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"Her white wings are dirty.

Her halo is cracked.

She gets more and more evil,

The more she's attacked."

Dean watched sullenly at her sleeping figure, admiring the way she looked so peaceful and human. Her chest rose up and down heavily as she breathed calmly during her well-deserved sleep. The dress she wore was abandoned and she was now sporting Dean's shirt that stops right above her knee. Her hair pulled back into a messy bun that drove him crazy. For the first time in days, she looked back to her self.

He chugged down his beer and placed it at the top of his table, standing up and making a beeline to her. Seeming to sense another presence, her eyes started fluttering. Dean smiled fondly, taking off his shirt before lying down next to her. His hand immediately played with her hair, twirling them with his fingers.

"Mmmm, what're you up to, sweetheart?"

Her eyes opened, a small smile tugging at the ends of her lips. Her leg pinned his stomach down, her slim arms snaking around his shoulders. Dean gulped as he felt himself getting hot. Her foot brushed slightly against his crotch and it only made things worse.

"Nothing." Dean squeaked, face palming mentally.

Dean wished she wouldn't ask about Axel one more time since he doesn't want to deceive her again.  She asked where he was and he had no other choice but to tell her he's with Castiel somewhere safe from the ongoing war. Surprisingly, she believed him with such uncertainty in her eyes. And Dean doesn't want to get the same look from her again.

In a flash, she was on top of him with her legs on either side of him. Her hands kneading his chest, making her body grind unconsciously to his groin. A moan accidentally escaped his lips and Mia raised a perfectly plucked brow.

"Aroused now, are we?"

She took off Dean's shirt, not wasting time on pulling down his boxers with his underwear. His eyes widened as his manhood says hi to the world. She slowly took off her oversized shirt just to tease him and Dean almost fainted as he saw she wasn't wearing a bra.

"I didn't know y––"

She puts a finger against his lips, shushing him.

Jesus Christ, Dean thought.

x x x

A soft chime came from Dean's phone by the bedside table.

His eyes fluttered open and smiled when he sees her head on his chest and her arms protectively wrapped around him. Her thick eyebrows were knitted together and her grip went tighter but not enough to cut his blood circulation. As much as he wanted to stay in that position with the love of his life, he knew he had to get up and face reality once again.

Carefully, he untangled her away from him and laid her back to the bed again, kissing her forehead lovingly and stroking her cheek. He put on his boxers from last night– he found them dangling in the lampshade– and opened the new text message.

From: Castiel

Meet me downstairs. I've got news about Lucifer and Axel. Be more discreet.

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