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The Real Ghostbusters : The Winchesters received a message from Chuck to go into a hotel in Vermillion, Ohio where a Supernatural fan convention was being held only to find out that it was Becky who sent the message. Becky hated Mia because she was standing too close to Sam. The two girls had to be pulled away from each other before they can rip each other's heads off. Sam and Dean imitator participated to the so-called-ghost hunt. The real Sam and Dean finds out that Mia was already part of Chuck's Supernatural books since he started having visions of her and he went back to writing again. Including her dream where she was asked to stand down and to go as far away as she can. Mia begged Chuck not to tell the Winchester boys. They started researching about the history of the house and find out that there's a real ghost in the hotel whose name is Leticia Gore who killed four children by scalping them. The Winchesters, Mia and the Winchesters wannabes salt and burn Leticia Gore's bones.

Thinking that it was all over, the ghosts of the boys were freed when the truth is they killed Leticia's son and she killed them in revenge. The four children caused desolation to the fan convention. Mia guarded everyone in the auditorium, telling Chuck to start the Q&A to protect them while Sam and Dean deal with the ghost, using the waitress to act the role of Leticia Gore to manage the children's ghosts. Eventually, the children perceived her as a human, attacking Sam and Dean and Mia in the auditorium to kill the people inside but luckily the pair of wannabes salt and burn their bodies just in time before they harm the people. In the midst of leaving the hotel, Becky and Mia reconciled and encouraged her to help the brothers stop Lucifer. Becky then reveals that according to the book, Bela Talbot did not give the Colt to Lilith, but instead gave it to her subordinate, Crowley. 

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picture of mia wearing the dress >>>
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Castiel showed up as soon as the sun started rising and I was making Bacon and Cheese sandwich for Dean, Axel and Bobby and a Caesar salad for Sam. He looked reassured and full of good news. Turns out, he tracked down Crowley. This passed few days, bad news was all we ever receive. We decapitate vampires, Salting and Burning bones, exorcising demons - I am now an expert on exorcising, making unique and unexpected strategies on how to trap demons, thanks to Bobby and Sam. Whenever Sam, Dean and I work a case; Bobby -even the old man is wheel-chaired - he insisted on looking after Axel. Axel was hesitant on staying with Bobby since my dad never appreciated him that much which is upsetting. Axel never felt the presence of a grandfather. I was 23 when I had Axel, for my dad, it was a very young age. He wanted me to take over on his company. He was not too fond on me through my teenage days since I made a lot of mistakes. 

I met Jo and Ellen two weeks ago, they were lovely. Axel was attached easily to Ellen, viewing her as his grandmother. Jo and I became close friends pretty damn quick. We even shared some likes and dislikes, stories from our lives. She told me about her tiny crush on Dean. 

"I like Dean. God, I know that he knows it but he treated me as if I was his sister. Problem is, I don't want him to view me as his sister. I like him and I know he will never like me because of his hunter lifestyle, getting attached is strictly prohibited."She says, groaning right after. 

I laughed softly. "Seriously? Why is that?" 

She raised her brows, sipping on her beer. "Why is that what?"

I rolled my eyes, making small hand gestures. "Y'know, getting attached. Why is it strictly prohibited?"

She looked over her shoulder, staring at Dean who's playing cards with Bobby. Axel shrieked his name, Dean instantaneously gave him his full attention. My baby showed Dean his drawing of us (me, Dean, Sam, Bobby, Ellen, Castiel and Jo). Dean complimented his drawing and putting a few touches on it. I smiled fondly at them. 

"Well, look what happened. Sam lost Jessica because the demons know she was his weakness. Being a hunter is hard since they can use the person you love as a weapon. They will torture them because they know it will hurt you. They will use them as bait to trap you and draw you in." She explains.  

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"The demon, Crowley, is making a deal. They are sealed with a kiss. I followed him, it's not far but it's layered in Enochian warding magic. I can't get in." Castiel looked down, a bit disheartened. 

Dean patted his back, "That's okay. You did great. We'll take it from here." 

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third person 

Mia and Jo wore exposing dresses to lure the guards. Jo wore a Black Halterneck Skater backless dress, stopping right below her rear end. Her blonde hair was curled and styled into a bun, fringes on either side of her face. Mia wore a white dress that stops mid-thigh, her chest exposed through the fabric.

Jo pressed the button on the intercom, receiving a "Yo." from a man. "Hello, our car broke down, w-we need some help." Her voice sounded scared. Castiel warned us about the cameras so I pretended to be cold and horrified.  

"I'll be down in a minute." With that, the sophisticated gates opened and Jo straightened the back of her dress. I saw two demons in suits advance toward us, coy smirks on their lips. "Evening, pretty ladies.. Let's get you guys in here." He nodded his head inside the mansion. 

I smiled at him, tucking the strands of hair that slightly covered half of my face. "We just need to make a call, is all." 

He shook his head, "You don't need to call anyone, baby." He looked over his shoulder to look at his friend. "We're the only help you're gonna need." 

Jo fidgeted, stepping backwards and grabbing my arm. "You know what, maybe we should just wait in our car." When she turned her back, the man gripped her shoulder harshly. 

"We said, get your ass in here."  

Jo get rid of the demon's hand on her shoulder, and in a one swift movement, she stabbed him with a normal blade, kicking the back of his leg. He fell on his knees then Jo jabbed the demon blade on his chest.   

I hurled Ruby's blade on the direction of the guy a few feet away from us, piercing his forehead. His eyes were wide as he fell down on his knees, just like his demon friend.   Sam and Dean went out of their hideouts, looking impressed as they surveyed the dead bodies. Dean approached me with an attractive smile, I smirked proudly.

"That..That was hot!" I laughed shortly, patting his shoulder before turning my back on him and making my way to Jo. Dean followed me, "Nice work, Jo." 

"Thanks." She pulled out a red plier on the bag, waving it infront of us with an excited smile.  

"Shall we?"

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