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Mia smiled down at him, tucking her hair on the back of her ear whilst leaning down and putting her finger on Dean's forehead.

Dean felt the pain vanish but nothing could ever compete with the confusion and sadness he's feeling right now. Sam is nowhere to be seen and he knows Lucifer took over judging from the way his eyes went hard and steely when Mia commanded him to leave. It's strange to see him obeying willingly. He knows it would take time before Sam could hold him down again and boy, it will be hard.

It took him a few seconds before he realize his wounds were healed.

But how? Dean thought.

He stood up, his mouth struggling to stop the eruption of questions to slip his mouth. He examined her eyes closely, how they seemed to be brighter than usual and though she has a smile on her lips, she seemed to lack emotion as of the moment. Her chin was a bit lifted up, too high to his liking and higher than usual. Her porcelain skin looked so soft and flawless, he was pressured to lean forward and caress them.

"How did you get out?"

"First, I took advantage of the cosmetics and gowns Death supplied. Then, I destroyed the fetters they provided, walked through the wall and teleported myself to Crowley's location and here I am." Mia replied, unfazed.

Her calmness triggered Dean's anger. He expected a lot of screaming, swearing, questions, violence but none of them made an appearance. She just stood there with a calm expression, the corner of her lips tugged upwards slightly. He wanted her to go ape and smash every single window in his Impala. He wanted her to punch him just like what Lucifer did. He wanted her to scream her lungs out until her throat is raw. He wanted her to curse him to oblivion and spit colorful swears. He wanted her to do something but she didn't. He yelled frantically, "Sammy.. Where's Sammy? Why did you do that? Why did you stop him?! It was our only chance and you sabotaged it! I – You! Fuck–"

"Sammy's currently unavailable." Mia said sadly. "I am truly sorry, Dean. You and I both know for a second before Sam tried to jump in that cage, you wished someone would come and stop him. I don't want Sam to suffer down that pit and I certainly don't want you to suffer. You're hurting, Dean. You were drowning with no one there to save you so I came."

"Did you really think this would make everything better? Sam is trapped inside his own body with Lucifer taking over. He––"

"You should be grateful I saved your brother's life." Mia snapped, her sad gaze went cold and she took a step forward. "I trusted the both of you and then I woke up in the middle of the night, with my ankles burning from the friction of the chains clasped on them and my mind occupied with worries about you, Sam, Bobby, Cas and my son. Then, I found out from Tessa that you gave me to Death without my permission. So, no, you don't get to whine about not getting what you want."

Dean avoided her skin-crawling gaze. Truth be told, he felt miserable and intimidated. Her eyes darkened. An image flickered in his mind and his blood run cold. "Are you... Haniel?"

Mia grinned proudly, she nod her head at her body. "In the flesh."


"I don't know, Dean. I need to go. I'll see you soon." She leaned forward and Dean found himself doing the same. Their lips met and molded against each other. Dean almost burst out crying. He doesn't know if he'll see her again. He lost his brother. He lost Castiel and he lost Bobby. Now, he's losing her too. He's alone.

As if Mia noticed and heard his mind, she pulled away and smiled. Her arms were encircled around his neck, making him bend down to reach her height, "You're not alone, Dean. As a matter of fact–" she snaps her fingers and Castiel appeared a few feet behind her in a confused expression, "He's still here. And–" she flicks her hand just like what Lucifer did and he noticed their resemblance but didn't dare to speak. Bobby gasped for breath, his eyes blinking rapidly, his eyes wandered all over the place until his eyes fell upon the three of them. "I brought him back."

"Mia.." She was already removing her arms on his neck and he panicked.

She sighed, her eyes locking with his. "My name is not Mia. It's Haniel."

"How is it possible? You were killed in the war years ago."

"That's the main reason why I'm leaving. We're on the same page, Dean. Don't be a stranger and take care of Ax. I'll call as soon as I found out. Goodbye, Dean.."

- not quite happy with this chapter :/

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