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Sam and Dean sat on the booth, eating their own meals. Sam made a face when Dean took a big bite of his double cheeseburger, he decided to ignore the fact that his brother eats like a pig but he can't. 

"Why do you even like Burgers? Did you know that Hamburgers can cause death or severe illness including bloody diarrhea, especially if the contaminated meat is undercooked? There were hundreds of people in 1993 who became violently ill due to undercooked meat." Sam disapprovingly looked at Dean. 

Dean continued to munch on his burger, "I don't really care, Sammy." He frowned disgustingly, eyeing the overflowing salad in his brother's mouth. "And why do you even like grass?"

"It's called salad, not grass." Sam retorted. "It's tastes good, plus it's healthy. You should try it sometimes, you know, if you're going to want to live longer, you might as well be healthier. As I was saying awhile ago, burgers can kill."

Dean took a huge chunk out of the triple cheeseburger without breaking eye contact with his brother and smiled, "I think I'll stick with burgers."

Sam rolled his eyes and finished his salad, he automatically turned on his laptop and looked for other weird killings for their next gigs. Dean looked out of the diner's window, squinting through the bright sunlight streaming through the glass. Missouri, Mississippi has a really nice weather today. 

Girls wearing mini skirts and shorts were passing by, making Dean stare at their ass. By the sidewalk, Dean saw a girl with her hair flying everywhere because of the wind. As she pushed her hair back, Dean took a sharp intake of breath, making the small piece of burger lodge into his throat. He started coughing severely, frantically drinking down his glass of water.

Sam diverted his gaze from the laptop to Dean, "You- You're not gonna die, are you?"

Dean dropped his burger and chugged down his glass of water before standing up. Dean pointed to the girl's direction, "She's here!"

Sam followed Dean's finger, his eyes widening before standing up and gathering his stuffs. A car halted infront of the girl, and she stepped inside.

Dean trailed behind the car, wasting no time on stepping on gas when the car increased speed. Unfortunately, Missouri was a little crowded today so Dean lost them a couple of times.

Twenty minutes later, the car abruptly stopped infront of a house. A tall man stepped out, jogging to the passenger's side, opening it and the girl stepped out.

"Oh my god, it's really her. She's real." Sam said.

A little boy stepped out of the house, shrieking happily and hugging the pair. Laughter can be heard and Dean recoiled. Sam took a picture of the house before Dean drove away from the house and into their motel.

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i'm sorry if it's such a boring chapter :///

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