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"... we must fix her, Lucinda. Did you recite the incantation well?"  A powerful voice commanded. I struggled to open my eyes, my small and useless arms moving slightly and uncontrollably. I listened to the unknown voices. 

"I don't understand why the spell didn't work, Michael. I recited the incantation very well. It is the most powerful magic on this world to revitalize anyone. Are you sure you took the accurate measurements and ingredients for this–– oh my!" A woman laid her eyes on me as I blinked my eyes. My eyesight is blurry but surprisingly, I can identify her features.

The man with his back on me turned around hastily with a hopeful expression. When he sees me, a wide grin settles on his lips and his eyes almost clogged with tears that he tried so hard to blink away. "It worked! I can't believe it worked. Your good deed will bring my Father joy. I shall send him a message to give you a reward. Wha––"

The woman gave him a smile, "Michael, you don't need to tell God to offer me a reward. I did this not because I want to have something in return, but because I know how much you love her. Do you guarantee to look after her as she undergo the human development?"

The man nodded his gratefully, his features screams power and authority. "I assure you, Lucinda, I won't let her out of my sight. You have such an honorable heart to help an archangel without something in return. Are you positive that you don't need anything?"

She shakes her head, "Yes, I am positive. Now, take her and I wish you the best of luck. You keep a close eye on her, alright, Michael? Remember the advantages and disadvantages. Keep her away from Lucifer if you want her to live a normal life."

"By all means." The man bows his head in respect before scooping me up and cradling me to his chest as if I'm a delicate ant. He smiles at me, "Mia Greco. May 10, 1983. Chicago, Illinois."

"That's a pretty name. I must go now. I have some assemblies to attend to. I'll see you next time, Michael. You keep fighting, boy." The woman bids her goodbye and leaves the warehouse.

The man carried me out of the warehouse and showed me the farmland. He points at the landscape and allowed me to wrap my tiny fingers around his thumb. My visions became blurry each time I blink, I started crying. He shushed me gently, rocking me back and forth, he whispered. "Don't worry, my love. I will guide you through your path and look after you. I am here. I am not leaving you. I am hear. Do not cry. He is not here anymore. I won't let him get to you, alright? I will protect you from him. Don't worry, shh shh shh...."

I sat up with a gasp. The image of the warehouse from Chicago, Illinois is carved in my mind. The surroundings were clear and I bet it's at the other side of town. The vision bothered me a lot and I suddenly had the urge to go to Chicago. Beside me, Zach stirred in his sleep, slowly erasing any trace of his deep slumber.

Zach sat up and placed a hand on my waist, "Nightmares again?"

I am instantly overcome with nostalgia for when Dean wakes up in the middle of the night when I'm drenched with cold sweat and panting like a dog inside the bathroom. I shake the feeling away, I gave him a convincing smile. "Yeah. Let's go back to sleep, eh?"

Zach nods his head and gave me a kiss on the forehead that once gave me jitters but now was replaced with nothingness. I forced out a smile and kissed him full on the lips to feel my veins pulsate in adoration.

It didn't.

Zach laid back on the bed and went back to sleep. I, on the other hand, laid on the bed whilst staring up at the ceiling, organizing my plan to go to that warehouse.

I need help. I can't just show up there all by myself. I need assistance for the danger lurking in the corners. I don't know why I feel like I must visit the place and inspect the place. What am I going to achieve if I were to do so?

I don't know..


But I need to make a move now.

Then, two certain goofs flashed at the back of my mind.

The people who could help me. The people who I am dying to see for a couple of days now.

Sam and Dean Winchester.

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