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"Sammy, wake up, honey." Mia chirped, pulling the blanket Sam is tangled in with all her might then put the curtains aside. It was cold outside and it was predicted for the day to have thunderstorms. Sam mumbled incoherently, making huge hand gestures. Mia shook her head and placed her hands on her waist, "Sam Winchester, what time did you sleep last night?" 

Sam's eyes slowly fluttered open, "I don't know. Early." He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, "Why are you here anyway? It's so early in the morning, jesus." 

"We've got an empty refrigerator. If I were to save the world with you snots then I should have a full stomach, aye?" Mia joked, grinning widely. She glared at the humongous boy going back to his slumber, "Get up! You're coming with me. Get dressed and we'll leave at 10." 

"I didn't even sign up for this! Go take Dean since both of you have a tighter bond." Sam whined, jerking his legs up and down resembling a kid having a hissy fit.  "Honey, Dean and I have a tighter bond at disagreeing things. He's basically the person who likes to go against everything I do. You and I are going to be normal people at this very normal town and we're going to have a normal day. Put on your gown and let's go." Mia laughed, walking out of the room. 

Sam groaned, sitting up and going straight to the bathroom to take a quick bath. He scrubbed every inch of his body and used the shampoo and conditioner Mia gave him. It was a strawberry flavoured shampoo and he admit that he likes it. It made his hair softer and fluffier.  

When Sam went downstairs, he saw Dean grumpily feeding Axel baby food. The kid was whining and looked like he was about to cry, jumping up and down on his mother's lap. He kept screaming that he's not a baby while Dean gently shoves the spoon on his mouth to shut him up. Mia and Dean looked so stressed. 

"Oh, what happened?" Sam snatched a sandwich from the plate on the table, standing infront of Mia and Dean.  

Dean sighed, "I don't know, I- Axel is having this weird mood swings and he kept on sneezing this morning. Is he having a flu or something?" 

As if on cue, Axel sneezed on the towel Mia is holding. He blew his nose audibly and rubbed his eye tiredly. A muffled thunder crackled from the distance and Mia gently stood up and handed her son to Dean. "Take care of him while we're gone. We'll be back as soon as possible. Don't feed him peanuts, he's allergic to that." Mia took the keys of the Impala on the table. 

"I'll buy you some pie?" Mia gave Dean a quick glance while putting on her third layer of jacket. Dean looked up at her in awe, nodding. Sam watched the pair with a small smile that he can't hide from the older Winchester. 

Mia grabbed her handbag on the couch, stepping outside with Sam following suit. They neared the glorious Impala, arguing on whoever will drive. Sam insisted he takes the wheel while Mia insisted she can do it. Sam eventually let her with a pout, telling her that he gets to pick the radio station. Turns out, they both have the same taste in music. They talked like old friends and acted like siblings and Mia liked it.  They arrived at the supermarket nearby, Sam quickly squealing as he make his way at the carts, taking one and pushing it around. Mia shot him a funny look before pulling out her list and losing her shit in locating the flour station. 

Sam stared at the list on his hand, tediously pushing the cart and occasionally putting his feet on the leg of the shopping cart with a small squeal. "Why do we need to buy flour anyway? It's not like any of us can bake." 

"I can bake. I am an experienced and professional baker so you can shut your cakehole, Sam, it's not needed." She grunted, sitting down on the floor and parting away the new arrived flour and trying to reach the end of the rack to get the oldest flour.  She cussed loudly, almost lying on the floor as she thrust her hand deeper. People started looking and giving them dirty looks. Sam blushed in embarrassment, bowing down to hide his face on the people passing by. Mia laughed manically which sounds like a witch accomplishing her revenge, "I almost got it!!" 

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