238 11 17

"Be prepared...This is just the beginning.." 

- -  

At 6 in the morning, Dean was awoken by a small hand tapping him on the back. He groaned and told the person to go away, they clearly didn't get the message because it continued to tap him on the back followed by a whimper and a sniffle from time to time. Dean opened his eyes, turning his head to look at the person and was surprised when Axel stood there with tears pouring down on his cheeks and snot dribbling down his chin.

  "Axel? What are you doing here, baby?" Dean sat up, reaching for his dirty shirt on the floor. 

Axel cried harder, Dean stretched his arms wide open and the boy sat on his lap, wrapping his short arms around his muscular figure. Dean wiped the weeping boy's nose and dried his cheeks. "Wanna tell me what happened, baby?" 

"I h-had a night-nightmare and m-mommy- mommy was gone. When I w-woke up, mommy w-wasn't there." Axel hiccupped, a wail leaving his lips.  Dean wiped the little boy's tears with his thumb, "Maybe she's in the bathroom or maybe downstairs." He soothed. 

Axel shook his head vigorously, "No! I checked, Daddy. Mommy is gone." Dean's ears reddened, no one has ever called him Daddy. Especially not from a kid. But that's the least of his concerns, Mia is gone. Either she's in trouble or she left.  "We'll find her, baby. We'll find mommy." Dean kissed Axel's forehead, hoisting him up and cradling him close to his chest. He checked every single room in the house but there are no signs of her. Feeling alarmed and worried, he went to his brother's room and woke him up, telling him that their girl is nowhere to be seen. 

"What do you mean she's gone? She's knackered last night, I saw Lucifer break her, Dean." Sam says, dialing her number for the tenth time which went straight to her voicemail. 

"I don't know, man." Dean pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling an incoming headache surging through his system. Axel is now asleep on his lap, his head buried on the crook of his neck. "I don't think Cas can track her down, the lady has her bone carved with sigils." 

Sam tried again, the constant ringing making him want to lose his mind. On the thirteenth ring, he thought she answered but instead it went straight to her voicemail again. "This is Mia Greco, you know what to do once you hear the beep." 

Sam growled under his breath in frustration. Dean sighed, rocking Axel back and forth. The front door burst open, Sam and Dean spontaneously welcomed the new comer with their shotguns. Mia stood there with two paper bags. Her skin was pasty and there are purple and black circles under her eyes. Her blue eyes with specks of brown were dull and lifeless. They almost look like gray. Instead of her usual leggings and leather, she was wearing an oversized beige shirt and joggers.

"Where have you been, damnnit, we thought you were in danger!" Dean dropped his gun and run his fingers on Axel's brown hair. Mia looked away, proceeding to the kitchen and putting the bags on the table. She dug her hand inside and pulled out a plenty of oranges and peaches, she wordlessly washed it thoroughly then started slicing it. "Well, as you can see, I went grocery shopping since Bobby's fridge is full of beers and whatnots."

"Without being supervised by any of us? Lucifer almost killed you last night and your name is on the third number of the list of the demons' target." Dean whisper-yelled, careful not to wake up the sleeping kid on his arms. 

Sam nodded in agreement, giving Mia a sincere look. He looked exhausted and bags are camping under his eyes. Mia felt sorry for him, there is a bigger picture her and her leaving without notifying them caused him to worry a lot. She smiled sympathetically at him.  "Alright, alright. I understand, you guys are worried and I'm sorry. Now go back to sleep, kids." She joked, giving them a humorous smile. "Come on, please forgive me?" She jutted out her bottom lip and gave them the puppy dog eyes. 

"Alright but this is the last time you're leaving this house without me, Bobby or Sam. Or else you're a dead meat." Dean gave her a pointed look.

Sam smiled at her fondly before gently taking Axel from Dean's arms. "Alright. Axel's bunking with me." With that, he left the room and went back upstairs in his room to go back to sleep.  

Dean moved closer to Mia until she was on his reach. He leaned her head on his abdomen, hugging it close. Mia dropped the peach on her hands and awkwardly stayed still. Dean stroked her hair and that kind of freaked her out, "Umm.. Dean?" 


"Is it just me or is this situation tremendously awkward?" Mia chuckled shortly. Dean tightened his grip on her head, swaying side to side. 

"Why would you think that?" Dean cleared his throat, enjoying the moment.  

Mia laughed, breaking free from his dead grip. "You're practically rubbing my face on your dick, what's with you getting mushy and all?"   Dean sat down on the chair opposite to Mia, stealing a slice of peach on her plate. He looked offended. "What, is there something wrong with me getting sentimental with you after I watch you die and had to give you CPR? No!" 

Mia stared at him wide-eyed. "You gave me a CPR?!" 

Dean rolled his eyes, "It's not that kind of a big deal, I had to save you." 

There was a long pause.  

"Thank you." 

Dean shrugged, "Hmm, what are friends for?" 

They sat there, letting the comfortable silence engulf them until they finish the fruits. Dean itched to ask her if she was okay, what happened when Lucifer touched her but he knew he can't just ask her like that. First of all, he talked to her and flew to different topics, made her laugh - which he hated to admit made his insides tingle - until he dropped the million dollar question.

"When Lucifer touched you, Sammy told me that your neck glowed bright blue and it crawled up to your cheeks and when it rose to your eyes, he said your eyes and mouth was lit up with a white light. What did you see, Mia?" 

Mia diverted her gaze, fiddling with the ring on her finger. Dean's eyes follow her gaze and he instantly looked away, gulping. Mia looked up at him, "To be honest, I really don't know... But if I do and once I figure this out, I will tell you.."

"You sure?" Dean asks.

Mia run her tongue across her upper teeth and without missing a beat, she answered. "Yes."

She asked him, "How was your sleep, Dean?"

Dean showed nonchalance on his actions. "I slept good. I missed my bed. I had a kick-ass dream and it was good. How about you?"

"Oh, I slept.. good too."

They cleaned up the mess they made on the kitchen and Dean asked if she's planning to go back to sleep but she shook her head saying that she'll just watch the television. As Dean reached the top of the stairs, he saw that Mia was still stood on the area he left her with a pained expression. And he understand that they're both liars now.


Guys, I have a question.
Who do you think is suited for the character of Mia? Lily Collins or Barbara Palvin? If you don't know who they are then please google them and  tell me what you think. I'm sorry if this chapter is boring, I have a piled schoolworks to do this week jAYSUS

The picture of Mia on the side/top when Lucifer touched her >:)


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