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Mary and Mia went to get the beer on the kitchen while the guys waited on the living room. Mia watched her very closely, from the way she bent down to get the beers on the lowest part of the refrigerator to the way she occasionally caress her stomach like it was made of diamond. 

"You're pregnant." Mia confirmed, cutting the deafening silence between the both of them. Mary jumped slightly, her head snapping at her direction with shock scribbled all over her face. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mary diverted her gaze, uncapping the beers and slipping tiny ice cubes into the tiny opening of the bottle.  

"Oh please," Mia rolled her eyes, taking the beer on the counter top and taking a short swig at it. "I've been through all of that. When I was three months pregnant, i used to caress my tummy every minute. The thought of carrying a baby inside you is terrifying and exciting at the same time. Does John know about this?" 

Mary was silent for awhile before she slowly met Mia's gaze. "No. I was planning to tell him tonight but you guys arrived and you know..." 

"Yeah, sorry about that." Mia says, smiling. 

"Was your child a boy or a girl?" Mary asks, trying to hide the curiosity and wonder swirling on her eyes. 

Mia shrugged, "Boy. He's not here.. not literally here. Um.." 

Mary's eyes widened and she yelped. "Oh! I-I'm sorry for asking. It... I'm sorry for .. your loss. I'm really sorry."  Mia decided to play along.

"It's okay.. It's been years...But, our main priority right now is to protect you and John from Anna. She's --" 

"Honey? What's taking so long?" John called out from the living room. Mary shot her a sympathetic look before she took two bottles in her hands and handed me the other two. 

Mia tuned them out, nodding without understanding half of what they're talking about. She distractedly traces the rim of her beer bottle and sometimes takes a swig until there was no more and the payphone rang, John standing up to answer the phone. 

Mia eyed John suspiciously as he made his way to the payphone. She excused herself to go to the bathroom and claimed to be pregnant and had to do her thing for Mary to not suspect her anything.  She pretended to make her way to the bathroom until she was out of eyeshot and scampered her way to the kitchen where John was talking to someone.  

"Look, Mr. Woodson, I'm begging you to reconsider." John pleaded. 

Mia can't hear the person talking at the other line but she caught some snippets along the words of, "You're a great mechanic... exactly rosy."

The voice sounded a bit strange and it made the hairs on her arms stand up. But she pulled herself together and walked nearer to John and remained hidden. 

"E-even just part time. I really need this job." John was desperate now. He begged and pleaded for this Mr. Woodson to give him the job until he declared to see him in ten minutes. 

There was a lot of shuffling before she felt the cool air nip on her skin, the door clicking shut silently. She went to the spot John was stood earlier, a note greeting her with his handwriting before she snatched it and run to the living room.  "We need to go now. Mary, tell us where Mr. Woodson is. John left and I don't think it's really Mr. Woodson." 

When they reach the location of Mr. Woodson's garage, Anna was flinging John over a car. Dean was behind her in a flash with the angel sword. Unfortunately, Anna was quick enough to forcefully drop the angel sword and throw him out of the window. Mary picked up the angel sword and twirled it so she could have a better and strong grip. She advances and swings the blade but Anna ducked. She slashed Anna's hand and a loud ring and white light comes out from the wound. Mary kicked Anna and she staggered backwards, she takes another swing but Anna vanished. 

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