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Dean found Mia crouched down on the bed, writing shakily on a piece of paper. Several of them were aligned on the bed, four papers to be exact. Dean guessed that those were letters, goodbye letters and explanations for her family. He never wanted to take her away. The girl is living a perfect and normal life, for fuck's sake, why did it had to be her?

"Mia, what are you doing?! We have to go NOW." Dean exclaimed.

Mia nodded rapidly before going back to her letter and focused on writing the last words in her letter in a very fast motion. Once she finished, she shakily folded the five papers haphazardly then tucked them to the bedsheets, the names of the recipient written in an all caps slanted handwriting.

Her voice were trembling when she pleaded for Dean to kindly carry her baggage that looked like it was going to pop any second. They were only 3 so Dean carried them with ease. Dean stayed close to Mia and he watched her explain to Axel that they have to go, but it didn't seem to be what he expected. Mia was telling Axel that they have to go which means he's coming too. When Dean tried to interject, Mia only shot him a puffy eyed glare.

"I am not leaving without my son. He's coming with me and neither of you can stop me."

Dean didn't argue. He understand that as a mother, she wont just leave her son like that. He kind of expected that she would take her son. Mia quickly put on an oversized jacket on Axel, a UCLA jacket with a surname on the back.

"Let's go."

. . .

Castiel showed up once Sam told him to come, he can feel the presence of the army of demons outside. Apparently, Meg taught that it was great to play games so that it would be more fun so she gave them fifteen minutes to come out or else they would barge in. Sam was total freaked out because there are five minutes left and they don't have much of soldier in their side to beat them. Sam managed to explain it to Castiel in a solid two minutes.

Sam smiled in satisfaction and achievement to Castiel. "We found her, Cas."

"The girl?"

"Yes. She's in her room, Dean's checking up on her." Sam breathed.

"Two minutes left!" Meg yelled from outside, followed by cackles from demons all round the house. "I am so gonna enjoy taking your heads off."

Castiel shook his head in disdain, "They're too many out there, I don't think we can beat them but--"

A flap of wings startled Sam and Castiel, Gabriel stood there with a solemn expression. He didn't look too happy. Sam gave him a questioning look, "What happened to buying us off some time, man?"

Gabriel rolled his eyes, "Oh, don't be ridiculous. If I didn't use my angel mojo, there would be a hundreds of them out there."

"So, what will we do now?" Castiel butted in, looking over at Gabriel and Sam with his eyebrows raised. Gabriel smirked, mockingly patted him on the shoulder.

"That's when you step in the picture, brother."

. . .

"Exorcizamus te, Omnis immundus spiritus, Omnis satanica potestas, Omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, Omnis legio, Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica

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"Exorcizamus te, Omnis immundus spiritus, Omnis satanica potestas, Omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, Omnis legio, Omnis congregatio et secta diabolica." Dean recited, watching the black smoke leave the body.

Sam relentlessly stabbed every demon who made a move on charging towards the house with Castiel  along to drag them back to Hell. He can't seem to shake off the bad vibe he got around Mia's presence. It was very familiar and the way Gabriel kept an eye on his reaction gave him an uneasy feeling. Meg managed to hide from the Winchesters and went inside the house, bringing her remaining back up.

Meg smirked at Mia and her whimpering child. "Well, well, well.. so this is what the Winchesters are protecting, huh? Interesting.." Gabriel revealed himself from the shadows and gave Meg a smile, "Hello, Meg. Nice to finally meet you."

"And who might you be?" Meg cocked her head to the side, her own malicious smirk never leaving her lips.

"Gabriel, your daddy's brother..." Gabriel noticed Meg frowning confusedly. "Aw, Lucy didn't tell you? That's too bad." He cooed.

Meg growled loudly, picking up a chair nearby and hurling it towards Mia and Axel. Gabriel sighed mockingly, flicking a finger in the air, sending the chair flying back to Meg. The chair hits the demon, the furniture crumbling into broken pieces.

Mia started sobbing on her son's shoulder, her heart beginning to pound painfully in fear. She stayed close behind Gabriel, mentally praying God to save them. Lucy... That word seemed familiar to her in a different way. It was as if she have called someone that before. Someone close.

"I don't think my brother's going to be happy if you kill her

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"I don't think my brother's going to be happy if you kill her.. After all, Lucifer and Mia are very good friends. Or maybe, let's just say, more than just good friends. Are you really willing to risk your life just to kill this poor girl?" Gabriel taunted.

"Tell Lucifer I said hi."

- - -

i am really sorry if i didnt update yesterday, i was so tired from school

this is such a boring chapter :( please vote and comment! x

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