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Sam and I stayed outside for awhile, trying so hard to ignore the fact that it's the end of the world and any minute Lucifer can attack. He filled me in on him and Dean's past, and the monsters they dealt with. He shared some of him and Dean's embarrassing stories, telling me to keep it between us and not let his brother know because he will have the biggest fit in town. I, on the other hand, told him about college and some nerdy shit. I am ashamed of myself for wasting my life on rebelling and doing unpleasant stuffs through my highschool and college days, not caring if it would hurt my mom and my elder sister and younger brother. I realized how lucky I am to have this kind of life but I took it for granted, Sam never got the chance to meet his mother since she died when he was six months old. But, of course, I didn't say that out loud in fear of him looking at me differently. As the wind gets colder and colder, we decided to walk inside. Sam gave me a small smile, "I'm so pumped to defeat the devil, you're going to do a great job, Mia." 

And I almost tell him that I am not supposed to go. But I cant. I won't. I cant ruin the whole thing. If i'm the one who may help them stop the apocalypse then why am I ordered by some guy from my dream to stay?  

I went straight to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and crouching down to get another beer for myself. I was still not reassured. Maybe mixing different kinds of alcohol will loosen me up? I gathered my favorite beers and wines and poured it on a huge cup, stirring it with a spoon, gagging when i caught a whiff of the blended drink. I shuddered, taking the cup up to my lips and scarf it down. A painful headache immediately occurred on my head. I gripped the counter and took a deep breath before taking my bottle of beer and joining them. Sam and Dean were talking solemnly on Bobby's desk by the distance, probably talking about saving the world stuff. Axel was now awake, giggling non stop on Ellen and Castiel.  

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket, turning it on. Mom has been trying to communicate with me endlessly and I feel guilty for not leaving her a letter. Seven new messages took me by surprise, it was from my fiancé, Zach. 

From: zach 

youre not leaving me right?  

well, u already did, but you're not breaking up with me right?  

did I do something wrong?  

Was it something I did?   

I know youre reading this, I'm sorry for interrupting you on having a good time with your long lost friends from college but I still cant help but feel anxious, why do you have to bring Axel?  

Youre not keeping things from me, right? You cant be  

I trust you, Mia. Talk to me when you can. I love you.  

I sighed shakily. I was so focused on replying text messages that I didn't notice a head leaning on my shoulder and patting my back. I looked down to see Jo, smiling at me. "It's our last night here on Earth, enjoy your remaining hours to live, woman!" 

I laughed, turning off my phone and throwing it to the couch nearby. We clink our bottles and I took a swig on my beer, feeling the cool bittersweet taste slide down my throat. Jo smirked, "That's my girl." 

I made a face. "You know, sometimes you make me want to question if you're a girl or-"

She slapped my arm, laughing. "Oh shut up."  

x   x   x 

third person 

Dean looked past Sam, his eyes aimed at the two girls by the kitchen, leaning on the counter top as they laugh and clutch their belly. Sam followed his brother's center of attraction. 

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