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  The electricity deactivated, not even surprising Crowley a little. The corner of his lips twitched upwards, casually walking out of the room with his hands tucked inside his pocket.
"It's Crowley, right?"
Sam has Ruby's knife carefully clutched by his hand. Dean holds a shotgun at Crowley's direction.
"So, the hardy boys finally found me. Took you long enough. Even brought their unearthly friend." Crowley says. He sees the rug slightly wrinkled, he bent down and looked underneath where a Devil's Trap was drawn.
"Do you have any idea how much this rug cost?" As Crowley finished speaking, Mia - who was stood at the furthest back of the room - gasped, her hands twisted on her back painfully. Sam and Dean didn't have a chance to react when two demons disarmed them and pinned their arms on their back.
Crowley pulled out the glorious gun from his coat, examining it closely. He smirked, "This is it, right? This is what it's all about."
  He raised the gun and Mia clamped her eyes shut, praying silently for anyone to save them or keep it from happening. Three gunshots boomed, Mia waited for the pain to come but there was none. That's when she felt the blood in her upper arm flow freely in her veins. When it sunk in that she was free, she ran towards Sam and Dean's back, the brothers standing protectively infront of her. They stare at the demon in shock.
  "We need to talk... privately"
  x   x   x
Crowley guided the three into a room. Dean asked in bafflement, "What the hell is this?"
"Do you know how deep I could have buried this thing?" He moved his hand and the door closed. "There's no reason you or anyone should know this even exists, except that I told you."
"You told us."
"Rumors, innuendo, sent out on the grapevine."
Sam tilted his head to the side, "Why? Why tell us anything?" Crowley holds the gun up again and aimed at Mia who clamp her jaw tightly.
"I want you to take this thing to Lucifer and empty it into his face."
Mia made an ugly face of confusion. Dean voiced out her thoughts, "Uh-huh, okay, and why exactly would you want the devil dead?"
Crowley sets down the gun. "It's called Survival. Well, I forgot you two are best are functioning morons- except for you, sweetheart."
  Dean defends, "You're functioning...morons... mor--" He gave up, looking down at the floor like a child, upset of not receiving a lollipop.
  "Lucifer isn't a demon, remember? He's an angel. An angel famous for his hatred of humankind. To him, you're just filthy bags of pus. If that's the way he feels about you, what can he think about us?" Crowley stared directly at Mia as he speak, making her uncomfortable.
"But he created you." Sam affirmed.
  "To him, we're just servants. Cannon fodder. If Lucifer manages to exterminate humankind, we're next. So, help me, huh? Let's all go back to simpler, better times, back to when we could all follow our natures. I'm in sales, dammit! So what do you say if I give you this thing, and you go kill the devil?" Crowley handed over the Colt.
  Sam tentatively reaches out and takes the gun. Crowley gives them Lucifer's location, Sam attempts to use the gun to Crowley but was surprised when nothing happened. No one reacted for a minute before Mia found herself laughing, her laugh sounding a bit tensed and nervous. Crowley then goes to his desk and look for the bullets.
  "Oh, uh, excuse me for asking, but aren't you kind of signing your own death warrant? I mean, what happens to you if we go up against the devil and lose?" Dean asks.
  "Number one, he's going to wipe us all out anyway. Two, after you leave here, I go on an extended vacation to all points nowhere. And three, how about you don't miss, okay! Morons!" Crowley yelled, throwing something to Dean.
  And with that, he vanished into thin air.
  "Well, boys. Let's get this party started." Mia breathed, patting their asses.
  x   x   x
  I stared at Ellen and Castiel amusingly, a toothy grin creeping unto my lips. Ellen tipped her head back, gulping down a glass of beer.
  "Alright, big boy."
  Castiel let out a surprised sound before taking the glass and drinking it. My jaw dropped slightly as he empty each glass, 5 glasses to be exact and innocently look around. Ellen, Jo and I stared at him with the same expressions.
  "I think I'm starting to feel something."
  I excused myself to check Axel, he was passed out on a room upstairs, we painted it with demon warding sigils just to be safe. I took my beer with me, the floorboards creaking on every step.
  He was looking outside the window.
  I frowned, turning on the lights, he yelped. When he realized it was me, he ran towards me and hugged my legs. I crouch down, "What happened? What is it? Why are not in bed?"
  His blue eyes were bluer than usual. "There was a man, Mommy. He told me to tell you to prepare yourself because there's something big going to happen. And he - he told me to stop you on going with Ellie, Joe, Deanny and Sammy.. He also told me he warned you before. What's going on?"

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