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"She's like the moon; part of her is hidden."


Dean stopped the car to the curb. They stared on the road ahead for a moment, the silence was deafening for the both of them. Mia seemed to be lost in her own world, her eyes dazed. Dean watched her in his peripheral vision. His tongue itched to throw questions but he knows he needs to give her the space she needs for a short matter of time. He's never the jealous type but he's certainly envy in the way Cole hugged her and when he found out that that he knows her more than he does. 

He knows something happened between Mia and Cole. He can see the invisible barrier of awkwardness.

"What he said was true. He is-- was my childhood friend." She broke the silence, her voice businesslike. Dean turned to her in surprise, he thought she would remain silent for an hour but he was wrong.  

"Something happened, didn't it?" Dean guessed, resting his head on the headrest of his seat and sucking the inside of his cheeks. 

There was a long pause before Mia answered. "Yes. As a matter of fact, he was my friend through middle school and highschool, even college. We're in the same group of friends." 

Dean motioned for her to carry on, digesting the new information. He listened very carefully since she's never fond of sharing her past. He's willing to give her the space she needs. 

"I had a crush on him through seventh and eighth grade.. We were together through it all. Through highschool, he was the one who let me stay in his house for the night when I was too drunk to go home and fight with my father. He was the one who lied to my mother and father's face when I was stoned as fuck. Well, you see.." Mia winced as she elucidated.

  "Back in highschool, I was rebellious and a rule breaker. The typical teenage girl. I party every weekends, break in to abandoned warehouses and amusement parks, all that shit. My Father was planning to kick me out of the house if it weren't for Lauren and Quentin. I was a disgrace to their family. Was called a couple of hurtful words which I deserved by the way. I took everything for granted. Maybe because I never had the chance to savor life back in preschool and middle school. I was an insecure little girl who was too sensitive." 

Mia continues, "I didn't fail, if ever you're wondering.. Cole and I hooked up a few times during college. We classify ourselves as fuck buddies.

"Until, we graduated and our group of friends promised to stay in touch, some of them did, but some of them didn't. Either died from a tragic accident"-- Mia's voice trembled-"or happily lived with their families. I'm happy for them though I just wished things didn't headed this way.

"September 2005, I was on my way to the bar and I ran into him. We went to the club together and we caught up with each other and of course, the effect of too much alcohol draw us together to the dancefloor. There were so many cups and bottles of drinks handed to me and I just.. kept on drinking until we can't take it any longer and we left the club to..."  Mia turned away from Dean, in fear of seeing the look of disgust. She's ashamed of everything she did back in her youth. She wants to go back and correct her mistakes, change her reckless attitude. 

Dean was aware of what she's feeling as of the moment. He wants to reach out for her so badly and reassure her that he will always accept her against all odds.

"..go to the nearby motel. Everything happened so fast. One thing led to another and suddenly, we were naked and it was like we travelled back to college, y'know. We were too drunk to even realize that we were being irresponsible for that action. The next day, he had to go to Spain to do something that I'm pretty sure is an excuse to get rid off me but he was freaking out so I let him go. Days have passed and I've been having these weird sickness every hour in the day and puke in the middle of the night. I look like a dead piece of shit. Lauren escorted me to the doctor and the results were not the ones I expected." 

Dean froze. His lips chapped and he had to lick his lips to sustain the moisture. His heart pummeled repeatedly and it felt like it was ready to leap out of his chest. He can feel his nerves twisting in knots as the realization struck him. 

"Is he..." Dean croaked, the black slug inside him eating every single emotion, excluding pain. He didn't understand why he had to go through so much pain to have the girl he love in his arms. Yes, he made a couple of mistakes in his life, no one's perfect. It makes him wonder if this is the way karma wants to ruin him. He held in a breath as Mia craned her neck to look up at him. 

"Cole is Axel's father."


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