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"W--What happened?" Sam asks, shocked and relieved at the same time to see his brother back in one piece. Apparently, they went after Death to kill him with a scythe and get the horseman's ring and putting the rings altogether to open Lucifer's cage and put the Devil back.

Dean didn't answer immediately. He seemed to be pondering about something but nonetheless, he gave his brother a forced smile and stated, "I guess Death is up for some agreement."

Castiel followed them like a lost puppy, "I don't understand. You went inside that pizza parlor with a scythe and I am perfectly certain that Death knows what your intentions are. How come he let you go easily?"

Dean shrugged and gave him a smirk that didn't waver their suspicions, "Eh, maybe my charms worked on him? That doesn't matter, let's go."

Castiel and Sam shared a look that meant they don't believe his bullshit. They stepped inside the Impala, the sun slowly setting. Dean handed the ring to Castiel to check if it's the original ring.

"It's Death's ring, alright. I want to know what happened back there, Dean." Castiel boldly asked, his eyes boring holes at the back of his head. No one gets away from Death easily unless you ganked him or you made a deal. The angel waited for Dean's response, his angst rising in a higher level. "Dean.."

The elder Winchester sighed, his stiff shoulders dropping and letting his rigid posture to relax. He glanced at the angel at the backseat through the rearview mirror and looked away, keeping his eyes on the road. He opened his mouth to answer but found himself snapping it shut with an audible clack.

"Lucifer has Death bound to him. Let me tell 'ya, Death doesn't like the idea of it so he willingly gave me his ring with a few conditions––"

"Oh god, that doesn't sound good." Sam chimes in, pinching the bridge of his nose and urged his brother to carry on.

"The conditions would be?"

"Sammy jumps in with Lucifer inside him into the Cage and ..." he paused. "Mia, her human body and soul, to be willingly given to him for some personal purposes and different reasons. He didn't tell me why though, he just told me it's for the greater good."

Sam sharply twisted his body sideways to face his brother he's swore he heard a sick snap of his bones in the process. He stared at Dean with wide eyes suggesting that he's a lunatic for agreeing to such thing.

Castiel's body jerked forward and he gave Dean a life-threatening glare but calmly asked with his teeth gritted, "Did you consented, Dean?"

Dean shrugged like it was nothing but inside, he doesn't know what to do. He's aware that, sooner or later, Mia has a big part on this whole 'save the world' plan but he didn't expect it to be held captive by Death himself to put Lucifer back in his cell. The way Death gave his ring without reluctance but a few condition stopped him. It's Death, for God's sake, how could he refuse? With just one touch, he's dead meat.


Dean slammed on the brakes, the tires of the Impala screeching and creating black marks on the road. The car swerved all over the road until it stopped on the curb. There was a car infront that all of a sudden blocked their way and nearly led them into a car accident.

Castiel and Sam followed an infuriated Dean out of the car and to the expensive looking car. A lady wearing a black bra top and a black skirt strutted out of the car and walked over to the trio with a solemn expression. They can't see her face clearly so Dean started shouting at her like he was going mad. He yelled at her about almost getting his baby hurt and getting all of them killed. The unknown lady stayed quiet, watching Dean lose his shit.

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