks. 

It's been two weeks ever since she encountered Gabriel and Lucifer. It was in a one-star-motel at Muncie, Indiana. The night after she left Bobby's place, they decided to crash for the night. But, when they were ready to go the next morning; Chad, the front desk attendant, led them to a room and locked them inside. A week after that, Sam and Dean found them. The staffs turned out to be pagan gods who wants to use the Winchesters as bargaining chips to stop the Apocalypse. Mia, on the other hand, was labeled as the 'defender' and 'destroyer'. 

After Gabriel cast Axel into a deep sleep and took him to Bobby, they agreed to help the gods kill Lucifer. Mercury was supposed to be the one who will summon Lucifer but Mia volunteered. She knows the incantation by heart and it scared her a little. Lucifer, the Beloved Leader, makes an appearance and killed almost all of the gods in sight. Gabriel faced his brother for the first time in a very, very long time. Mia hid under the table and witnessed the two archangel's showdown. 

"Oh, Lucifer, you're my brother and I love you. But you are a great big bag of dicks." Gabriel insults, smirking throughout his short speech.  

Lucifer takes a dangerous step, "What did you just say to me?" 

Gabriel motions his sword to Lucifer's vessel, "Look at yourself! Boohoo! Daddy was mean to me so I'm gonna smash up all his toys." 

"Watch your tone." Lucifer warned. 

"Play the victim all you want. But you and me? We know the truth. Dad loved you nest. More than Michael, more than me, more than...." Gabriel stopped for a moment and Lucifer looked away, "Then he brought the new baby home and you couldn't handle it. So all this is just one big temper tantrum. Time to grow up.." 

"Gabriel, if you're doing this for Michael...-" 

Gabriel rolled his eyes, "Screw him. If he were standing here, I'd shiv his ass too.." 

"You disloyal-!" 

"You're the reason why this is all happening! You and Michael didn't listen to her. You guys were supposed to be mature in handling this situation but look what you did!" Gabriel snarled. "When I escaped Heaven and walked on Earth, i had to remind myself every morning that she's gone. Everyday I wake up with her blood on my hands.. If only I was there sooner, I could've saved her!" 

Lucifer kept his eyes trained on him. Gabriel continued, "I'm loyal to people , Lucifer. Dad was right. They're better than us." 

In the end, Lucifer killed Gabriel then left the hotel. Gabriel wasn't dead. Mia told her the trick she saw in her dream three nights ago about making one's death look believable. They succeeded.. After that, Mia went with Sam and Dean. She realized that they are stronger when they're with each other. 

x x x

Mia and Dean silently walked around the Wal-Mart with a cart. They were in desperate need of food again since Dean hogged the entire refrigerator. Both of them didn't want to be near each other's presence but they had no other choice. 

Dean stares at her whenever she's not looking. His hand itched to grab the side of her face and kiss her but he refrained himself from doing so. There comes a time when Mia catches him staring at her and her mouth opens slightly. Dean's mouth opened, creating a croaking sound then snapping it shut. 

When they reached the milk station, Dean finally gathered his courage and swallowed his pride. He gently took her hand that's in the air, trying to reach the powdered milk. He laced his fingers with hers, bringing it up to his mouth and planted multiple of delicate kisses on her soft skin. "I'm sorry. For everything." 

Mia looks at him with surprise and Dean places his hand on her cheek, the other still locked with her hand. He gives it a squeeze and he looks down, "I know that I've been difficult to be with, too messed up, too much of an asshole to be sending you mixed signals; one minute, I'm all sweet then the next, I'm pushing you away. It's just the way I am. These things, what's going on between us, what we feel, it's all new to me all over again. It's been a long time since I've felt this and I'm glad for it to be you. You mean so much to me, baby. "

A grin broke out on her face and she suppressed a giggle, putting her hand at his nape and planting small kisses on his face. "God, I hate you so much. You little shitty giraffe, I hate you. You have no idea-- Jesus Christ, you finally picked up your balls.

Dean beamed. His insides felt like they were going to burst and just splatter there. God, he feels so happy. Like she was this missing puzzle piece that was missing and now he found it, he's complete.

He leaned in again for another kiss but she only stuck her tongue out and ran to the meat section four segments away. Dean pushed the cart and followed her. 

Mia stood at the middle of the section, frozen. Her eyes set on the guy infront of her. Dean's eyes darted on the both of them. The two of them didn't seem to recognize his presence since they continue to stare at each other. He cleared his throat loudly, "Do you guys know each other?"  

Mia shook her head and turned to look at Dean. She winces, "Dean, meet Cole. Cole, meet Dean." 

Cole's eyes focused on Dean, a grin on his lips. They shook their hands briefly. "Nice to meet you, man." He spoke. 

Dean didn't like this guy right away. Maybe it's because of his features that looked extremely similar. As if he had seen him before. Nonetheless, he gave him a polite smile. 

"Likewise." He simply replied. Mia avoided their gaze and Cole smiled at her, trying to catch her eyes. "It's been years, Mia. I missed you."  

Dean watched as Cole leaned forwards and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. He bit his lip to stop himself from being outrage but it was hard. He cleared his throat loudly again, causing them to pull away. 

Good, he thought. 

He snaked an arm around Mia's waist and pulled her close so that her back is pressed on his front. Cole's eyes narrowed slightly but he hid it with a smile, "So, you're the lucky guy?" 

"Yup. Who are you?" Dean asks, smiling sarcastically. Mia gave his hand a squeeze, silently signaling him that it's not the best time to be jealous.  

"I'm Cole Aaronson. Mia's childhood friend." He introduced but Dean can tell that he was more than just a friend back in the past. "Would you mind if I take Mia's number? I want to catch up with her some other time." 

Dean shook his head. "No, not at all." 

Fuck off. he thought. 

When Cole and Mia finally exchanged their numbers, he had to go. Mia stared at Cole until he's finally gone. Dean let her go with a blank stare. "Who's he?" 

"I'll tell you on the way back to the motel."

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