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Dean angrily slams the door shut, making the walls shake in impact, waking Bobby from his slumber. A gun was automatically pointed at Dean, aimed at his forehead with perfection.

"Jesus Christ, Dean, you almost gave me a heart attack." Bobby exclaimed, stashing the gun back to his belt. "What's with the face, princess?"

Dean rolls his eyes, plops down at the armchair before sighing loudly. His face looked awfully pale, and stressed. He clenches his jaw, "It's been 2 weeks and we've got nothing. Castiel's been MIA, Sam's trapped inside his own body, Mia's off to nowhere, Gabriel's furious because of us taking his sister to Death in exchange of the rings and you stink. What I'm saying is, we need help."

Bobby leaned down and sniffed his armpits, he grimaced and replied, "Yeah, you're probably right. But whose help can we get?"

Dean thought hard. His brows furrowed with concentration, his lips pressed into a thin, firm line. Seconds later, his eyes lit up and he slammed his fist on the table. "Death could help us!"

Bobby stared at him with bewilderment. "Not a chance. You failed to do what he asked which is to turn Mia in. He's still tied down to Lucifer. You've got what you wanted, but he didn't."

Dean slouched on his seat, a sigh forming on his throat once again. He rubbed his eyes with weariness, "I guess you're right. We're fucking doomed. The world is going to end."

The sound of wings flapping interrupt their conversation. Their heads whipped to the direction of the unwelcomed guest and almost burst into tears when they saw the cause of their problems standing there and clad into a fancy long sleeved dress. The evidence of sleepless nights they've come to be familiar with gone.

"Mia, Jesus Christ, you're alive." Dean moaned in delight, not quite believing his eyes.

"I could say the same thing for the both of you." She looked the same but her eyes lacked emotion. "I've done my research despite having Death on my ass and Crowley trying to sabotage my way to the hidden truth. Apparently, Sam  – or should I say Lucifer ­– has been missing in action for a few days now but my confederates have settled a few assumptions based on their scrutiny to his followers that something big is about to happen that has happened in history that involves the Winchesters and the Colt. Oh, and he's looking for me too."

Bobby hands her a fresh bottle of beer and she gladly takes it, gulping down the entire content. Dean tilts his head and racks his brain for something useful and is relevant to the topic, "Happen in history that involves the us and the Colt? I don't think... I mean, we haven't even had our fair share of time using the Colt just... Except we did. Ahh, man."

Bobby looks down at him in confusion, "What? What is it?"

"Don't you remember? You, Ellen, Sam and I tried to stop ––– to open the gates of Hell. The night I killed yellow eyes with the last bullet of the Colt. The night Lilith got away from the deepest part of Hell." Dean explained.

"Now it's happening again? But the gates of hell can only be opened by the Colt itself, how could Lucifer do it when the Colt is with us? That doesn't make sense." Bobby shook his head.

Mia clicks her tongue at the roof of her mouth, she plops down on the couch and empties her bottle. "Well, he's my brother, the second archangel to be ever created, the Father of all evil. I'm pretty sure he could unlatch Hell without breaking a sweat since Father cooped him up there for a very long time."

Dean and Bobby stared at her in discomfort. They're not quite used to the fact that she's their enemy's sister and especially with the fact that she could put them into a sleep they could never get away with.

"Anyway, I need a safe harbor for me to stay in a few days. Being on the run with three brothers, daddy reaper and the so-called future 'king of hell' on my ass could get exhausting and very infuriating. Would it be alright?" Mia offered them a soft smile which Bobby mildly returns.

Bobby gave her an adoring look, "You didn't have to ask. You'll always be welcome no matter who you are."

Mia's expression falters for a moment, her strong façade giving up and almost crumbling into an expression of awe. "That's so sweet, Bobby. Thank you." She stands up, "I would like to stay for a chit chat but my senses are telling me the opposite. I'll be sleeping in your room Dean, would that be okay?"

Dean's mouth opens, his eyes blinking rapidly and he clumsily knocks over a few writing instruments. He stuttered, "I-Uhh-Yeah.. S-Sure, why-why not?"

With a nervous chuckle, he chugged down his beer and Bobby gave him a smirk. Mia frowns in his idiocy before making her way upstairs, which was immediately cut short when she turns around so quick her bones cracked in result.

"By the way, where's Axel?"


Hi! This was supposed to be update in Christmas Eve but turns out, wattpad hasn't been cooperating with me throughout the holidays so.. i apologize for the late update. Had a lot of things to go through but everything's alright now. Y'all hmu if ever you need something. And also, school's about to end and there were so many things to do for school and so many things happening in my life and it's a bit hard for me to catch up. I really hope you guys will understand. I'll be updating chapter 40 after this.

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