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"Well, what am I supposed to say?! 'Oh why hello there, I am Dean Winchester and this is my brother Sam. We're hunters, and you can help us stop the apocalypse, leave your son and we'll bring you back and every thing will be back to normal once it's over' Is that what you want me to say?!" I yelled on the phone.

Gabriel scoffed, "Yes."

I frustratingly pulled on my hair, "You're going to have to help me, Gabriel. She has a child. What if she doesn't come with us?"

From the other line, Gabriel mumbles. "So she has a child huh? This couldn't be." He snapped, "There's a huge difference between knowing and seeing. Maybe it's just her niece or maybe a cousin. She'll come with you, can you be optimistic just for one second?!"

I hung up.

I put on my jacket and told Sam I'll be paying the girl a visit, making sure to bring my FBI badge and other IDs just in case.

I was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't notice I was already parked outside her house. I took a deep breath before stepping out and walking up to her porch. It took me a lot of courage to knock on the door. I don't know why I feel nervous and edgy.

The door opened and it revealed her.

She beamed, "Hi, can I help you?"

I fumbled with my FBI badge and showed it to her, "Special Agent Hudson, I'm here to ask you some questions."

She frowned softly. "Is there something wrong? Am i in trouble?"

"No ma'am. Assigned to do the neighborhood watch, get information."

She stepped aside, smiling softly at me. I nodded at her before walking inside, roaming my eyes all over the place. She led me to the living room where toy cars and toy guns were scattered on the carpeted floor.

"I'm sorry if it's messy, I'm Mia Greco." She introduced.

"Right. These your child's?" I asked.

"Yeah. His name is Axel, 4 years old." She smiled fondly.

I asked her questions, making sure that I'm jotting it down on my notepad. The more that we get to talk, the more I get to know her. She said that her fiance had finally asked for her to marry him 5 months ago, the upcoming wedding is scheduled next year and they're both starting to arrange it.  Something tells me that she's just a normal human who has a pretty good life ahead and bringing her with us to stop the apocalypse was a bad idea. I can't imagine her son's life would be if we take his mom. Not knowing if she was still alive or dead.

"I'll go ahead. Thank you for your time, Missus Greco." I shook her hand and gulped.

She yelped, "Oh, why don't you stay for awhile. I baked Blueberry Cheesecake, would you like some?"

 I baked Blueberry Cheesecake, would you like some?"

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My mouth watered and I hesitantly nodded. Staying for pies won't hurt anybody, right?

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