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"They say it's what you make,

I say it's up to fate.

It's woven in my soul,

I need to let you go."



My eyes fluttered open. I can still hear the pouring rain outside. The room is dimmed with the nightlight provided by the motel in the corner. Every breath I take, cinnamon invades my lungs. The cool air nipped on my skin and I can sense movement beside me.

Once I turn my head on my right side, it took me a lot of time to realize that it's her. Her mandala tattoo stands out in her bare back. Her brown hair is scattered on the pillow, showing off her bow and arrow tattoo on her nape.

I stared at it in awe. This is the first time I examine it very closely and I gotta say that it looks awesome. I'm aware that she's already awake from the way she wriggles her toe out of habit. Memories from last night flooded back in my mind and I can't help but I smile. Not because I finally got into her pants but because for the first time, I made love with the girl I love.

Not literally the first time.

Just... y'know..

I moved closer, pulling her close to my chest so that her back is pressed on my front and held her tightly with my arm. I place my lips on her temple, "Good Morning.."

She's frowning deeply. I barely even recognized her at first until her face went blank and stared ahead. She didn't speak. Her eyes are distant they darted all over the place. It makes me worry.

"Is there something wrong?" I whisper, running my hands on her hair. I am suddenly amused on her hair. They are soft and silky, i remember playing with it last night while we were getting at it, it was so messy.

"This is a mistake, Dean." She snapped. Her voice makes my blood run cold. I frown, looking down at her. I expected to see her angry expression but her face was cold. She continues, "What we did is a mistake. I am betrothed. I have a 4-year-old son that is waiting for me to come home. We should've stopped ourselves from having sex last night. We could've!"

I paused. "Do you love him?"

She hesitated for a moment before rolling her eyes in annoyance. "Of course, I do. Just because we kiss and talk at 3am and cuddle and had sex doesn't change anything."

That's when I finally lost it. My arm slowly went limp and I looked down at her. "So I was just one of your affair, huh? I love you, Mia."

"It was just another one night stand, Dean! We were both sexually aroused last night. We weren't thinking properly. You were an alcohol filled guy while I was a confused betrothed lady. Perfect timing to have sex to make us forget our burdens." She avoids my gaze. She gently pushes me off and sat up, the blanket detaching itself from her naked body. She picks up her clothes and put them on, not caring if I proceed on watching her dress.

Tears started building in my eyes but I blinked them away, refusing to let her see me vulnerable. I bit bitterly, "Wow... That's all it is for you? Was I just your distraction to all of this? An entertainment? You... You fucking bitch."

She recoils. She stares at her reflection in the mirror, tracing the pink and purple hickeys I left from her jaw down to her breasts. "Isn't that what you do best? Hit it and quit it, shag it then bag it? You fuck girls then leave them."

I remained silent. I know that if I open my mouth to talk, a sob might escape and my whole mask will come crashing down.

I watch her frown as her fingers grazed at the hickeys, unreadable expressions flashing on her face. Her eyes laid on the biggest hickey I have her on her neck. I think I even see a ghost of a smile on her lips until she walked to the door.

"Goodbye, Dean." She proclaimed, stepping our of the motel room with no emotion in her face and leaving her suitcase behind.

I heard a car rumble into life outside and drives off loudly. At first, I just stared at the wall ahead of me until the tears started flowing down on my face like waterfalls. I didn't hold it back. I let myself crumble and tears come out of my eyes.

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