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Gabriel zapped Mia and her son with him and texted Dean to meet them by the warehouse nearby. Mia was numbly sitting at the chair, cradling her son and kind of traumatized with the recent events. Axel slept on her mother's lap, his breathing slow and even. The sound of Dean's Impala snapped Mia out of her thoughts. Castiel stepped inside, followed by Sam and Dean who looked tired to such a great extent. Sam limped towards Mia, wincing on every step. "Are you okay?" He bent down slightly to be able to talk to her properly.

Mia flinched slightly before shaking her head and tears started spilling out of her eyes, a small sob escaping her mouth. "I.. I d-don't know... Are you sure those demons won't come back? What if they try to kill us again?"

Sam rubbed soothing circles on her shoulder, shaking his head. "No, no, Dean and I won't let that happen. Castiel and Gabriel will be there to get you if you're in danger. They're angels, they protect people." Sam knows it's a lie. The truth is, Angels are so focused on killing each other and swerving lanes that they don't protect people anymore, they use them as vessels.

Sam noticed Mia's arms were shaking with fatigue due to carrying Axel. He gently pick up the sleeping boy, meeting Mia's eyes and raising his brows to see if it was okay. Mia sleepily nodded, standing up and walking to the place where Dean and Gabriel were talking.

"-- I swear to my Father's name, Dean. If you get her killed, I will tear your liver out of your stomach and feed them to Hellhounds."

Dean nodded, "Thanks for that creative fantasy of my death. I get it, Gabriel. We'll update you if something happens."

Castiel approached Mia, placing his hand on her shoulder in a comforting way. An image flashed in his mind, sending a jolt throughout his body. He jerked his hand away, breathing heavily as he stared with terror at Mia. He had seen a man. But it was no human. Archangel.

He strode away hastily, ignoring Mia's questions as to why he had acted like that. Mia followed Sam to the Impala, not caring when she bumped her head several times on the roof of the car as she got in. Dean amusedly stared at her, guiding her inside. Mia occupied the space straight away, preventing Castiel from seating comfortably on the middle. Her head was rested on Castiel's bicep, her left foot was resting on the console. It turns out that, Axel and Mia were wild sleepers. They kept on switching sleeping positions, Axel once kicked Castiel's side and he swore he felt the kid's foot imprinted on his vessel's rib. On the way to Bobby's, Dean made fun of Castiel.

Sam stayed up for awhile before getting 4 hours of shut eye, replacing Dean on the driver's seat for his brother to get some rest on the backseat with the girl and the kid, giving Castiel a time off from being their punching bag.

x x x

The smell of pancakes and bacon awakened Bobby and the Winchesters. Sam was still half-asleep when he trudged down the stairs, going straight to the kitchen where Mia cooked. The sight of her surprised Sam. She was only wearing an oversized band shirt reaching mid-thigh, therefore, when she bent down to get the dirty rug on the floor, he had a full view of her black underwear. Dean arrived silently beside him, following his place of interest, he sucked in a shaky breath. They stared at her ass for a good five minutes before showing themselves, acting as though they arrived just now. "How was your sleep?" Sam politely asked, resting his chin on his hand and smiling lazily at her. Mia jumped slightly, looking over shoulder slowly as if a kid caught snatching cookies from the cookie jar. She gave him a small smile, "Wasn't good. Can't sleep."

"I slept good!" Axel beamed at Sam, bopping up and down on his seat. Sam leaned closer, giving the kid an amused smile. "Really?"

"Yes! Mommy and I cuddled a lot." Axel started telling them stories about his friends back in Missouri until Mia finished cooking and Bobby joined them with a slight grimace.

No one said a word about what happened last night.

x x x


I was in front of a river.

A bench was placed by the edge but not too close for you to get wet. Colorful birds fly around me, some of them landing on my shoulder, squawking at me. I smile and stroked their feathers before letting them fly away from me. Behind me was an endless plantationt hat I could get lost in within a matter of seconds. When I looked back at the bench, a teenage boy was sat on the bench. He has brown curly hair, and wears jeans and a heart-eyed skull printed on his shirt. He motioned for me to join him.

I hesitantly sat down, making sure to leave a good distance between me and him. At first, he didn't say anything and I was thinking that maybe this guy was planning to bore me to death that I might claw my eyes out until he spoke, thank god.

"They still remember you, even after all this time."

I gave him a funny look, trying to process what he just said. "Who remembers me? What are you talking about?"

He shook his head dismissively, a serene look in his face. Silence engulfed the space between us which irritated me even more. A very long pause later, he dropped the bomb.

"Stay behind the Winchesters. Keep your head low. This was not how it is supposed to be. Gabriel found you and and it won't be too long before everyone finds out about you, and if that happens then I failed you and Him. Leave and go as far away as you can. This is a command, I do not take and accept any buts and don'ts."

I faced him, my brows furrowed. "What? What do you mean? You want me to leave? I don't even know you! I can't leave, they will come and get me. Stop it with the riddles and just tell me what you really want."

He took his eyes away from the water, giving me a soft smile. "You will find out soon."

"Who even are you?" I blurted out. I can't help it. But I have the right to know, right?

"I am not supposed to tell you my name for it might trigger you. You might develop things and I'm afraid that that it the last thing you want. Have a nice day, Mia. Remember what I said but don't tell the Winchesters."

x x x

I woke up with the constant jumps and whines of Axel. Seeing him still alive made me sigh in relief. I am thankful that he doesn't ask too many question and use my phone to call his dad. The last thing I wanted is for him to be suspicious and tell my family. I thought about the dream I had, the boy, what he said. It was odd.

What did he mean by triggering me and developing things?

Seriously, this stopping the apocalypse thing is harder than I thought and we haven't even started anything...



Please vote and comment! Love youuuu guys, please don't leave me :))

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