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"I am not killing Lucifer."

She rebuffs through her gritted teeth for the hundredth time. She grips the countertop, her knuckles turning whiter and whiter. Gabriel eyes her intently, any minute now, she could tighten her grip and break his furniture.

Michael continues to be persistent, refusing to give up. "Haniel, listen to me closely. Your power and strength is approximately even with Lucifer's, aside from me. He was and still is attached with you and you could use that against him."

"I SAID NO." Haniel growled, her chest rising up and down rapidly. Her hair shadowing her face and hides her snarl. She looks up at them, eyes burning with anger, glowing blue and radioactive. "I am not one of your follower, not one of your soldiers. Not anymore for a long time. Leave it all to Daddy who was never ever there to begin with. It's all his fault the world is full of catastrophes—You know what, I'm done. All of you can go fuck yourselves."

Then she's gone.

Gabriel sighed, casting a deadly glare at Michael. "You could've at least take it down a notch with the attitude. God, you're still so pushy. Now, how are we gonna find her."

Michael scratches the back of his head with a grimace, "I was that bad, huh?" He lets out an exhale. "Let us just.. wait for her to return. She'll come back later."

"And what if she don't?"

Michael says firmly, "Then we chase."

x x x

The girl looks sharply at the man in front of her. Her mouth opening to speak, "Where. Is. He."

The man's pupils turned pitch black and two men walked up on either side of him, crossing their arms across their chest. The one on the left snarled, "What do you want with him?"

"WHERE," She shut her eyes tightly, her anger starting to rise.

"IS," Her voice trembled not with fear but with fury.

"HE!" She yells, and the ground beneath them rumbled.

The three demons eyes the ground frantically and takes a step back from the girl who now has her face scrunched up in anger with the familiar glowing eyes and the low ring.

The demon on the right makes an attempt to pin her to the wall through telekinesis and oh how he doesn't know that he's only making it much, much worse for them.

The low ring soon turned a loud ring that made their ears bled. The girl, who they didn't know was Haniel, raises her hand mid-air and curls her fingers, crumpling the insides of the demon's vessel and soon burning him to death.

The remaining demons watch apprehensively and quivered.

Such wimps what my brother chose, She thought to herself.

She cracks her neck with an audible, sickening sound and glares at the two. "I command you to take me to my brother, Lucifer." She smiles innocently, "And if you don't, you die."

~ - ~ - ~ - ~

yes i updated!!!!

i know this chapter is lame but i'm trying okay. i had a terrible writer's block and i haven't had the chance to write again for 5 months due to stress, and the sudden move of house and school.

i promise it'll be better next time, i'll do my best.

okay so im planning on editing some of the chapters and change the cast.

thank u for reading and bearing with me, love u all x

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